I'm forever blowing
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Scrolled through the seekbar and the thumbnails just show boring pasty people. I think he means gameplay stuff.ANY PICTURES AND / OR VIDEOS?
In general, just want to comment I've gotten a bit tired of "gray" morality in RPGs. It's fantasy and escapism, I think it's totally fine to have clearly defined good and evil and not have to deal with moral ambiguity.
I'm not saying no games should be like that, they can be quite fun, just saying after a couple of decades of it I would enjoy a good old old fashioned clearly defined good vs evil in my fantasy.
Have you seen any "gray morality" story in games that wasn't painfully idiotic?In general, just want to comment I've gotten a bit tired of "gray" morality in RPGs. It's fantasy and escapism, I think it's totally fine to have clearly defined good and evil and not have to deal with moral ambiguity.
I'm not saying no games should be like that, they can be quite fun, just saying after a couple of decades of it I would enjoy a good old old fashioned clearly defined good vs evil in my fantasy.
I have never seen any good vs evil story that was not painfully idiotic.
Obsidian offered a gameplay demonstration set in a conquered village called Plainsgate - although it might also be rent in half and given the name "Halfgate" depending on one's character creation choices
Have you seen any "gray morality" story in games that wasn't painfully idiotic?
Have you seen any "gray morality" story in games that wasn't painfully idiotic?In general, just want to comment I've gotten a bit tired of "gray" morality in RPGs. It's fantasy and escapism, I think it's totally fine to have clearly defined good and evil and not have to deal with moral ambiguity.
I'm not saying no games should be like that, they can be quite fun, just saying after a couple of decades of it I would enjoy a good old old fashioned clearly defined good vs evil in my fantasy.
I have never seen any good vs evil story that was not painfully idiotic.
Scrolled through the seekbar and the thumbnails just show boring pasty people. I think he means gameplay stuff.ANY PICTURES AND / OR VIDEOS?
Non-English previews:
Die Entwickler zeigen das anhand einer Quest, in der es um die Befreiung eines sogenannten Beastman geht - das ist ein Wesen, das halb Mensch, halb Monster ist, früher mal als Sklave ausgebeutet wurde und jetzt zurückgezogen in einer Felswüste namens Planescape lebt.
Die Felswüste Planescape etwa kann zum Teil in einem Abgrund versinken und bekommt dann wegen des entsprechend geformten Zugangstores den Namen Halfgate.
In unserer Demo besuchen wir den Ort Plainsgate, der von dem Scarlet Corps besetzt ist.
Tyranny takes place during a time when the world's Bronze Age is ending and its Iron Age is just beginning.
"So gelingen Euch mächtige Kampf-Intros, kernige Aktionen während des Gefechts und eventuell sogar ein Finishing Move", erklärt Heins.
"Wir wollen vermeiden, dass ihr euch aus jedem Kampf herausredet und dann mit eher niedrigerer Charakterstufe vor dem Endgegner steht - und dann keine Chance habt, ihn zu besiegen", sagt Brian Heins.
"Beim Stufenaufstieg verbessern sich eure Attribute", so Heins. "Außerdem könnt ihr neue Fähigkeiten wie den Schildstoß kaufen."
Ein Zauberer in schwerer Plattenrüstung? Kein Problem.
"Doch keine Angst, wir bieten euch mehr als nur das Gefühl von permanenter Unterdrückung - in 'Tyranny' ist auch Platz für Humor und Liebe."
Told you guys it's a Judge Dredd-y situation, instead of being Sauron himself.
"Ihr startet das Spiel als ein Fate Binder, der auf der Seite der siegreichen bösen Armee steht", erklärt uns Brian Heins. "So wie Judge Dredd seid ihr Richter und Vollstrecker in einer Person."
we finally get a late Bronze Age based RPG setting
Hmm we don't know if it's like Skyrim. Could be more like Colony Shyps where it's not as degenerate.Shitty RTwP combat and Skyrim-like skill progression??
At least it isn't talent trees.
The game [...] is RTwP.
20 hours gameplay, its nearly nothing, we will spend more time posting about it than playing it ,by release date.