Binary Domain is the daily deal for 10 bucks. I know it's been that price once already but at the time I still had my wits about me and refrained from purchasing it. Now could be the time to let go and pick it up.
It has the demo on Steam, if you want to try before buy. That saved me some money.Binary Domain for $10, worth it?
Binary Domain for $10, worth it?
I don't have the same taste in games as Morgoth, but it is worth 10 dorrars. It's a TPS with a silly story, silly characters, and robot dismemberment - shoot off their limbs and head for different results. Way better than Mass Effect in terms of combat and, yes, presentation as well, if ME series had taken the same light-hearted approach to their shit, it'd actually be a decent series worth playing. Overall, several hours of fun (for me anyway), and for the price of a 3D movie, definitely worth a grab.Only if you have the same taste in games as Morgoth. It's a third person cover shooting Gears of War clone.
I have regrets.
I have regrets.
always look at the drm section of any game before purchasing
even if the game is something you actually want because otherwise suddenly TAGES and it's too late son, you got gabened gabened
also I would not play dungeons for free
come on bros would you buy a shitty cd from a terrible band just because it was 90% off and they say they were inspired by the best
You buy CDs?
I did. Despite hearing bad things about it at $6 I bought the complete pack because I was interested enough to want to look at it myself. BUT GODDAMN KALYPSO ACCOUNT.It's terrible. I hope you didn't buy it.
I looked at Steam's page and glanced at the Steam forum for it and didn't see mention of Kalypso account nonsense. When I say glance I mean it though, didn't even look over the first page of the forum much.always look at the drm section of any game before purchasing
Please no Metro. Please.acheesement
I looked at Steam's page and glanced at the Steam forum for it and didn't see mention of Kalypso account nonsense. When I say glance I mean it though, didn't even look over the first page of the forum much.
That would reduce the number of steam titles he owns and therefore be counter productive.
Nah, not THAT bothered by it. Even if I knew it had it beforehand I probably would've bought it anyway.after seeing a load of reddit omg steam refunded me because of shitty reason <3 gaben XD threads I think you have a pretty safe bet at getting a refund
mention that they did not state that kalypso registration was a requirement for singleplayer on their store page
with any luck the representive will refund your golds and harrumph a bit about how this is a one time special exception
try it man you a loyal customer
ps be nice about it
my recent Skyrim adventures
Hey, I had to make it according to Skyrim screenshot standards which clearly state blur + lensflare = graphics!my recent Skyrim adventures
you can't fool me with that blurring and lensflare mhc
the meshes probably don't even line up properly and your victorious scene here is a dirty lie made of intersecting model parts and terrain clipping
My paycheck bounced this month so I can't buy Tropico 4 for super cheap. I'll have to resort to furious wanking to recover from this significant blow.