It's not a shit argument because this is what it boils down to. Expecting something that has come before means something has been normalized and you don't notice it, which is where the problem is. To make a different analogy, the mass consumption of meat at which most people don't bat an eye is because the systematic suffering and death of animals on a massive scale has been normalized. Everything can be habituated through repetition, no matter how unjustified and extreme. That doesn't mean the normalized thing isn't political, it might not be, but when we are dealing with groups of people (especially prostitutes to be exploited by straight men) it most likely is.
I never gone of a brothel on my life and I think men that pay for sex are just major losers but I like brothels to be there, normalization is a so overused and overexploited concept that pretty much means shit at this point. Brothels are cool not because I condone the supposedly exploitation of women through "normalization" or that I find it normal or moral but because it signal things about the setting on a quick glance, the struggle of the lower classes, the dirty feeling of anomie on the poorer districts and as you are a roleplayer, it lets you be a part of the societal degeneracy. My biggest issue with this normalization bs argument certain kinds of people use, is that showing isn't condoning and the arts are filled with showing of the most terrible things.
Because artists condone sons killing their fathers? Or incest? Or all kinds of depravity depicted on movies or books? If you have your work showing certain unsavory things, that means you are normalizing it? Art wasn't made to show only the nicest things about human beings on a safe way but it is as interesting if not more to see the degraded and the depravity inherent on human nature. It is extremely arrogant and naive to think that sanitizing works of art will make people stop being depraved, irrational, greedy, crazy and all that shit. "Normalization" is just a delusion, a way for people to imagine humans as pure and you just need to remove the bad influences of society and they will become good savages.
Arts is in great part of a way of people to talk about such things that are so bad and out of understanding that need to be told through stories so the person consuming understand the feeling. I despise and only have contempt for people that think sanitizing the medium of talk and expression will cure men of their insanity.