It is interesting that game has alternative 5 hours playthrough, but it has a problem of beginning basically after tutorial meaning you skip 99% of content. It is somewhat close to Kan Hua from Arcanum, but in Arcanum you would have played most of the game by that point. It is nearly not the same as New Vegas either, where the endgame branches for different factions/variations on the story.
I take it the NPC switch happens captured princess style,
canon villain is probably leader of Halcyon, but alternatively your scientist savior replaces him if you serve the Board
I wonder if there is other branching possible but I am not sure about this, since the change looks a bit awkward.
I spoiled myself main plot for this, and imo plot twist/overall main plot becomes ok. Not needlesly epic, but interesting anyway.
However, the meat of the game, i.e. side quests and cities and quests in them is on far lower quality.
Also, main plot somewhat... makes you actions meaningless in the long run I think. Anyway, if anyone wants to spoil themselves, at least the part of main tweest:
the whole colony is dying due to shit bureocracy/degeneracy and food shortage, which is why you see colonists turn to shit as they live on on carefully dispensed appetite supressers and rationing, while rich live in their Byzantium in luxury
the good Board gal (she is black smart lady) doesn't like dis and wants to use Hope technology to freeze population until problemo solved
your Scientist friend has some other plan about this
game ends with skipping Hope to some place depending on your choices and I take it fighting some boss maybeh, depends on who you side with - your Scientist friend becomes main boss if you side with the Board plan about putting colony into hibernation. if u do dis, people who you made productive and helped go first and will unfreeze first (?)
I also finished black pinkhaired huntress lady companion quest. It was very boring.
The main plot is not very boring. But the whole game around it really is.
When you're out of the loop for 70 years, you really want to hear what the world is like - and I feel Edgewater is how they try to introduce the corporation angle. We have the Employer & Employee relationship working out and how the things we perceive as 'mismanagement' is justified as 'community challenges that needs to be tackled together as a family'
It gives the idea that 'Ok, so that's what passes as 'normal' nowadays.'
And if they cannot hook you after that intro - there's no way to recapture you into the plot IMO.
Either you accept the status quo or just try to break the system whenever you can to less satisfactory results.