Ok good to know, tbh in M&M III - V I was using the pregenerated party but I figured that in the harder earlier games this might not be advised

Didn't know that there are only 6 classes tho. Time for some dice rolling then.
Use the pregenerated party in MM1. Unlike in the sequels you'll have an hard time rolling a better one.
Oh? Is the pregen party useful tho? And does it make sense to import it to M&M 2 then?
I used the pregenerated party myself and they are really good characters, specially if you are new to the game.
Right now If I did a new playthrough I'll probably generate a party myself. If you go with the generating party approach, I recommend giving them stats above 15 when possible, having a different class and race (those change attributes and resistances) for each character, and most importantly, make sure your Sorcerer has the highest speed of the party while your cleric has the lowest. The pregenerated party went something like this during combat: Sorcerer, Archer, Robber, Fighter, Cleric, Paladin and as you can notice, sorcerer and archer (attack spells) are first, and Cleric and Paladin (healing and defense spells) are last. That approach helps a lot. Alignment is not that important, but to turn undead you need to maintain your initial alignment on your clerics/Paladins. Gender on the other hand is an important part of the game at some point, but I think it's fun to have a mixed gender party
Regarding M&M2, I just finished reading the manual and I got a few questions about it.
I noticed that there is a "control" option that seems to control the difficulty of the game. What difficulty is recommended? is the hardest one too hard? (I tend to select hardest difficulty but I don't want the game to get on my nerves either).
Also I'm a bit confuse about auto-mapping. Is cartography really worth it as a skill? I notice there are spells that do the same. Do these spells need to be active so that squares are marked as stepped on? I'm going to do maps anyway, but having the map with showing me which places I have already visited would probably be helpful in some places.
I noticed 2 new classes, Ninja and Barbarian. Do any hireling use those classes? I really would like to have those, but unless I create specific characters I won't be using them if using my party from M&M1.
Finally I was wondering if I should use both the pregenerated party and the M&M1 party. Would it cause problems with quests If I alternate them or if I mix them?