Ultimately, it seems to me that the only thing that will meaningfully "speak for itself" is
Unavowed. Ms. Hepler's qualifications or opinions are not so extraordinary that they should prompt a sane person to either pre-purchase or boycott the game. Just be patient. Either she and Dave will work magic with
Unavowed -- and Dave has for years left many fans and many professional reviewers spellbound -- or they won't. If it's a stellar adventure game, why in the world would you care about her views regarding RPG combat? If anything, you should be delighted that she found her way to a genre that is not reliant on combat. If the game's lousy, why in the world would you care about whether Orzammar had a rich backstory or not?
I mean, I enjoy the fun of
but at the end of the day, the Codex is, and should be, about judging the
product and not succumbing to either hype or hate.
Also, though I am of course thoroughly biased here, I happen to think that Dave is, more than anything, the Dr. Dre of adventure games*: he's excellent at finding talented people, making the most of their talent, and becoming a billionaire in the process. (Well, maybe not the last part.) As one does in the Chateau d'If: "Wait, and hope."
(* For those of you who might think to cite
The New Guyz in response, may I point out that Dre himself had The Aftermath. Even Homer nods.)