I'm not sure I'd be willing to jump through that many hoops to get the game, but I guess it would work.
I'm not sure I'd be willing to jump through that many hoops to get the game, but I guess it would work.
That THQ pack on Amazon is going live tomorrow for a few hours 3-6 or so Central Time:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl
Warhammer: Space Marine
Red Faction: Armageddon
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Metro 2033
Anyone have any interest in STALKER, Guerrilla, or Space Marine for about $2.00 each? Thinking of buying the pack and selling off stuff I have/don't want.
I watched a Let's Play -- seems like a fairly boring 6-8 hour console shooter/slasher. Same with RF: Armageddon. Same with... most every THQ game.
Does HF2 has librarians? No? Fuck HF2.It's the game Half-Life 2 tried to be.
Metro 2033 is a different beast. It's slower-paced with a lot more emphasis on atmosphere. There aren't that many fights, though there are a few big war zones and it is heavy on the story, which is pretty good. It's the game Half-Life 2 tried to be.
Anyone knows when CK2 will hit sale on steam ?