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Titan Outpost Release Thread


Aug 21, 2009
Sounds great, and totally understand the desire to limit oneself to fixes and tweaks given the game as-is is complete, basically stable, and very good.

A few further minor things:
  • One further tweak it might be worth considering (can't remember if any date dialog is voiced) is moving the endgame limit earlier. As it was I had basically done everything I could find in the game (e.g. all the techs, probably the vast majority of locations, built everything I could want, finished all the 'other' quests) at ~12m+ before this limit (including have at least 3 different 'end game' options available if I wanted to click on them), and I didn't fancy the idea of clicking though another 12 methane drops/maintaining my drone army until then. Maybe I just played efficiently, given I had science 3, construction 2, and a bunch of mooks to help me out. If I was solo with no points in sci and con maybe the construction/science time sinks would have taken me out closer to the limit.
  • Maybe this is me being slow like with the free camera, but I couldn't find a way to 'buy all minerals/whatever' rather than clicking 'add 1' n number of times. Seems more of a pain when bribing (cf. Codex LP).
  • Complaining about reactivity lapses is churlish given how exceptionally this is generally done, but I didn't see much consequences from stealing all the stuff in the Chinese base once I had access. I'd guess it wouldn't take them long to notice things were missing, nor to infer I had to be the culprit.

Greatly looking forward to your future endeavours!


Dec 24, 2018
moving the endgame limit earlier. As it was I had basically done everything I could find in the game (e.g. all the techs, probably the vast majority of locations, built everything I could want, finished all the 'other' quests) at ~12m+ before this limit (including have at least 3 different 'end game' options available if I wanted to click on them), and I didn't fancy the idea of clicking though another 12 methane drops/maintaining my drone army until then.
So much this! This was the reason I never finished the game with other endings beyond the immediately available ones. I was like wait, I have to sit on my ass for the whole fucking year for the plot to move? I feel like you were afraid for the game to be too frustrating and difficult, but come on, no one plays those but us, people who have some skill in RPGs and this just feels bizarre. If it has to be this long for plot and setting reasons make the process of building stuff much longer so there wouldn't be such an insane gap. When I'm tryharding and playing efficiently I want it to be like two months early before end game story content not being done with everything in the first 2 months! I mean seriously, that happened, all the tech, all the buildings and the whole map can be cleared in that time.


I like Thief THIS much
Jan 4, 2007
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Yeah the "normal" ending of waiting until the end really takes a long time. I tried to do things as quickly as possible, wanting to get all the doable things finished before the game ends, but then I was already done with everything and found out the ending is still many, many days away...


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
You're right. I'm starting to feel confident in compressing the last two years of the timeline into one. Very feel people have seen the Megiddo arrive according to the Steam achievement data.

I'm going to have to be very careful about making sure everything in the dialogue and quest log will line up, but I think it's worth it.

TNO, you can manually enter numbers when trading. It was blocked for bribing after the UI revamp, which I fixed, but I see it's blocked for trading as well. It's not as important for trading because food has the superincrement button, but I'll get on it.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
I'm going to have to be very careful about making sure everything in the dialogue and quest log will line up, but I think it's worth it.
Any ETA for that? Thinking of another run.

1.25 is on the test branch right now, you can switch to it on steam in the 'beta' tab if you want. It's been up for a while without any problems, so I'll move it to the main branch this week. Probably tomorrow.


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
Will my Asian waifu love me long, long time if I remove the methane stuff? I hate the chinks but I love her! What do I do?!?!?!?!?!?!?


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Will my Asian waifu love me long, long time if I remove the methane stuff? I hate the chinks but I love her! What do I do?!?!?!?!?!?!?

You need positive relations with the Chinese for Daxia to remain at the Outpost.

If your PC's charisma is high enough, yes. When you first meet her, you can respond to her 'have you eaten' greeting by implying that she's asking you to lunch. She'll agree if your charisma is high enough. Otherwise, no. You can nudge it a little bit by getting a high relation value with her, but that's it.

Also, if you talk to Magnus, you'll learn more about what he thinks of her ability to have any kind of interpersonal relationship.


Master of Siestas
Nov 8, 2008
Will my Asian waifu love me long, long time if I remove the methane stuff? I hate the chinks but I love her! What do I do?!?!?!?!?!?!?

You need positive relations with the Chinese for Daxia to remain at the Outpost.

If your PC's charisma is high enough, yes. When you first meet her, you can respond to her 'have you eaten' greeting by implying that she's asking you to lunch. She'll agree if your charisma is high enough. Otherwise, no. You can nudge it a little bit by getting a high relation value with her, but that's it.

Also, if you talk to Magnus, you'll learn more about what he thinks of her ability to have any kind of interpersonal relationship.

Yeah she led me along for a while then I realized it was all for naught so I shut off the O2.

Achievement Unlocked!


Just like Yves, I chase tales.
May 3, 2018
The land of ice and snow.
Strap Yourselves In Codex Year of the Donut Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath I helped put crap in Monomyth
It's a great game as far as ambition and crew goes. It has a few bugs here and there, but it really is a fun ride.

Not sure it was ever meant to be especially hard either. Other than the first hour.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Some endings are hard to get, but about half of them I'd qualify as easy, yes. Fail states don't always have immediate consequences, which is something I modeled after PnP and Fallout 1.

As for bugs, there's mostly some minor engine related jankiness at this point that I can't fix without starting from scratch. Thankfully, Unity 2020 is a lot better in that regard. If you encountered any actual game-breaking bugs or quest related bugs, please let me know so I can fix them. I'm mostly working on the next game, but sometimes I roll improvements into TO and even though bug reports have dried up, I add fixes whenever I can.


Apr 12, 2013
Some endings are hard to get, but about half of them I'd qualify as easy, yes. Fail states don't always have immediate consequences, which is something I modeled after PnP and Fallout 1.

As for bugs, there's mostly some minor engine related jankiness at this point that I can't fix without starting from scratch. Thankfully, Unity 2020 is a lot better in that regard. If you encountered any actual game-breaking bugs or quest related bugs, please let me know so I can fix them. I'm mostly working on the next game, but sometimes I roll improvements into TO and even though bug reports have dried up, I add fixes whenever I can.

I just wanted to say I really liked the game and enjoyed my time with it when I played in 2019, I discovered the game by chance through steam lab game recommendation by tag, where I picked choices matter tag and bought the game on whim, I was really surprised by how good the game is and it is a fully voice acted.
I guess I will replay the game again as it seems you were busy updating it.
I did encounter some bugs but it wasn't game breaking nor it affected my enjoyment.

Anyway awesome job man.


±¼ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 16, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Divinity: Original Sin 2
quest related bugs, please let me know so I can fix them

I liked the game and I am interested in The Jovian Sytem game.

My major critique of the game is that the it lacks the feeling of story climax and closure and that the "inside" base building is underwhelming.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Thanks, both of you. I'll try to get some new info on The Jovian System out this month. Made a lot of progress, but every time I set out to write a development update, I end up working on the game instead.

I see where you're coming from on both counts. First one is probably a result of all the different endings, with a few of them pulling the rug under the narrative on purpose. This makes doing multiple runs more interesting, but replayability is a double-edged sword. Definitely not doing 10+ endings next time.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Oh I'm still plenty ambitious. It's just that the in-world stakes are different and the flow is more even.
I leaned hard into a literal deus ex machina for a few Titan Outpost endings, which I still think is cool but wouldn't work the second time around.


Nov 30, 2021
Nice game, read about it while lurking around here some time ago, and now having finished my playthrough figured that I may as well make an account to voice my appreciation. Loved the setting, having various different choices, decent plot, reasonable gameplay variety.

One little thing I did find myself wishing was for teammates "logistics" task to also cover drone maintenance, so that I wouldn't need to remember regularly going back to it.

Few minor issues:
*Rich kid didn't appear to get extra starting money
*Pretty sure tutorial suggested giving drone both wait until full and wait until empty commands, but in practice second one wasn't an option/needed
*As I had hacked the wallet with neural network earlier, but hadn't pursued that questline any further, 10th computer room causing automatic singularity was quite confusing at first. Thought it was caused just by my base AI and only a little later realized that it was due to neural network.
Anyway, will be looking forward to your next game.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Nice game, read about it while lurking around here some time ago, and now having finished my playthrough figured that I may as well make an account to voice my appreciation.

Thanks! Means a lot.

Good suggestion about logistics, I'll consider adding it when I have some time. I also thought about adding a logistics-based perk to that effect at some point. I'll go over the issues as well. I've planned some TO maintenance time for this weekend.
The neural network quest isn't strictly necessary to trigger the singularity, but it does change how it behaves and appears.

Cool. I'm just about to finish the basics of the zero G combat for The Jovian System, after which I'll finally have some room for a proper development update on that.


Sep 21, 2016
Finally got my paws on this. Had to sail the seven seas to get it, as I'm entirely non-Steam. Still waiting for those secondary payment options! Or a way to make a donation :(

The game is really, really cool. Does not disappoint at all.

One question:
MF, few pages ago you said that bug reports "have dried up". Do you need moar? I saw a bunch of semi-severe UI issues, and one kinda-severe UI-related exploit (ability to access POIs behind keypad locked doors without opening them - no cheese-clipping involved)
(1.3 version)


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
Thanks. Glad you like it. I kept putting off donations because of our convoluted tax code, but I sorted it out a while ago. There is now a donate button on the Titan Outpost website.

1.3 is last week's update. Didn't realize the eyepatch & parrot brigade was still on top of it. I still get minor bug reports whenever the game goes on sale for a bit, which I always try to fix in short order. One player recently managed to find some really obscure bugs.

So yes, if you encountered exploits or bugs I definitely want to know about them, but with pirated versions odds are I have no way of knowing what causes them. I've chased a bunch of ghosts in the past that were related to complications with circumvented checks. There is no DRM in the game to speak of, but they're still distributions I have no control over.


Sep 21, 2016
There is now a donate button on the Titan Outpost website.

Oh, cool, I had to miss it. Donated!

I'll send an email later (to info@titanoutpost.com) with the bugs. They are mainly UI bugs/exploits, so I hope you can reproduce them with ease, pirated or not (I always use "clean" pirated scene copies, no repacks, and from what I understand if there was no DRM, the pirated semi-official "scene" release is just steam files + modified steam_api.dll and an ini file).
Hopefully '1.3 - parrot edition' is as close to the original as it can be - I've waited 2 years to play this, half waiting for gog presence and half for those darn pirates to release some serious milestone version of TO, and not some outdated build that already was hotfixed.

I seriously think this is the best not-widely-known game out there - I mean, considering its lack of popularity along with the quality. It's a bit bonkers, even by indie standards.
On paper, this should be a lot more widely known, as it's a really unique game with lots of heart put into it.

Again, thanks for the game, it's great. It was worth the wait (seriously). Glad I could drop you some bucks.


The Boar Studio
Dec 8, 2002
I seriously think this is the best not-widely-known game out there - I mean, considering its lack of popularity along with the quality. It's a bit bonkers, even by indie standards.
On paper, this should be a lot more widely known, as it's a really unique game with lots of heart put into it.

Again, thanks for the game, it's great. It was worth the wait (seriously). Glad I could drop you some bucks.

Got it. Much obliged! You've earned a letter of marque.

I'll await the email.

High praise, nice to hear. Yeah, it would be great if the game was more widely known, but I don't have access to any real marketing avenues except for word of mouth. So, spread the word, I guess.

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