I've posted a lot of stuff about this earlier, but basically there are good and bad ways to do this. DC has both.It makes sense that there are some enemies that render one of your strategies useless, or that you'll end up having a tough time with (such as mid-game crossbow users vs. high mech resist enemies).
Still, it sounds like we went a little crazy with it in DC.
Good: cuttlesnails, industrial bots. Cuttlesnails are basically bladelings (slow melee-only hard targets weak to attrition), and there are plenty of alternative strategies to deal with them. Industrial bots are a pain, but limited in number and not that resistant to elemental damage (which everyone should have at this point, if only in the form of grenades/mines). If there was a DC area with like 20+ industrial bots you had to fight (and they respawned over time), it'd definitely fall under "Bad".
Can go either way: The final battle. It has a few ways to make it more manageable at least, but it's still a HP bloated mess that's either brute-forced in one turn by some builds (sniper, fist/hammer melee, psi with thought control / locus), or turns into a massive drawn-out battle of attrition by others (knives and especially xbows). Will need to give it a second try once I get enough patience to do the fishing and prep work necessary.
Bad: shrooms and deep worms. No real alternatives if you don't have high armor piercing. Respawn and very numerous compared to, say, industrial bots. Straight-up immunity to some options that may be central to builds (crits, traps). Worms are much worse than shrooms btw.
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