It has very little in common with anything usually called a "crpg," though. KCD2 is an open-world first-person storyfag game with 6 (or is it supposed to be even more?) hours of cutscenes. Not likely to scratch anybody's underrail/temple of elemental evil/baldur's gate/etc. itch
If it's anything like the first game, or, hopefully an improvement, it'll be a very strong contender for GOTY, even if Infusion releases within the same year.
KCD isn't a storyfag game it is, first and foremost, a medievalfag game, and there really isn't anything that even comes close to it on the market. I like mechanics heavy, buildfag autism RPGs as much as any man, but not every RPG has to be like that, nor does it have to be isometric. We're on the RPG Codex, not CRPG Codex. And frankly, having something of KCD's quality come out in the year of our Lord 2k18 is a fucking miracle. I have high hopes for the sequel.