In my opinion the word "tedious" is no better for anything than M&M 6-8. Especially 6. It is a torment to survive the pointless hordes of monsters in this game. Moreover, this engine, in my opinion, is not an "upgrade". It is a heresy. It is played like a crippled shooter, not cRPG.
Nobody thought Mandate of Heaven was an upgrade when they released it.
I was the first to hate them for "betraying" their legacy but they were right to do it, that's where the money was and we probably wouldn't have 7 & 8 if they stuck to their previous engine.
I don't think 6's engine is an upgrade, the UI is a massive upgrade though.
The real masterpiece is probably a mix of III, IV, V, VI, VI and VIII, possibly with some bonus additions from X (well, after 20 years, if they didn't add anything, it would be even worse) like the leveling artifacts, the combat skills and the more dynamic combat with some movement like the boss fight on top of the tower (the second dungeon).
I think every single game from the second and third trilogy has something very good the other ones don't have and i'm sure 1 and 2 do too.
And in spite of their weaknesses, because none is perfect, they all remain extremely fun and all have an extremely polished engine.
That's why Legacy's engine and Ubisoft client are the worst betrayals, aside from the dumbed down and removed traveling spells (teleport, fly, walk on water, LLoyd's becon, ...)
Dungeons are obviously worse than in M&M 3-5 (if only because we don't have access to spells like teleport, ethereal, jump, wizard eye etc.). But compared to those of the M&M 6 - they're gorgeous. With an interesting structure. And a lot of riddles and puzzles in them (in M&M 6 we practically only fight). These puzzles are a bit too simple, but still good. Tower of Enigma is a really good, unique dungeon - even from the perspective of the good old days. Blobber without puzzles is an abomination - and in M&M 6-8 there are almost no puzzles at all. This alone makes M&M X dominant over them.
Also, I have never felt that M&M X is playing too slowly. The fact that the game world unlocks as the plot progresses is acceptable to me. A slightly different structural idea.
The Ubisoft client is a disaster, no doubt about it.
I disagree here, sure, there is some very good dungeons in the series before 6 and i particularly like the traps you can only avoid with spells instead of the "modern" way, aka BG's retarded "disarm some geometric forms", also, cities in IV and V are way more interesting than in 6 and 7 (they're better in VIII though).
Still, even if i was horrified by the 3D dungeons at first, particularly the platformer elements, looks like they were visionary as it seems to be the new trend, verticality sells...
I'd like to know when you first played the Might & Magic series, obviously, you started by early ones but which ones and when?
Also, if all these JRPG blocks don't get to you, maybe you're used to play JRPGs?
I agree about the puzzles, even if there is some "light" puzzles in 6, 7 and 8, they've been dumbed down, which is a shame, it's probably their worst offense with the reduced party size.
Still, X puzzles are nothing like early M&M puzzles; one of my favorite being the cartographer's charade in Darkside in the first city; so ti doesn't make it a better game than 6, 7 or 8.
As for the hordes of enemies, i kind of like it, I like fighting colossal and tough scarce enemies but blasting through hordes of mobs also has it's charm.
And it only turns into a shooter if you want it too, you can have a party without archery or with limited archery to hit and run early on if necessary.
Dungeons are obviously worse than in M&M 3-5 (if only because we don't have access to spells like teleport, ethereal, jump, wizard eye etc.). But compared to those of the M&M 6 - they're gorgeous. With an interesting structure.
I forgot about this...
Did you play 8? Dungeons are way shorter but quite interesting for most of them.
But then, i wonder why you're thinking they're so gorgeous in Legacy?
What's so gorgeous about them and don't talk about the one dungeon you like, tell me how many dungeons in X you think are so gorgeous ?
Do you mean you like the way they look? It would be the beginning of an answer...
Because i don't see it, most dungeons are boring, starting with the first tutorial one, the catacombs under the second city, the castle is a railroaded slog, the dungeon where you get the corrupted earth heart or something is a borefest and so on...
edit : typos