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Game News The New World is now on Steam, gets its first trailer, releasing in Fall 2020


Jul 19, 2009
Well, let's brainstorm a new name.

I still think that "Generation Ship" is superior.


The Real Fanboy
May 4, 2008
According to Vault Dweller name is irrelevant, what matters is whether Steam will put it on the front page:
Vault Dweller
The problem with "The New World" is that the name is too generic, to indistinct and it will automatically push the game back to some n-th page on Duck Duck Go or other search engine even after it would be mentioned in mainstream media (which might not happen). It might have been better to go with less appropriate name but more distinct one (like "No Truce with the Furies").
Searchable name is a thing of the past. Mainstream gaming media matters a lot less than it's used to (like 90% less0. Two things matter today:

- are people talking about it, sharing impressions, recommending, mentioning, etc
- visibility on Steam and GOG

You can have the most cleverly named game ever that's super easy to find on a search engine, but if you have no Steam visibility, you're dead in the water.

On a side note, can you tell us how many accounts have TNW on Steam wishlist so far?
So changing a name should be an easy decision for him and the best move under the circumstances. The sooner he will do this the better. Most of the names mentioned in the thread to which Infinitron linked were better than that generic "New World" which even before Amazon was associated with dozen different things but not IT game.

Harry Easter

Jul 27, 2016
Well, let's brainstorm a new name.

Hmm, what's the name of the colony ship? You could work with that (something like "Chronos 2754?")

Maybe something "Generation Space/Steel?"

Edit: "World of Steel?" (It's a ship, it's the world for people and I guess we may kill a lot of people?)


Jan 15, 2015
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015
Wishlisted as soon as I saw this thread (today, lel).

From what I've read so far, the thing that got me so hooked into AoD is coming back and will probably be even stronger: choices that actually DO matter. I still remember the first time I realized that there were like 7 different ways to clear the bandit camp near Teron. Ofc I'm gonna choose "stab everyone in the face and take their shit" BUUUT the options to do other things are nice. It makes the stabbing much more rewarding. And even if your plan is to "murder everyone" the game is still nice enough to provide different murder paths and some factions even have a "more murdery" and "less murdery" path.

But nothing really beats my experience of finding out it was actually POSSIBLE to kill all 3 heads of the noble houses for teh lulz and there was even a Steam Cheevo for doing just that. Funny because only 0,5% of players actually got the "Burn it!" achievement, yet Iron Tower didn't come to the conclusion that developing that choice-path was a waste of resources. Nope. I remember a dev post mentioning a recruitable mutant that was "perfect for a 'burn this bitch to the ground' playthrough", meaning (hopefully) that TNW will allow the player to do something similar.

So, yeah, I'll back this one during EA and will work towards putting a YT video showing my strategy/choice-path aimed at maximizing loot while making sure every single killable NPC eats a bullet to the face. Choices and consequences: extreme douchebaggery, 2nd edition = :incline::incline::incline:


Feb 13, 2016
Just saw the video today. Already wishlisted and since AoD was great (and I didn't expected to enjoy it so much) I'll definetely buy it at day1.
I'll also try the combat demo this winter, not so sure about the early access because I usually prefer to play games when they are fully released.

Anyway good luck to Vault Dweller, Elhoim and all the others at Iron Tower. Can't wait to try your new game. :salute:

Bigg Boss

Sep 23, 2012
What I think is funny is that I have been bitching about a game like this being made for...years. I wanted this more than Age of Decadence for sure. Once this does well watch Obsidian announce some new sci-fi RPG then Larian will all of a sudden care about lasers.

Bigg Boss

Sep 23, 2012
Once this does well watch Obsidian announce some new sci-fi RPG
They're already developing something like that.
And it's not like Mass Effect started a wave of sci-fi RPGs.

Because it wasn't old school my man. It was the same fucking shit we have been shouting out against for years. That is why I haven't bought one of their games since Jade Empire.

And if Obsidian finally is doing that then they can count on me backing their game.
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