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The Mass Effect 3/BioWare Thread


Jul 9, 2011
Bioware has made it absolutely clear...you are to forget Shepard, move along, nothing to see here. And for sure this decision to end Shepard was Bioware´s and theirs alone. I suspect EA were against killing off Shepard. Would Apple kill off the i-phone while there is still huge demand for it? Or howabout heinz stops making baked beans. Its an insane proposition. So there must have been really strong reasons to kill Shepard arc off and i reckon it was the development would be chaotic going forward dealing with everyones LI or whatever.
Nah, it just means that in the next space tavern we'll meet a stranger named Bommander Bhepard.

Don't worry in the Citadel DLC they established that Shepard was cloned, so they'll just bring another Shep-clone back. BUT, BUT... This one will be controlled by the Leviathans. Yes. The Leviathans was in his mind so, they will upload all the memories of Shepard up to the point when he met them. So the Shepard clone will think that he is the real Shepard and that he does good, but he will also be indoctrinated. So Shep-clone 2.0 will be the main antagonist in ME4. I know it! :dance:


Aug 1, 2013
Bioware has made it absolutely clear...you are to forget Shepard, move along, nothing to see here. And for sure this decision to end Shepard was Bioware´s and theirs alone. I suspect EA were against killing off Shepard. Would Apple kill off the i-phone while there is still huge demand for it? Or howabout heinz stops making baked beans. Its an insane proposition. So there must have been really strong reasons to kill Shepard arc off and i reckon it was the development would be chaotic going forward dealing with everyones LI or whatever.
Nah, it just means that in the next space tavern we'll meet a stranger named Bommander Bhepard.

Don't worry in the Citadel DLC they established that Shepard was cloned, so they'll just bring another Shep-clone back. BUT, BUT... This one will be controlled by the Leviathans. Yes. The Leviathans was in his mind so, they will upload all the memories of Shepard up to the point when he met them. So the Shepard clone will think that he is the real Shepard and that he does good, but he will also be indoctrinated. So Shep-clone 2.0 will be the main antagonist in ME4. I know it! :dance:
That sounds... depressingly like what Bioware will do. Or they find another Shepard clone and recruit them to lead yet another team to protect the galaxy.

But to be fair: I loved the story of Citadel. There was actual suspense, and a mystery, and something interesting going on! It was like I was playing Mass Effect 1 all over again, but with better gameplay!


collides like two planets pulled by gravity
Feb 23, 2006
Not Here
Dead State Divinity: Original Sin
But to be fair: I loved the story of Citadel. There was actual suspense, and a mystery, and something interesting going on! It was like I was playing Mass Effect 1 all over again, but with better gameplay!

2014 - a year of hoep.


Jan 15, 2014
Actually, this Indoctrination Theory Documentary video makes more sense and is made better than the ME3 extended cut DLC.
The bar isnt set very high. They took an uncompromising pure faggotry posture. Mass effect 4 will have to settle things once and for all tho.

IT was their obvious intent, too many things done deliberately to be lazy design, if it was they wouldnt even exist in the game to begin with.

The whole last level/s from Priority earth til the end is terribly lazy, all of it. But not sure that proves they intended to go with the IT ending.


Jan 15, 2014
Sued over not providing the expected story =DDDDDD.

"Your honor, at this point the plaintiff moves to submit People’s exhibit A into evidence.”

"You may proceed."


To be fair killing of Kal'Reegar in the e-mail section when they made such fuss about him dying or suriving in ME2, was kinda shitty.
But turning EDI into sex-bot was also kinda shitty.
And adding Javik as a DLC so he didn't have any impact on the story was shitty too.
Hmmm... I'm begining to see a pattern here.

Ya that really pissed me off, and it comes right near the end of the game i think just before cerberus HQ, as if things are not depressing enough by that point.


Jan 15, 2014
But to be fair: I loved the story of Citadel. There was actual suspense, and a mystery, and something interesting going on! It was like I was playing Mass Effect 1 all over again, but with better gameplay![/quote]

Really? I thought Citadel was ok, but the party stuff and even the super shallow meets in the silversun strip or whatever it was called were boring. At the party it felt really sad, reminded me of that comedy with the guy who throws parties with a bunch of cardboard cutout guests. It felt silly.

Also i think the gag a minute was over the top. It started feeling like Bioware was not just taking the piss out of the series and itself, but indirectly the player too.


Self-loathing fascist drunken misogynist asshole
May 7, 2013
The Netherlands
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
I can't believe you guys actually played the citadel dlc. Let alone leave the game installed long enough to even consider playing it.


Jan 15, 2014
I can't believe you guys actually played the citadel dlc. Let alone leave the game installed long enough to even consider playing it.

Well i bought Citadel dlc but wish i had not bothered now. But yes it was pretty trash on the whole. Felt really franchisey and slapstick.


I'm a spicy fellow.
Oct 28, 2010
Your wallet.
Codex 2013 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
I can't believe you guys actually played the citadel dlc. Let alone leave the game installed long enough to even consider playing it.

Same here. This DLC and Leviathan should have been part of the game. I bought both ME1 and ME2 DLCs, but after completing the story of ME3, it pretty much felt there was no point at all to play some expansions.


Jan 15, 2014
Also i think the gag a minute was over the top. It started feeling like Bioware was not just taking the piss out of the series and itself, but indirectly the player too.
Yawn. Bioware cannot into (intentional) humour.

That's common knowledge since at least MDK2.

I think that´s a little harsh. In fact i think Bioware are better at dialogue than actual stories. I think their dialogue is best of class in the game industry. And there were some amusing gags during the core part of the ME series. For instance Conrad was pretty funny, and some of Shepard´s one liners were pretty good. Maybe saying Bioware´s dialogue is better than most is not much of a bar to jump, but its one of the few games with alot of dialogue which i was not always space barring through like crazy. For instance i find Bethesda dialogue totally boring and banal.

I can't believe you guys actually played the citadel dlc. Let alone leave the game installed long enough to even consider playing it.

Same here. This DLC and Leviathan should have been part of the game. I bought both ME1 and ME2 DLCs, but after completing the story of ME3, it pretty much felt there was no point at all to play some expansions.

Was Leviathan any good?

I was interested if anyone else like me, has always played as the standard off the shelf Shepard character? I just never felt it was the type of game to create a new character because IMO Shepard was one the best things in the whole series. I know some folks say they loved the Universe not Shepard so they aren´t upset he´s not coming back. I can say honestly one of the main things i hate about this game is the sort of forced retirement of Shepard. I liked the guy´s voice, it fit his features, i liked his sort of sarcasm at times, depending on dialogue choices. I thought he was really a well rounded creation and felt legit to me.
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Apr 1, 2013
Also i think the gag a minute was over the top. It started feeling like Bioware was not just taking the piss out of the series and itself, but indirectly the player too.
Yawn. Bioware cannot into (intentional) humour.

That's common knowledge since at least MDK2.

I think that´s a little harsh. In fact i think Bioware are better at dialogue than actual stories. I think their dialogue is best of class in the game industry. And there were some amusing gags during the core part of the ME series. For instance Conrad was pretty funny, and some of Shepard´s one liners were pretty good. Maybe saying Bioware´s dialogue is better than most is not much of a bar to jump, but its one of the few games with alot of dialogue which i was not always space barring through like crazy. For instance i find Bethesda dialogue totally boring and banal.

Bethesda dialogue is often soulless and banal but at least its purpose is usually just to convey information which is why it is mostly neutral and uninteresting whereas Bioware dialogue is almost always immature and quite often cringe-inducing. The characters speak and act like high schoolers or even younger and it is especially annoying that despite your wishes your own character will also be guilty of this. Mass Effect dialogue actually might just be the worst I've seen from Bioware. I would consider neither Bethesda nor Bioware to be anywhere near "best of class" when it comes to dialogue (or anything really.)

Compare KOTOR 1 and 2 to each other and you'll see the difference between Bioware's dialogue and dialogue that is at least somewhat competent. Obsidian is probably near the top in the game industry though they are pretty obviously no masters either in the wider world.


Aug 1, 2013
Was Leviathan any good?

I was interested if anyone else like me, has always played as the standard off the shelf Shepard character? I just never felt it was the type of game to create a new character because IMO Shepard was one the best things in the whole series. I know some folks say they loved the Universe not Shepard so they aren´t upset he´s not coming back. I can say honestly one of the main things i hate about this game is the sort of forced retirement of Shepard. I liked the guy´s voice, it fit his features, i liked his sort of sarcasm at times, depending on dialogue choices. I thought he was really a well rounded creation and felt legit to me.
Leviathan had some interesting ideas and some unsettling stuff here and there, plus I promise that I do not lie when I say the scene with the DLC's climax has the most atmosphere out of the entire series, and the part leading directly up to it was, while very short, quite interesting.

Jedi Exile

Oct 10, 2010
Project: Eternity Shadorwun: Hong Kong
Mass Effect dialogue actually might just be the worst I've seen from Bioware. I would consider neither Bethesda nor Bioware to be anywhere near "best of class" when it comes to dialogue (or anything really.)

Dragon Age is much worse. Believe me - I've talked to Alistair and found the spider queen or whatever is she called.

Compare KOTOR 1 and 2 to each other and you'll see the difference between Bioware's dialogue and dialogue that is at least somewhat competent. Obsidian is probably near the top in the game industry though they are pretty obviously no masters either in the wider world.

True. And KOTOR is one of the better Bio's games. I wonder why - it seems unlikely that Bio cannot hire decent writers, they have a lot of money and I think many talented people would gladly work for them. Probably they just don't want to bother, because their audience isn't really interested in good story/dialogue.


Self-loathing fascist drunken misogynist asshole
May 7, 2013
The Netherlands
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Also i think the gag a minute was over the top. It started feeling like Bioware was not just taking the piss out of the series and itself, but indirectly the player too.
Yawn. Bioware cannot into (intentional) humour.

That's common knowledge since at least MDK2.

I think that´s a little harsh. In fact i think Bioware are better at dialogue than actual stories. I think their dialogue is best of class in the game industry. And there were some amusing gags during the core part of the ME series. For instance Conrad was pretty funny, and some of Shepard´s one liners were pretty good. Maybe saying Bioware´s dialogue is better than most is not much of a bar to jump, but its one of the few games with alot of dialogue which i was not always space barring through like crazy. For instance i find Bethesda dialogue totally boring and banal.

I can't believe you guys actually played the citadel dlc. Let alone leave the game installed long enough to even consider playing it.

Same here. This DLC and Leviathan should have been part of the game. I bought both ME1 and ME2 DLCs, but after completing the story of ME3, it pretty much felt there was no point at all to play some expansions.

Was Leviathan any good?

I was interested if anyone else like me, has always played as the standard off the shelf Shepard character? I just never felt it was the type of game to create a new character because IMO Shepard was one the best things in the whole series. I know some folks say they loved the Universe not Shepard so they aren´t upset he´s not coming back. I can say honestly one of the main things i hate about this game is the sort of forced retirement of Shepard. I liked the guy´s voice, it fit his features, i liked his sort of sarcasm at times, depending on dialogue choices. I thought he was really a well rounded creation and felt legit to me.

Allow me to spare you the experience:

Hur dur citadel reaper stuff derp water planet herpaderp underwater mjolnir sequence durkadurka giant cuttlefish made the reapers derkaderkaderka bioware is retarded news at eleven bakkalakadakkamuhammedjihad


Feb 23, 2011
Shepard is full retard in Leviathan. He/she/it doesn't realize a whole base is indoctrinated until told by EDI.

"What's going on here?" "These people are acting really odd."

No shit Shepard!


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Shepard is pretty much always fooled by any form of mind control until it's spelled out for him.


Jan 21, 2008
Codex 2014 PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Divinity: Original Sin Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Divinity: Original Sin 2
Off the top of my head: Zhu's Hope, both Saren and that asari chick, several times in Saren's base, the collectors (depending on your definition), the derelict reaper (although they're all dead), the Arrival DLC, and a few people in ME3 (although not as many as you might expect, all things considered).

So yeah, several times each game.


Dec 31, 2011
Haliask, North Ambria
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here Strap Yourselves In
Mind control/indoctrination in ME is mostly used as a plot linearizer/choice nullifier, mook generator and license to kill(ex. Udina and TIM).

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