
An elf with poison, arrow and a longbow can kill your 200kg muscle mass barbarian at 300m+
what about the trannies?Souls crap is popular among the obese because they think backtracking from the bonfire constitutes physical exercise
They are the strongest RPG gamer race as their used to role playingwhat about the trannies?Souls crap is popular among the obese because they think backtracking from the bonfire constitutes physical exercise
I can't bring myself to play it. They had Dragons' Dogma just sitting there as a title and they missed it.Dragon's Dogma II > Dragon's Dogma and it isn't even close.
That would be grammatically incorrect, given the setting.I can't bring myself to play it. They had Dragons' Dogma just sitting there as a title and they missed it.Dragon's Dogma II > Dragon's Dogma and it isn't even close.
Baldur's GateJagged Alliance 3 is the mostsuccesfulsuccessful CRPG ever and is the new gold standard forCRPG'sCRPGs.