The only part of Cyberpunk I've ever outright praised is the graphics, either you're confusing me with Justicar or you're still butthurt over that time I suggested CDPR hurt your butt.Projection from the local Cyberpunk fanboy.
I don't see why everyone's so upset about her face, but either way, you're thinking small. The gravitational pull of Ciri's snatch will drive the greatest development of modding capabilities in UE's history. Tim Sweeney will gaze in horror and professional jealousy when he discovers just how many tentacles his engine can really render.They will certainly fix the 40 years old bitch CEO face of hers.
I don't see why everyone's so upset about her faceThey will certainly fix the 40 years old bitch CEO face of hers.
Trauma or not she's supposedly a grown ass wo- NevermindPlus, y'know, she should act like a person who DOES have some actual life experience. She had plenty.
She had trauma. Trauma is not life experience, regardless of what modern writing would like us to believe.
But it's a shared problem with virtually all fantasy RPGs, you can even have competent female fightersin Wizardry, at least it's optional. My first Wiz 8 had some females as competent hand-to-hand comvatants, but they were a draconian valkyrie and a weak, but agile hobbit ninja.It breaks the lore because she's a woman.Not because she's a woman, but because it breaks the lore. Women witchers go against established facts
Woman warriors go against established reality.
Womynz have the approximate strength of a twelve year old boy, and have zero chance competing against able-bodied men or monsters (same thing, amirite).
Furthermore, women don't have the mentality needed for efficient conduct of fighting, battle, or war. Reflexes, pain tolerance, narrow focus on a singular target, strategic mindset, tactical mindset, reveling in the blood of your enemies, aggression - these all come with testosterone and balls.
Furthermore, women don't even want to be in a position where they have to be dirty, sweaty, bloody, getting hit in the face, being wounded, etc. etc. etc. Women want cushy, clean office jobs where they pretend to do important work for half a day, and then go back home to watch a soap opera and nurse their kids. And make sure they have immaculate nails and mascara/skin care routine/whatever.
tl;dr womynz warriors appeal to no one, especially the ugly-faced mannish ones
Polacks are cockroaches. You could nuke the whole country and a week later it would still be crawling with millions of pshemeks and pyotreks ready to do any job for 1/3 of a Westerner's pay, as long as it's enough to afford gas station hot dogs and a netflix subscription. There is no other race as resilient as a polack.Poland is and has always been a mistake. Hopefully it's next on Russia's menu and Germany helps out for old time's sake.
He's very clearly heterosexual in both the books and the games.I always saw Gerald as a metrosexual or a closeted faggot.
DEI does not only mean racial diversity but gender one too, also not only diversity ingame but diversity in workplace. Like for example infesting the workplace with women that cant help but insert themselves and their modern worldview into any setting. Funny how every project from movie, comics, tv shows and games always have the same pattern when women are involved. You get a female protagonists that steals the role from the previous male protagonist, being a girlboss/Mary Sue, that is uglified and is a lesbian or bisexual that dates a minority.Euro-chuds really misusing the term "DEI" lately, I've noticed.
Geralt's story was over and choosing Ciri as the protagonist of a rebooted Witcher series was a pretty intuitive direction to go that many people expected. That's not DEI. You can be upset that she isn't hawt enough in the trailer, but that's not DEI either.
DEI would be if they gave Geralt a black best friend all of a sudden, or race-swapped Dandelion, or something like that.
Soooo... a "maybe" from you then?I look at Gerald and Ciri and think, whats the difference? I always saw Gerald as a metrosexual or a closeted faggot. Guy clearly cares too much about his hair and keeping up his appearance. I dislike him for the same reason I dislike Leon Kennedy. Good riddance.
Not that I'll play this. All the Witcher games are trash.
Wondered how they were going to make a dimension-shifting demi-god the protagonist for their new game, and the answer was right in front of us – sequel depowering. It's when a character becomes a master of time and space, only for the studio to realize they've made a sequel impossible. The Avatar becomes the Titan of Ether in Ultima 8, only to return in Ultima 9 as an imbecile. Ciri is chugging potions and using a witcher's rudimentary peasant magic like its some impressive feat when its really a massive demotion from what she was.
Ciri becoming a Witcher is my least favourite ending from TW3. It just felt like pure fanfiction and wasn't in keeping with the tone of the world at all (there's always a catch). The empress ending was better suited. You bolster Ciri's independence only to lose her to her newfound responsibilities like a child flying from the nest. Making her a Witcher invalidates that growth when funnily they're trying to empower her. My pessimism also suspects she's a witcher because its the most marketable role and a male-dominated space, rather than for any legitmate reasons that align with her character development.
The jew must jew.DEI does not only mean racial diversity but gender one too, also not only diversity ingame but diversity in workplace. Like for example infesting the workplace with women that cant help but insert themselves and their modern worldview into any setting. Funny how every project from movie, comics, tv shows and games always have the same pattern when women are involved. You get a female protagonists that steals the role from the previous male protagonist, being a girlboss/Mary Sue, that is uglified and is a lesbian or bisexual that dates a minority.Euro-chuds really misusing the term "DEI" lately, I've noticed.
Geralt's story was over and choosing Ciri as the protagonist of a rebooted Witcher series was a pretty intuitive direction to go that many people expected. That's not DEI. You can be upset that she isn't hawt enough in the trailer, but that's not DEI either.
DEI would be if they gave Geralt a black best friend all of a sudden, or race-swapped Dandelion, or something like that.
And no nobody expected Witcher 4 with Ciri in lead. What fans expected was end of the Geralt Witcher saga and a new spinoff series with either Ciri that plays on her powers and not her being witcher and genderbend Geralt. Or a new series in the universe where you could create your own character either a witcher or a witch. But they wanted a preset female lead, they wanted Ciri because she was established and famous character, they wanted her to be a witcher even if it completely shits on the lore, they wanted her to replace Geralt as the new face of the franchise.
The writing on the wall for this were made obvious in last few years with all the news about focusing on DEI and employing women. I fully expected this turn of events and I only hope that the game fails miserably.
If they alter the lore to allow female Witchers in general then I agree, especially if the story involves recruiting more of them.I'm not an expert on the Witcher, but if they're "altering" the lore to allow female witchers... that's probably a diversity thing.
Oh, it'll happen alright.If they alter the lore to allow female Witchers in general then I agree, especially if the story involves recruiting more of them.
I can't think of any examples where a latter installment in a series breaking the world rules built by it's predecessors has been good. The effect is to devalue all previous rules and world building. Modern TV and gaming is littered with examples.. see the shit show around Fallout TV series.If they alter the lore to allow female Witchers in general then I agree, especially if the story involves recruiting more of them.I'm not an expert on the Witcher, but if they're "altering" the lore to allow female witchers... that's probably a diversity thing.
If it's a process that's unique to Ciri alone due to her powers, then not so much.
Its willfully naive to believe that a company entrenched with DEI will produce anything but a DEI standard product.Oh, it'll happen alright.If they alter the lore to allow female Witchers in general then I agree, especially if the story involves recruiting more of them.
Yeah. There's active contempt for any limitations or rules in a setting, not in the least due to the awful trend of making a protagonist into the exception for every possible rule and then pretending as if that makes for a sympathetic hero.I can't think of any examples where a latter installment in a series breaking the world rules built by it's predecessors has been good. The effect is to devalue all previous rules and world building. Modern TV and gaming is littered with examples.. see the shit show around Fallout TV series.