You don't have to put a real name, any string will do. Same as with facebook.
Frozen Synapse 80% off will probably make a lot of people around here cum too
Any reason to want Steam badges? Do I get a free game of my choice out of a it, or a hooker delivered to my door for whoring myself out in their little community game?
Well one is when you put your real name so you get a free Identify Theft (real name plus CC information, AWESOME) and maybe a mass murder stalker.
You don't have to put a real name, any string will do. Same as with facebook.
Two Worlds 2 'Velvet Edition' (Base game + Pirates expac) is $10. Probably grabbing that. Any thoughts?
You don't have to put a real name, any string will do. Same as with facebook.
No but it says for you to so anyway, also people do put their real names in Facebook ... just because people are going to do stupid things does not mean we should encourage then to do stupid things.
I suppose he wants to de-evolve Steam into a social site considering how the badges are pretty much all connected to some social bullshit.
I used my real name: Karl Marx...![]()
Two Worlds 2 'Velvet Edition' (Base game + Pirates expac) is $10. Probably grabbing that. Any thoughts?
you know you want tounless I get a sudden and intense case of the gays and try those Ys games
Sigh... I'm literally going to be talked out of every purchase...
Sigh... I'm literally going to be talked out of every purchase...
Well if you get talked out of everything by a poor man's Skyway like RK47 who tries to scoop up KKK's like a noob at every opportunity then you deserve to go home empty handed.
Just kiddin' must know that every purchase of Two Turds funds a third game, so Metro was ripe for the picking.![]()
Football Manager is a game that baffles me. I have a double disadvantage:
1) I'm American, so I can recognize that soccer is boring
2) I'm a nerd, so I think sports in general are not that interesting
Yet this game secures the #1 spot on Steam's list of games being played on most days. I don't really know what to think, besides that Europlebs and HuheuhePlebs are the biggest part of the lowest common denominator.
I bought Two Worlds 2 when it was on sale a while back, but gave up rather quickly because of all the hideous blurry shit. You can't turn it off. Also, they've fucked up the camera so it is right behind your character, slightly positioned to the right (IIRC). So you're running around like a blind rhino not able to actually see anything.
Watching videos the camera looks fine: basically the same as in the Gothics and Risen -- not sure what the problem is there. Not being able to turn motion blur off is rather annoying, though.
I got Binding of Isaac yesterday. I really hate the art style, looks like MS paint shit off of 4chan circa 2008. Shoop the woop? Really? Still, it's entertaining enough for the half hour I played it. Seems like it'll be a good time waster when I only have 15-20 minutes to burn. I just can't shake the feeling that I paid money for something that should be played in a browser.
I bought Two Worlds 2 when it was on sale a while back, but gave up rather quickly because of all the hideous blurry shit. You can't turn it off. Also, they've fucked up the camera so it is right behind your character, slightly positioned to the right (IIRC). So you're running around like a blind rhino not able to actually see anything.
Oh but you CAN turn it off AND change the FOV AND position of character...among all manner of things.
Watching videos the camera looks fine: basically the same as in the Gothics and Risen -- not sure what the problem is there. Not being able to turn motion blur off is rather annoying, though.
There is no real's standard Gothic cam...I like it because it's open world and kind of like Gothic...not as good of course, but I'll take what I can get. The first one was going in a better direction overall. The second is more consoletardised although some of the quests and the different ways one can solve them are pretty damn good in TW2.
Oh and you can turn off motion blur with the console and I think the latest patch had extra options for it as well.
Will typing in those commands and saving the game mean I won't have to keep typing them in every time I launch?
You can find this file in the game directory under Parameters folder. This file contain information with which the game will start up. You can paste all your console command tweaks in this file in order so that the game load the changes you have made via console when you start the game. Or you can simple put the commands in the console and they will still be effective.
Lastly, here some major tweaks that you can use with Two Worlds II. To use them, create a folder named 'parameters' in your Main game folder, create a file named 'autoexec2.con' and paste them in there (or edit them and use whatever value you want):
Engine.DstFarPlane 1200 (better draw distance for the objects)
Engine.GrassUserDistance 3 (better draw distance for the grass)
Engine.MBlurIntensity 0 (reduces the intensity of motion blur)
Engine.Mblurscale 0 (reduces the motion blur)
Engine.EdgeAABlend 0.2 (use a value from 0 to 1)
Engine.BloomMultiplier 0.5 (bloom intensity, use a value from 0 to 1)
Engine.fov 65 (changes the field of view)
Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16
Engine.UseDOF 0 (removes the DoF)
Engine.DOFScaleFct 0 (reduces the DoF)