It's free on game pass now and I've sunk a few hours into it. Still remains to be seen ultimately how much C&C is there (I've seen at least one railroaded point and I'm fairly sure another story beat is mandatory too) but my initial sense after a few hours is it isn't going to be a completely freeform story about kingdom management, it's more along the lines of trying to get an optimal ending via resource management for the main chosen story. Which isn't bad in itself, but it's not a dream KoDP-like or whatever.
Doesn't seem dissimilar to a princess raising game, though not as deadly (So far at least) as... That... One from a few years ago. That was more rigid in fail states (You have 15 points instead of 18 in coquettishness? You got murdered) since Your Kingdom Awaits My Lord seems to err on failing checks leading to penalties which can ultimately spiral to a game over but you can soak up a few. It also seems to lean toward snowballing resources. Gold and supplies (The first two icons on the left screen there) are your primary resources and typically go into story events and listening to petitioners which bumps up morale (The masks on the right) and morale increases the income of gold and supplies slightly. Thus far the balance does seem to favor making nobles and merchants happy since that can lead to larger additional sources of revenue rather than wringing an extra coin out of the peasants, but you get the idea. You also get a few other plates to spin in the form of the map (Right screen) where you can send agents to do shit (Sometimes gets resources, sometimes solves/stops events, etc) but you have finite agents and events can take multiple turns to solve, and agents can also be used to settle petitioners. On top of that, you have a limited number of pigeons you can send each turn to try to coax neighboring kingdoms and lords to ally with you which can give you some higher-level goals to shoot for. Ultimately it looks like you need to get a strong enough army to survive an attack at the end of the game, but alliances look to bring in extra soldiers as well as potentially extra gold/supply income. And on top of all THAT you get some extremely light adventure gaming going on (Not to spoil it but a major story beat involves puttering around the castle and interacting with it more actively than just clicking through the regular gamey interface. Which is fortunate because otherwise there'd be no damn reason for them to let you/make you point and click your way around) which may or may not continue after this one story beat, but it's a bit cool it's there.
Overall pretty positive. Not a dream game but looking damn good for free game pass and unless it shits the bed later on, not entirely awful for the $20 asking price, or if you see it in a bundle at some point consider it a nice addition. The music's quite nice too.