This is from a cracked article. And there's a lot of lies in this list:
- huge faceless marine:
face of faceless.
Also, doomguy seems like a tiny midget sometimes.
- using a variety of weapons:
hmmm... this fits every shooter ever released. even CoD.
- There are no cut-scenes to distract you:
It's not really the case in D44M. There's lot's of cut-scenes and scripted events, and even glory kills are cut-scenes.
- SP and MP modes:
again, something present in 95% of any shooters.
- fast action and no weapon reloading:
this is true, but doom comes from an era where there was probably no weapon reloading in ANY game. Back then, doom was an action game, since FPS genre didn't exist. Most shooters from that time had no reload not because of gameplay, but because it was an afterthough when realistic shooter started to appear.
-Cutting edge graphics:
This new doom offers nothing so impressive that would make us think games look reality. It looks good, but that can be said from all new releases.
-Free tools?:
Well, I'm not tech savvy, but isn't doom source code released entirely for free? and people made their own tools?
-played in the 90's?
Not in jarlfrank's case, and lot's of people still play doom 1/2 today.
Also, this picture tends to present the idea that Nu-doom is exactly old Doom since it shares lot's of olddoom's features. But those are not what makes doom Doom. Those are mostly features of every FPS in general.