I don't know who's responsible but his goof is my gain. Buying the game at 75% off was my plan anyway. It just happened sooner than expected.![]()
Thanks for that! Focus-published janky RPGs hit the spot for me at the $5-10 range and I didn't expect CoC to hit that for a while so I scooped up a copy.https://www.humblebundle.com/store/call-of-cthulhu?hmb_source=search_bar
Price error for Call of Cthulhu, it's 75% off on Humble.
One and only reason to ever buy this is if you wish to play multiplayer servers which require it. Otherwise you're better off downloading diamond edition (which was free on gog), also it's possible that old modules might not run properly on EE.Even though the knocks against it are NWNEE is less useful than the IE games since it isn't even "Hey we already included resolution mods and added minor quality of life shit", and NWN itself is far less likely to be something I'll want to play again. I played the absolute and everloving fuck out of it back in the day (Namely modules since I've never once finished the base campaign because it's awful) but I dunno if I'll want to play SoU or HotU again.
play this game maggotsNot sure if confirmed yet as such, but This Is the Police 2 also seems to be a price mistake with 75% off.
Thanks for that! Focus-published janky RPGs hit the spot for me at the $5-10 range and I didn't expect CoC to hit that for a while so I scooped up a copy.https://www.humblebundle.com/store/call-of-cthulhu?hmb_source=search_bar
Price error for Call of Cthulhu, it's 75% off on Humble.
Not much in the Steam sale tickling my fancy. $15 for Neverwinter Nights enhanced complete collection which I'll probably go for since roughly $10 is my Beamdog range. Even though the knocks against it are NWNEE is less useful than the IE games since it isn't even "Hey we already included resolution mods and added minor quality of life shit", and NWN itself is far less likely to be something I'll want to play again. I played the absolute and everloving fuck out of it back in the day (Namely modules since I've never once finished the base campaign because it's awful) but I dunno if I'll want to play SoU or HotU again. Haven't played most of the premium modules though so maybe there's some fun in there. Also thinking about the $16 Dumpsterfire season pass just because I'll probably want to try it with all the DLC and patches and see if it's less shit. PoE1 improved a decent amount with DLC and patches so maybe the same'll hold true with 2.
Well it does include the premium modules which diamond edition doesn't. How good they are I can't really say since the only one I bought and played back in the day was Infinite Dungeons (A misguided desire for a modern Dungeon Hack) and even though ID was fairly cool and really fucking impressive it didn't have the same casual pick up and play charm of Dungeon Hack.One and only reason to ever buy this is if you wish to play multiplayer servers which require it. Otherwise you're better off downloading diamond edition (which was free on gog), also it's possible that old modules might not run properly on EE.Even though the knocks against it are NWNEE is less useful than the IE games since it isn't even "Hey we already included resolution mods and added minor quality of life shit", and NWN itself is far less likely to be something I'll want to play again. I played the absolute and everloving fuck out of it back in the day (Namely modules since I've never once finished the base campaign because it's awful) but I dunno if I'll want to play SoU or HotU again.
With Tyranny you're getting stuck with some extra bullshit. Soundtrack, "Deluxe edition upgrade", and portrait pack are all easily skippable. The two actual content DLCs aren't that vital either. Tales from the Tiers adds some extra fluff/text adventure bits and Bastard's Wound adds a side dungeon which is only particularly viable for non-loyal playthroughs and is also pretty much side content. For the complete experience obviously you'd want both, but you aren't exactly missing out if you skip them either.For this steam sale I've plumped for Divinity Original Sin 1 Enhanced Edition & The Banner Saga 1 for a very acceptable price of a total of £12.17. I'm sorely tempted by the Tyranny Gold & Pillars of Eternity Definitive, but even in a big sale they both still cost more than the two games I bought combined individually. I guess the difference is that both the Obsidian games are rife with expansions/DLC which is cranking up the cost & while I'd like to play those two Obsid games at some point, they really are pricing themselves right at the top of the market & I'm not entirely sure the content warrants it, beyond there being a lot of it, or, at least, lots and lots of small chunks of them spread all over the place. Makes me suspicious about whether I'm being sucked into a Paradox money train rather than just buying an old cRPG.
Yep it's illegal. Whenever there's a discrepancy between displayed price and actual price, the seller has to use whichever is lower. Considering in your case the transaction had already occurred and they're revoking and refunding after the fact, there's a double problem there...So Humble Bundle refunded me the money for Call of Cthulu and they will revoke the key.
I think that’s illegal at least according to EU law, but whatever...
So Humble Bundle refunded me the money for Call of Cthulu and they will revoke the key.
I think that’s illegal at least according to EU law, but whatever...
I got the email and the refund about CoC, but still have the game on my library. Let's see what happens.
Along with this email, you will be receiving a refund of your order, and the game key will also be revoked shortly. If you don't see the refund to your payment method within 72 hours, please contact our support team at https://support.humblebundle.com.
Same here. And yes it's illegal. If we wouldn't for it (aka if they would price it 0€) than yes, they can revoke the key, but we paid the product and still they issued a refund.So Humble Bundle refunded me the money for Call of Cthulu and they will revoke the key.
I think that’s illegal at least according to EU law, but whatever...