Ismaul Sure, there are a handful of exceptions to the main models. QFG is another example. But the existence of edge cases doesn't mean terms lack meaning. The notion that PS:T is closer to an adventure game than an RPG because you can vaguely allude to similarities to Bladerunner just strikes me as absurd when PS:T is almost exactly like BG2 in its feature set and mode of interaction and almost nothing like Blade Runner, let alone King's Quest or Myst or Monkey Island.
agris Camera can be a useful cladistic tool, but it's pretty low on the list. I haven't played Stasis. Assuming that its gameplay, like its camera, follows Sanitarium, then yes, I'd say it's a simplified adventure game. I just glanced at this
walkthrough, which confirms my impression: take an item, use it on another item, use it on a hotspot, examine a hotspot, fiddle with it in a UI, get another item, etc., etc. It doesn't in any way look like the walkthrough to an RPG.
It has been many years since I played PS:T, but I can recall
no puzzles at all in it -- which is to say, no points at which I was presented with some kind of obstacle that required some degree of lateral thinking to bypass. Instead, you're basically told, "Walk to such and such place, talk to so and so, and come back. Along the way fight many enemies and talk to many NPCs and level up and upgrade your stats."
Saying that skill-selection is like acquiring inventory items and dialogues with skill checks are like inventory-based puzzles both abstracts things to the point where they lack meaning
and gets the meaning wrong (IMO). It is very rare in an RPG in which a dialogue acts as a "blocker" and even more rare that you have to figure out which skill to use to advance. Rather, RPG dialogue overwhelming is a medium through which you pass, coming out a slightly different points with slightly different effects upon you depending on the choices you make. Thus, you very rarely have a dialogue in which a character says, "I won't talk to you." and the behavior expected of the player is to leave, level, add a skill, come back, talk again, and advance using the skill. Moreover, once you have a skill its use is almost always directly offered to a player, whereas in an adventure game the mode of interaction is to pick an item from your inventory and use it on a hotspot -- not to interact with the hotspot and have it present you with a list of items that will solve the puzzle.
To me, your analysis is basically running something like, "X and Y are the sina qua non of RPGs, and if they're lacking, you have an adventure game." But RPGs aren't "adventure game plus" -- they're just a different genre. Dungeon crawlers don't become beat-em-ups because they lack dialogue trees.
In any event, PS:T
does feature: lots of statistic-based combat; leveling up; companions; economy; grinding opportunities; hundreds of NPCs with deep dialogue trees; equipable gear; and dungeons. It also happens to have the standard look-and-feel of an "isometric" (I use the term advisedly) RPG. It
doesn't feature: lots of inventory-based puzzles; hundreds of non-character, non-lootable hotspots to examine; progress-blocking puzzles.
Obviously, "RPG" is a capacious term. PS:T doesn't feel very much like Might and Magic. But there is a well-defined subgenre of RPG that PS:T fits neatly within, so I don't see why you'd want to try to move it to "adventure games" -- with which it shares no common ancestors and few key features, and which is a genre that neither common usage nor the game's developers use in describing it. It's just an effort to use labels rather than reasons to resolve an argument.
IHaveHugeNick But PS:T doesn't feel at all like an adventure game to me. I don't spend hours reading dialogue in adventure games, I don't manage a party, I don't fight enemies, I don't decide on my stats. I
do rack my brain to solve tricky puzzles, to find hotspots, etc.