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Underrail: The Incline Awakens


Klytus, I'm bored
Jan 15, 2015
Riding the train, high on cocaine
Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech
Not sure why you'd want that feat, your critical damage bonus can exceed 350% easily so Aim Shot does the same.

Don't you mistake Sharpshooter (+30% crit damage) with snipe (from stealth attack 225% *normal* damage +1% per stealth point)?

Because snipe is basically second Aimed Shot, but it does work with crit-resistant enemies.


Mar 16, 2015
Do you ever get more than just 1 round of stun out of a taser, e.g. with high quality parts?
Don't know but for 10 ap and you don't need to hit (like with shock bolts) it is good as it is. Also with higher level Power Cores it can hold lots of juice and be used multiple times without needing to be recharged.


Mar 16, 2015
Not sure why you'd want that feat, your critical damage bonus can exceed 350% easily so Aim Shot does the same.

Don't you mistake Sharpshooter (+30% crit damage) with snipe (from stealth attack 225% *normal* damage +1% per stealth point)?

Because snipe is basically second Aimed Shot, but it does work with crit-resistant enemies.
Yes, my crossbow dude did almost same damage with Snipe as with Aimed Shot. Snipe is very good, especially in DC.


Dec 9, 2011
Because snipe is basically second Aimed Shot, but it does work with crit-resistant enemies.
Which are? I only know them mushrooms.
But you're right, with high stealth I guess second shot could be quite useful. I generally switch to AR right away after opening shot.


Klytus, I'm bored
Jan 15, 2015
Riding the train, high on cocaine
Shadorwun: Hong Kong BattleTech
Because snipe is basically second Aimed Shot, but it does work with crit-resistant enemies.
Which are? I only know them mushrooms.
But you're right, with high stealth I guess second shot could be quite useful. I generally switch to AR right away after opening shot.

Dunno, just stating the fact it doesnt rely on crits. As for having second shot - Im a spearhead fan. Second turn they close in and hosing from ar/smg begins.


Jan 14, 2016
Institute of Tchort
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
So, probably a stupid question: is focusing on both snipers and ARs at the same time feasible?

I've done a quick feat check via the wiki and it seems like I'd have enough but, always better to hear from the veterans.
I'd recommend AR feats in higher priority, in cramped tunnels wasting enemies with bursts and just shooting trash mobs is easier without 40% penalty to accuracy every time you move.
Take shared feats, then AR feats (Commando is really the only crucial one), then can grab Sharpshooter - it becomes relevant mostly late game against heavy armored enemies (then again - crafted rifle and green bullets solve lot of problems).

Not sure why you'd want that feat, your critical damage bonus can exceed 350% easily so Aim Shot does the same.

Good points again, Shadenuat. Will definitely take your advice to heart.

I'm yet to find / use a sniper but I'm envisioning something akin to the glorious AMR with explosive rounds from New Vegas, here's hoping it lives up to the expectation.


Dec 9, 2011
I'm yet to find / use a sniper but I'm envisioning something akin to the glorious AMR with explosive rounds from New Vegas, here's hoping it lives up to the expectation.

Thanks babe (kisses rifle)


explosive rounds
Rounds I found don't seem that great, so not sure why people want to get them so much. I have incendary for example, 35% to do 20-40 heat damage for 2 rounds... how is it better than ignoring 65% damage threshold again?


Jan 14, 2016
Institute of Tchort
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
I'm yet to find / use a sniper but I'm envisioning something akin to the glorious AMR with explosive rounds from New Vegas, here's hoping it lives up to the expectation.

Thanks babe (kisses rifle)


explosive rounds
Rounds I found don't seem that great, so not sure why people want to get them so much. I have incendary for example, 35% to do 20-40 heat damage for 2 rounds... how is it better than ignoring 65% damage threshold again?

That's definitely a beautiful rifle. Which feats do you have to achieve such high critical damage?


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
So, probably a stupid question: is focusing on both snipers and ARs at the same time feasible?

I've done a quick feat check via the wiki and it seems like I'd have enough but, always better to hear from the veterans.
I'd recommend AR feats in higher priority, in cramped tunnels wasting enemies with bursts and just shooting trash mobs is easier without 40% penalty to accuracy every time you move.
Take shared feats, then AR feats (Commando is really the only crucial one), then can grab Sharpshooter - it becomes relevant mostly late game against heavy armored enemies (then again - crafted rifle and green bullets solve lot of problems).

Not sure why you'd want that feat, your critical damage bonus can exceed 350% easily so Aim Shot does the same.

Not if you are not a crafter. I have yet to see a Sniper Rifle with a critical damage bonus above 100% from a merchant and with Sharpshooter and Critical Power you would be at 175% if Critical Power synergizes with Shaprshooter that is. Also you can get Stealth ridiculously high. I have seen people getting Sneak to over 250% endgame which would translate in over 475% damage bonus. I doubt you will have much luck topping that. Plus as mentioned
Also you can use Snipe and then Aimed Shot so the talent is not a waste. It essentially gives a sneaking character an extra "Aimed Shot" at the start and in many builds can be stronger than Aimed Shot depending on your gear, feats and stats of course.
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Nov 16, 2015
Not sure why you'd want that feat, your critical damage bonus can exceed 350% easily so Aim Shot does the same.
It's a good opener, and it's not like you can use Aim Shot 2 times in a row.

I'm yet to find / use a sniper but I'm envisioning something akin to the glorious AMR with explosive rounds from New Vegas, here's hoping it lives up to the expectation.
I think it's useless. Gun itself and its ammo are too heavy for a sneaky sniper type to carry, plus very high strength requirements and very high AP cost don't make it any better.


Mar 16, 2015
So, probably a stupid question: is focusing on both snipers and ARs at the same time feasible?

I've done a quick feat check via the wiki and it seems like I'd have enough but, always better to hear from the veterans.
I'd recommend AR feats in higher priority, in cramped tunnels wasting enemies with bursts and just shooting trash mobs is easier without 40% penalty to accuracy every time you move.
Take shared feats, then AR feats (Commando is really the only crucial one), then can grab Sharpshooter - it becomes relevant mostly late game against heavy armored enemies (then again - crafted rifle and green bullets solve lot of problems).

Not sure why you'd want that feat, your critical damage bonus can exceed 350% easily so Aim Shot does the same.

Not if you are not a crafter. I have yet to see a Sniper Rifle with a critical damage bonus above 100% from a merchant and with Sharpshooter and Critical Power you would be at 175% if Critical Power synergizes with Shaprshooter that is. Also you can get Stealth ridiculously high. I have seen people getting Sneak to over 250% endgame which would translate in over 475% damage bonus. I doubt you will have much luck topping that. Plus as mentioned
Also you can use Snipe and then Aimed Shot so the talent is not a waste. It essentially gives a sneaking character an extra "Aimed Shot" at the start and in many builds can be stronger than Aimed Shot depending on your gear, feats and stats of course.
Not only at start, snipe has 2 turn cooldown and works even if enemy noticed you (red eye) as long as you use it from Stealth. Entering Stealth costs 10 AP but removes all left over move and action AP so it is a good thing to use as your last 10 AP in turn.


Dec 9, 2011
Which feats do you have to achieve such high critical damage?
175% critical damage bonus which pales in comparison to a really high Sneak+Snipe opening at 400%+ damage bonus

It's 360%. 175% is base for weapon which is multiplied by Critical Power & Sharpshooter.
It might be not the biggest damage but good thing is, with high crit chance (almost 50%) I generally don't care what I shoot with or which special attacks I use.
I'll post my messy first playthrough stats later, as well as other opinions on the game, I am trying to find friggin elevator to leave the cursed place.


May 11, 2015
where east is west
So, probably a stupid question: is focusing on both snipers and ARs at the same time feasible?

I've done a quick feat check via the wiki and it seems like I'd have enough but, always better to hear from the veterans.

Not sure how successful his build is.

Wondering how I'm gonna round out my sniper later on both feat wise and skills.

Feat wise I dunno what to use for the last 2-4 feats, skills I need to know what I can reduce enough to spread around.

Stat-wise I'm

7 Str
3 Dex (pushed to 7 for quick tink as I level)
7 agi
3 con (pushed to 5 for conditioning as my last feat)
10 per
3 will
7 int

Feat-wise I these so far (almost lv12)

Aim Shot
Gun nut
Hit and Run
Vile Weaponry

Plan to also get:

Quick Tink
Power Management

That leaves 3 feats left over and I'm wondering if one or two into some assault rifle feats for my backup weap might be good or not. One I'm eyeing are:

Critical Power
Concentrated Fire

Also - is Interloper good enough for a sneaky sniper build?
Are Skinner and Clother worth it for Tact vests and boots?

Skills wise it mainly revolves around what is the highest needed for DC/ the best gear, like how high should Stealth, Hacking, Traps, and all crafting be at? ATM I'm planning on only taking Chem to 40 for flashbangs and chemistry to 30 for the -5 per traps while the only ones I'm sure of maxing are Guns, Dodge and Evasion.

I ended up hex editing my str to 5 and dex to 7. For a sniper 5 is fine since you can use the Steyr-Auch that has a 5str req (which is pretty much better than any other assault rifle save for ones made to multi-burst per turn) or wear ratking armour to use a 6str assault rifle. Until you get those the unique 9mm SMG would be fine.

What it comes down to is the 7 dex for Quicker Tinker is better than any assault rifle.

Looking back on things I feel it might have been better to focus more on using assault rifles and kept the sniper rifle around as an opener. The annoying thing with sniper rifles is how inconsistent accuracy can be at times, especially without a bipod equipped. Another thing is how most mobs become one shot kills and adding extra damage with feats and such feels redundant and as a result wishing you could focus on strengthening your assault rifle for the moments when you need it, and you'll be using one as often as you use the sniper rifle for close targets.

Right now I'm torn between a snipie with a bipod and powerful one shot ability and one with a rapid reloader that allows two shots with adrenaline. Accuracy suffers badly with the latter rifle often forcing you to use both shots to get the same hit you;d get with the former, but the way combat flows that extra shot allows you more flexibility to fire twice or fire once and let you have plenty of AP to put into moving and making use of Quick Tinker (with one shot rifles I often have to decide between moving or placing a trap when I need to do both). It's frustrating missing more often and expending more ammo, but I feel in the end that bit of tactical flexibility is better in the end.

IMO, I find sniper rifles suffer from not having features in the game like cover that would make their long range abilities stand out better oppose to assault rifles which excel at killing except at the very extreme of the sniper rifles range. Assault rifles do about 60-75% of the job snipies do and do it far better. If they only had cover that docked other weapons chance to hit and gave snipies a bonus to negating cover allowing you to pick people off and force them to charge it would be different.

I still haven't gotten to DC yet so I don't know how that'll reflect on my opinions here, but I'm thinking of using my last couple feats on Commando and Concentrated Fire, especially Commando since I'm often swamped by one burst kills and could use the extra burst to take them down quicker. I have a feeling for DC I'll be bringing both a 2 shot and 1 shot rifle with me, using the 1 shot for major encounters and the two shot for trash.

Because snipe is basically second Aimed Shot, but it does work with crit-resistant enemies.
Which are? I only know them mushrooms.
But you're right, with high stealth I guess second shot could be quite useful. I generally switch to AR right away after opening shot.

It's powerful for both one and two shot snipies. One shots can open with it, fall back a bit and then aimed shot while two shot snipies are pretty much guaranteed two kills in the opening attack unless they miss. This is especially powerful against machines since a normal sniper shot will usually take half to 2/3s of their life off at best.

The only downside to Snipe is it's pretty much worthless after the opening attack except for very, very long battles where you can run and have a few turns to stealth and snipe while the enemy is running at you only to appear on the very edge your FOV out of AP. It's not worth it to use the time from a flash bang to stealth since you can kill the enemies directly and finish the battle quicker while stealthing without stunning them leaves them the ability to shot at you if too close and drop the stealth.

Really, given how underwhelming sniper rifles are, I don't think it would be all that bad to buff them by removing the stealth req from it and effectively giving snipies two aimed shots.
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Dec 9, 2011
That feeling when you get out of Deep Caverns, have to travel somewhere back on foot and first thing you meet are respawned pigs.
Also you forgot keycard to SGS somewhere and can't open door :lol:


Dec 2, 2014
Turn right after Alpha Centauri
Which feats do you have to achieve such high critical damage?
175% critical damage bonus which pales in comparison to a really high Sneak+Snipe opening at 400%+ damage bonus

It's 360%. 175% is base for weapon which is multiplied by Critical Power & Sharpshooter.
It might be not the biggest damage but good thing is, with high crit chance (almost 50%) I generally don't care what I shoot with or which special attacks I use.
I'll post my messy first playthrough stats later, as well as other opinions on the game, I am trying to find friggin elevator to leave the cursed place.

So the 75% extra was not from Sharpshooter+Critical Power, thought so since I have never ever seen a Sniper Rifle with more than 100% and 75% extra would be exactly what you would get from Sharpshooter+Critical Power on 100% base critical damage bonus. By the way, you should care about special attacks since you can boost them with over 60% easily from Smart Scope + Smart Goggles.


Dec 9, 2011
So the 75% extra was not from Sharpshooter+Critical Power, thought so since I have never ever seen a Sniper Rifle with more than 100% and 75% extra would be exactly what you would get from Sharpshooter+Critical Power on 100% base critical damage bonus. By the way, you should care about special attacks since you can boost them with over 60% easily from Smart Scope + Smart Goggles.
75% extra is from reaper rifle basis itself (it's higher than of other types of sniper rifles) + anatomic scope.


May 11, 2015
where east is west
Because snipe is basically second Aimed Shot, but it does work with crit-resistant enemies.
Which are? I only know them mushrooms.
But you're right, with high stealth I guess second shot could be quite useful. I generally switch to AR right away after opening shot.
Which feats do you have to achieve such high critical damage?
175% critical damage bonus which pales in comparison to a really high Sneak+Snipe opening at 400%+ damage bonus

It's 360%. 175% is base for weapon which is multiplied by Critical Power & Sharpshooter.
It might be not the biggest damage but good thing is, with high crit chance (almost 50%) I generally don't care what I shoot with or which special attacks I use.
I'll post my messy first playthrough stats later, as well as other opinions on the game, I am trying to find friggin elevator to leave the cursed place.

So the 75% extra was not from Sharpshooter+Critical Power, thought so since I have never ever seen a Sniper Rifle with more than 100% and 75% extra would be exactly what you would get from Sharpshooter+Critical Power on 100% base critical damage bonus. By the way, you should care about special attacks since you can boost them with over 60% easily from Smart Scope + Smart Goggles.

All of those bonus' make me favour putting extra crit chance on a reaper.

Also I'm not that much of a fan of Sharpshooter. 30% crit damage with only my snipie isn't worth it when I use my assault rifle often. I like Crit Power since it effects both weapons.


Dec 9, 2011
Also I'm not that much of a fan of Sharpshooter. 30% crit damage with only my snipie isn't worth it when I use my assault rifle often. I like Crit Power since it effects both weapons.
Well it saves you green bullets a bit I guess. I didn't have Stealth so I skipped Snipe, and there weren't that many feats left to pick.


Jan 14, 2016
Institute of Tchort
Codex 2016 - The Age of Grimoire Make the Codex Great Again! A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire

Great post, Beastro. Good write up.

After digesting all of that information I feel like I'd be building the sniper as some kind of elephant hunter for

Bit of an underwhelming revelation, really. Oh well, if I have spare feats I may as well use them for the sniper I suppose.


Dec 9, 2011
Damn, even for me, even for crafter character clocking 90 hours for 1 playthrough shows well enough that game suffers some major pacing and backtracking problems.

Some terrible biowarish cliffhanger writing in the end, I can only wish devs would scrap big part of endgame and remake it from ground up. Not to mention Tchort is a total pushover, as it always happens with static bosses. And that's in game where you mostly fight fairly interesting encounters against parties, and parties, akin to IE games, are the strongest challengers.

"Six", DM's favorite NPC with special plot powers, taking macguffin from you made me want to strangle somebody.
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