Video of me playing the PS3 exclusive Wizardry - Labyrinth of Lost Souls on PS3 emulator:
I've read, and heard from knowledgable peeps like Courtier that the game isn't very good. From the very little I've played of it on emulator I can't say for sure yet, but It's looking like a super low-budget, low-effort Wiz-clone in the most derogatory sense; little-to-nothing added or tweaked to shape the experience, coasting on not-that-great Dungeon layouts, and lacking all of the stuff that has been added to the Wizardry series over the years:
- it lacks races beyond the ones found in classic Wiz (this isn't really that big of a deal, though)
- it lacks (AFAIK) some type of weapon enchantment system, something which was introduced in Wizardry Gaiden 6: Prisoner of the Battles in 2005-2006
- it lacks the Item Trading system introduced in Wiz Empire series where the shop-keeper will have a billboard with the items he's looking for (at that moment), and if you have one of the items you can exchange them with him in return for another item that's "randomly" selected (from tiers, though, so it's not really random).
- it lacks the (AFAIK) Alchemy and Psionics spell-schools introduced in Wiz 6 by Bradley and adopted into the Wiz Gaiden and Wizardry Empire series
- it lacks classes beyond the standard ones from classic Wiz... and that particularly sucks because both Gaiden and Empire series have tons of classes, some cherry-picked from Bradley's Wiz 6 and 7, and some new like the Ranger/Archer in Wizardry Empire series, and the Monk in Wizardry Gaiden series
I've only played through the first two floors of this Dungeon of Trials and it's not looking good folks. It is very much a low-effort, low-budget and low-quality rush-job that does not capitilize on any of the best elements of Wizardry, but with the caveat that I've only barely started the 1st dungeon so... who knows, maybe it will make up for it with amazing dungeons.
(It won't, Courtier already told me).
Also I don't like that you cannot select traditional "Class Icons" for the party character's avatars. I don't like the horrendous anime style of Wiz: LoLS, it's also very much a low-effort, low-quality art work; in Wiz Empire series and in Wiz Gaiden series you can always choose to have character portraits be stylized heraldic "class" icons, like a cool throwing star symbol for Ninja, a Door + Keys for the Thief, an open book for the Bishop, etc.
I know It sounds like i'm hating on this game without having really played it but it's still Wizardry, and the formula is enjoyable as always... though I would emphatically exhort anyone looking to play a japanese Wizardry scenario to go first with the leagues better offerings of Wiz Empire 2 (PC) and Wiz Gaiden 4 (SNES), both translated by fellow codexers.
For what it's worth I think Wiz Empire 2 is the best desgined Wiz scenario out of all of them, inclujding Wiz 4 and Wiz 5 which are the high-points of the american scenarios. I've already sperged autistically about how unbelievably good Empire 2 is so I won't do it now.