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Wizardry The Wizardry Series Thread


Aug 4, 2007
Fowyr, thanks for the explanation. I vaguely thought about the Gaelin Stone, but this game seems to be killing my brain's willpower and stamina.

The robots are not very dangerous, but it was still a bit unpleasant when I met a group of 1,1,2,2. With few spells seeming to have much impact on them, four of them could fire at will for a whole round. Damage spells like Crush works, but the tin cans have so much hit points that it seems best to just opt for critical hits. I've noticed that my Monk and Ninja takes a lot more damage than my Lord and Valk despite the martial arts guyd having better AC. So Ninjutsu doesn't seem to do much when dealing with robots.
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Aug 4, 2007
My God, this game is trolling me! I need "Vitalia's Device" to open the trap door to the Astral Dominae, according to the hint book. How the hell I am supposed to know that in-game?

And yes, I did go back to the Forbidden Zone and I did use the computer after getting the message from the Savant Berserker. But nothing particular happened.

Fuck, this is annoying!!! :mad:

EDIT: Well, looks like I missed out on lots of the story line by not thinking about looking up Domina in the computer's personell records. :rage:


Aug 4, 2007
You almost here, keep going. ;)

GLOBE or GIRL? I knew the Dark Savant died all to easily. :roll:
I have some recollection of reading that when faced with a choice, I should always rescue the girl...

So we rescued the girl. I have a feeling the Dark Savant would have nicked the Astral Domina anyway...



Sep 5, 2012
In Dreamland
Wizardry 8: A completionist's party?

Party that makes use of most weaponry, armour, skills..you get the point.


Oct 24, 2007
Chrząszczyżewoszyce, powiat Łękołody
Party that makes use of most weaponry, armour, skills..you get the point.

No, I don't get the point (or rather I do, but it's not something you can realistically achieve in Wiz 8 without spoiling your enjoyment with too many constraints), but let's see:

1. You'll need a faerie ninja to use ninja specific equipment, faerie specific equipment, most of remaining weeaboo equipment that can't be used by samurai (apart from naginata) and Cane of Corpus if it drops.

2. You'll need a Bard - instruments and bard specific gear.

3. You'll need a Gadgeteer - omnigun, gadgets.

4. You'll need a rogue to use Thieves Dagger.

5. You'll need a samurai to use samurai armour some weeaboo swords and possibly Zatoichi Bo.

6. You'll need a caster, preferably versatile one so go with 4-school bishop. Bishop also handles few psionics demanding items, cleric-specific items and spiritual flavoured items.

7. You'll need a heavy armour person (fighter/lord/valkyrie) to use heavy armours, and some weapons.

8. You can have either monk or ranger in the remaining slot.

Further requirements:

1. You'll need at least one dracon or lizardman to use Fang of The Serpent dagger - I'd use dracon rogue, especially given how limiting cursed Thieves Dagger (possibly paired with Bloodlust) is to magic deprived rogue - Dracons still have their breath weapon to use at range.

2. You'll need at least one furfag to use Ring of The Beast.

3. You'll need at least one woman to use various pendants and necklaces.

4. You'll need at least one mook of martial profession (samurai, ranger or heavy armour person) to use Giant's Sword.

5. You might want a hobbit or gnome to use trynnie breastplate if it drops (not that it's worth it).

6. You might want an elf to benefit from certain bow, but I don't know if it ever drops in game.

Caveats and observations:

1. This setup won't allow you to use all class-specific special abilities, obviously.

2. This setup requires RPCs. RPCs don't go everywhere with the party. The best in this regard that aren't quest specific are certain unique Monk (minus casting ability) and a Valkyrie, the remaining non-quest NPCs to pick from that can be found relatively early are rogue, ranger, gadgeteer and bard.

3. Taking ranger will allow you to use some class-specific bows (not that great) and search skill (it's easy to miss some hidden stuff without it), rangers can also use Woodsman's Axe which can be very handy for a low level party, taking monk will allow you to realistically benefit from unarmed combat and rather unique flavour monk adds to the party while also being able to wield naginata (and Zatoichi Bo, should you decide to not bother with sticks with your samurai). One of two most verstile RPCs is (technically) of monk class.

4. This setup won't allow you to use all items, but the number of unusable ones should remain single digit.

5. Heavy armour person will deprive you of some gear depending on choice - fighters don't use lance which is nice weapon early in game, but are the only class apart from ranger who can use Woodsman's axe. Lords cant use cleaver but it isn't much of a loss.

6. With this setup you won't be able to use Wizard's Hat.

7. Such setup, if used with intention of wielding everything will spread your skills too thin to be actually effective, especially given that you can only use so much gear at the time.

8. 4-school bishop is pain in the ass to develop early in game and requires a lot of rigour and not picking spells throughout the whole game - definitely not a noob friendly build, much less if such noob wants to experience everything.

final suggestion:

1. You'd do best to disregard everything I wrote here and make your own party for your first playthrough. Seriously, I mean it.
Sep 29, 2012
Project: Eternity
As wacky as the Dark Savant trilogy's settings and characters can be, its still worth it to go through all three of them, at least once. And its nice to be able to bring a few doodads in from the previous games via importing.

That being said, here's what I prefer as a party in Wiz 8 (and its reasonably min-maxy):

Lord- Wears the heavier armors, regenerates (and can, by extension, safely use items that drain health but have other nice effects), and can cast Priest spells. This guy is very solid at tanking and decent at dealing damage. Lords are designed for dual-wielding, however the Lord dual-wield skill bonus is literally useless, unfortunately. A Valkyrie is a great choice instead of Lord, but I prefer a Lord here as there is a nifty recruitable (and very plot-relevant) Valkyrie available at Arnika. Dwarves make great Lords; they come with a solid attribute point bonus and racial damage resistance.

Ranger- Ranged crits, Alchemy spells, and a serviceable auxiliary front-liner if necessary. The damage they can crank is great, and having an extra healer is always useful too. This guy can also mix potions for you, which can be a great money-maker. Most importantly for somebody that can't be bothered to play through Wizardries VI and VII, Rangers have a permanent auto-search function, so that you don't have to manually search for hidden items. Mooks are your best-bet here; lots of bonus points and IIRC, there is a nice 2h sword for Mook Rangers.

Samurai- This one is somewhat subjective, but I like having a Samurai; a lucky crit or lightning-strike turned the tide for me in a few fights over the course of the trilogy. And if you're all about using the most items possible, there are quite a few Samurai-only pieces of armor and a sword or two, I think. And they're immune to fear. And they cast Mage spells. Which is ok-ish. I made mine a Dracon, but if you're really a min-maxer, Hobbits get the most bonus points.

Gadgeteer- Your Roguish duties will be split between two characters, and this is one of them; Gadgeteers can handle locks and traps. They have a gun that gets progressively better as they level up (I wanna say every two character levels = one Omnigun level?), and can construct MacGuyver-esque gadgets by combining various items found in the game. Some of these gadgets provide the effects of very potent spells, and do so at a cost of stamina instead of mp, which is shweeeet. Gadgeteers are a little gimp early on, but they're the first runner-up for group MVP by the end of the game. I like a Hobbit as Gadgeteer, and you should too.

Bard- Here is your other Rogue-replacement, used for pick-pocketing when desired. Bards have a bonus to communication, which is somewhat useful for certain NPC interactions. More importantly, though, they use instruments much the same way that Gadgeteers use gadgets; Bard instruments also allow you to cast spells at the cost of stamina. I made mine an Elf to be able to use that race-specific bow, but Hobbits or something else are probably better for bonus points. Hobbits are like that for a lot of classes, actually. There are some great Bard-only drops from some of those Higardi goons in and around the monastery, but do your homework, since I don't think every type of them will drop these.

Bishop- Yes. This guy. THIS is the guy. If you have a Bishop, it will hands-down be your MVP. Make sure to read up on how to level them properly, if you're the power-leveling type. If you don't fuck it up, though, this chap (eventually) will be able to cast every spell from all four schools. Having all these schools on one character is largely what lets you comfortably choose...pretty much whatever else you feel like for the rest of your party. And as if that wasn't enough, these guys can dispel undead, have a bonus to identifying items, and can remove cursed items, which is nice for using those cursed items that are actually worth a damn. Faeries are a solid choice here for the resistances and mp recovery.

I used this party through all three games (starting with a Ninja in VI, then changing it to a Gadgeteer in 8), and it worked pretty swimmingly. Seriously, go through all three games; it'll feel like more of an accomplishment when you finish 8.

And I'm pretty sure somebody still hosts Flamestryke's old Wiz8 site, which is a very handy piece of reference material, but try to avoid some of the more spoilery sections, IMO.


Sep 5, 2012
In Dreamland
I see that ToEE solo ironman went well.
It did, I finished it(although not on Ironman, because people told me it had too many problems). Back on topic, I know I'll get raged at a lot for saying this, but I really think the character creation system for Wizardry 6 and 7 sucks donkey balls compared to Wizardry 8's. Wizardry 6 and 7 had useless skills which the game could've been better without, but Sirotek forced them down your throat(like climbing and swimming), if you didn't know what you were doing, then you'd get screwed in the ass (Wiz 8 was a bit more forgiving) and the system contained a lot of complications which weren't necessarily needed. I also hated how you randomly rolled for stats, which was really time consuming for no particular reason.


Aug 23, 2005
The most combat efficient Wiz8 party is the following one:

(obviously always use donut formation, with two point-guards, two near the center and two covering the rear. hurr. rear.

- front-line damage dealers: 2 samurais min/maxed to hell and back and crit-killing everything.
- van-guard ranged damage dealers: 2 ninjas min/maxed to hell and back roflstomping mobs from afar.
- creamy-filling center: 2 bishops min/maxed to hell and back, each one tediously grinded in the four magic schools.

you guys can argue all day about this but after finishing the game a few times and playing it on normal AND on hard there's really no reason not to use any other classes. this game's combat is absolutely beautiful and i adore Wiz8, hell i think it's prolly the best combat-centric crpg i've ever played in my entire life. the combat boils down to 1) a melee/tank component, 2) a ranged/wildcard component, and finally 3) crowd-control and debuffing (buffs are mostly useless, whereas debuffs rule).

who are the best damage dealers that can, if necessary, tank a little bit (but really shouldn't cos after all, the best defense is a good offense and samurai crit-kill fast enough that they usually don't need to tank if you do it right) ? answer: samurai.

who are the best RANGED damage dealers that will soften the enemy mobs and also let you use the terrain to pelt enemies from safety or by kiting the mobs? ninjas. maaaybe, and this is simply a testament to how incredibly well designed Wiz8's classes and combat is, maaaybe rangers. but c'mon, ninjas. you know this is true.

who are the best at crowd-control, debuffing and can also heal your party? pfft, bishops of course.

if you want to larp the fucking game, sure, make a party with wildly different classes and "builds", but if you want to number-crunch and roflstomp the game on hard difficulty, you go with 2 sams, 2 weeabos and 2 bishies. nuff said.

JASEDE! as the resident old-school combat-fag expert: what do you think? amirite or amifuckingrite? :p


Jul 7, 2012
The Codex
He thinks he is being clever and funny. Try not to ruin his illusion.
The illusion is that he's trying to trick us into thinking that he totally plays many oldschool games like we do. In reality his rpg gaming experience likely amounts to no more than playing Fallout and maybe Arcanum.


Jul 7, 2012
The Codex
I see you haven't been here for long.
I'm an alt. My previous account has been here since early 2011 and I've been lurking since the later half 2010. I've also read some the great classics of Codex literature like the Qwinn thread.
And no I did not get banned.


Jul 7, 2012
The Codex
Are you aware of Mr. Drog as well?
Oh yes but I thought he stopped and came back to using his old account. Last I've heard of him, he was talking about Chinese prostitutes on another forum. Now remember that there are quite a few alt makers here like Chefe so this guy won't necessarily be him. Besides, he has an avatar which is something drog alts never have.

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