So what's the consensus so far on this? I haven't been following not to spoil it for myself but I'm getting some bad vibes.
I don't think you're going to get a consensus, but your bad vibes are fully justified. The facts are that inXile cut a ton of stretchgoal content (3 out of 5 companions, Italian localization, the 2nd major town (Oasis, possibly replaced by The Bloom, without comment), the entire crafting system (good riddance),
the in-game Codex, and possibly more), and trimmed down even more that was (based on stretchgoal wording & communication) supposed to be in the base game (such as more than 3 Foci, an entire faction Zeits said he'd "talk about later", customizable interface, custom portraits, etc.). They then said nothing about this, despite knowing at least a full year or more in advance (it is honestly ridiculous to claim otherwise).
The development has been troubled, to say the least, with the release date being pushed back twice, and inXile signing on with a publisher (Techland) despite the crowdfunding, consolizing the game and releasing the game simultaneously with the PC release, despite previously stating that any development of a console version would be done after the release of the game and indicating that this was primarily a PC title. This last part is likely why the UI is bloated and backwards, as well as why the interface isn't customizable; instead the UI works and functions much like the Wasteland 2: Definitive Consolization Edition UI, instead of a PC-styled UI like in Wasteland 2 (before the WL2: Definitive Consolization) or Pillars of Eternity (which, despite all it's flaws, actually had a pretty good if fucking ugly and basic UI).
It's also unclear if certain writers promised to participate during the Kickstarter have even actually participated (there is no indication of such and they're not included in credits, if I understood it right), if there's actually an Orchestral Soundtrack (which was also promised as a stretchgoal, is notably absent, and is not being commented upon) and as to whether or not there's any actual "stronghold" feature in the game (which, again, was promised, but is now notably not being commented on at all). It would be simple to deny these suspicions with a simple "Yes, they're in the game", making the fact that they avoid commenting on it (just like how they
avoided answering inquiries as to the state of the Foci) more than a little dubious.
On top of all that, people are also pissed that they essentially paid a premium for the Collector's Edition originally offered to backers, while there is now a retail Collector's Edition that is cheaper and includes more/better stuff, including an in-game item(s?), which is universally recognized as being the worst kind of practice by discerning gentlemen everywhere.
Like was mentioned earlier in the thread, following inXile is like investigating a horror fiction serial killer where you constantly come across new and more horrifying cases. I only started looking into the whole thing about two days ago, having not paid attention to the development for a long time, and at first it was mildly annoying, but as I kept digging it just kept getting worse, and now I'm incredibly happy I didn't back it after all. Between the blatant Tumblrism, inXile's less-than-stellar behaviour, the consolization, the early
indications of poor storytelling, and all the huge cuts despite numerous delays, I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Which is sad, because as I heard that this would be released just two days after my birthday on a day on which I'm free, I was pretty psyched. I then saw the WL3 crowdfunding pitch and gave up all hope of inXile ever being part of the incline again.