Styg I would like to request an improvement on the "Cut-Throat" feat. I have a dex melee build and it's the only feat I've regretted getting.
-Firstly, it's a lot of fuss to make it work since you have to sneak up from behind. Sometimes the hit misses simply because you aren't perfectly aligned behind the victim. I suggest you give it a wider angle of use.
-Secondly, even though the feat bypasses all resistances and shields, it misses quite a few times, probably because the victim miraculously dodges, this is unbelievably frustrating, especially for a feat that takes so much preparation. I would suggest a heavy dodge penalty for the victim.
-Third, even if I get behind and perform it, it just isn't very useful. So I've killed one of the 3-5 enemies in the area, so what? This feat requires 30 AP and since I've come out of stealth I now have next to no AP and very few movement points, which means I have almost no remaining options for that turn. Cut throat is always used by a high dex build which means mobility and easy incapacitating options. Without thinking of performing cut throat, I could have sneaked among two enemies and incapacitated them both in the same turn. With my high initiative and mobility, I could have also appeared without stealth and incapacitate/kill 3 of them in the first turn. I highly suggest making it take only 15AP.