Might and Magic 6... I'm at 107 hours clocked, opened the Control Center and discovered the Hive and i'm exhausted.
Some explanation and advice would have been really appreciated.
People say blasters rock.
Well, in my game blasters suck. I have two guns and two rifles. I have master skill on all chars. I even raised blaster skill to 15 on two chars hoping that..i dunno..there is some hidden variable for damage?..
But no matter what battle mode i use the monsters just coming closer and beat the shit out of me. Because blaster's damage sucks.
I finished MM6 a year or three ago, my guys being lvl 98 at the end, and this was my reaction to the final area (The Hive, right?):
Last Dungeon was a decline difficulty wise when it came to combat. At this stage the demons could hardly touch me (Titans and Dragons still were nasty, though) and I just blasted them, occasionally casting Sparks against huge numbers.
Blasters are much more effective in real time mode, and unless you get high Master levels, Light and Dark magic is generally inferior to Elemental magic in MM6 (MM7 is a different matter) in my experience. But you need extreme values of Reputation to become a Master of Light or Dark magic, which is difficult without meta gaming.