One of the nice advantages of playing a pure psyker with fairly high Will is that you'll resist stuns and so on quite frequently.
Right, that's how it's supposed to work. If you wouldn't get hit it would be a bit broken. The question is how often you get hit, not whether you get hit or not. In the alpha dodge and evasion was quite reliable, you were missed about 5 or 8 times as often as you got hit.I'm playing 10 agi with max dodge/evasion, infused siphoner tabi boots and leather armor. I'm still getting hit.
Right, that's how it's supposed to work. If you wouldn't get hit it would be a bit broken. The question is how often you get hit, not whether you get hit or not. In the alpha dodge and evasion was quite reliable, you were missed about 5 or 8 times as often as you got hit.I'm playing 10 agi with max dodge/evasion, infused siphoner tabi boots and leather armor. I'm still getting hit.
Unless crossbow guy has shock bolts and he stuns you :DI'll add my own pro tip on that stealth tips of yours:
If you find yourself in a room with 3 guys- One with a gun, one with a knife, and one with a crossbow take out the guy with the gun first. You'll find that backup isn't going to arrive for them once the real fighting starts because their weapons are quiet as well.
Unless crossbow guy has shock bolts and he stuns you :DI'll add my own pro tip on that stealth tips of yours:
If you find yourself in a room with 3 guys- One with a gun, one with a knife, and one with a crossbow take out the guy with the gun first. You'll find that backup isn't going to arrive for them once the real fighting starts because their weapons are quiet as well.
I raise Evasion more than Dodge on my character so I usually kill melee enemies first. I do this because I got so many tools to slow down melee and kite well while I cannot do that to enemy ranged guys.
I'll add my own pro tip on that stealth tips of yours:
If you find yourself in a room with 3 guys- One with a gun, one with a knife, and one with a crossbow take out the guy with the gun first. You'll find that backup isn't going to arrive for them once the real fighting starts because their weapons are quiet as well.
I love how some creatures like rathounds have aversions towards some elements and if you use fire vs them they all go into fear mode and run away. Fuck, why more games didnt' have this?I LOVE SETTING PEOPLE ON FIRE WITHFIRE MAGICTHERMAL PSI STUFF
I'll add my own pro tip on that stealth tips of yours:
If you find yourself in a room with 3 guys- One with a gun, one with a knife, and one with a crossbow take out the guy with the gun first. You'll find that backup isn't going to arrive for them once the real fighting starts because their weapons are quiet as well.
Don't they just call for help? I've learned that isolating + fast kill as a stealthy character is the best, even if you make noise you can get away before reinforcements arrive. The 3 guys in a room I usually just leave for last trapping with mines / beartraps the entrance and making some noise.
Now my build is terrible, I wanted to see how the game would roll with sort of a randomly generated character, so had my little brother decide what I'd get.
I love how some creatures like rathounds have aversions towards some elements and if you use fire vs them they all go into fear mode and run away. Fuck, why more games didnt' have this?I LOVE SETTING PEOPLE ON FIRE WITHFIRE MAGICTHERMAL PSI STUFF
I love how some creatures like rathounds have aversions towards some elements and if you use fire vs them they all go into fear mode and run away. Fuck, why more games didnt' have this?I LOVE SETTING PEOPLE ON FIRE WITHFIRE MAGICTHERMAL PSI STUFF
I found that being set aflame has this effect on most living things, but you're right, rathounds already panic when I use a firespellpsi power in their vicinity. Haven't noticed any other elements doing fear effects yet, though - but maybe later in the game some creatures will be afraid of ice?
Traffic jam. I killed the hunter in the room proper, can't move because she netted me, and none of us can aim at each other. I guess tight corners allow everyone to just relax for a bit in the middle of a pitched battle. To top it off, one of the two remaining guys used Adrenaline, and it wore off right as I became disentangled.
Huge advantage for me, since I'm full psi and am regenerating while I wait.
Edit: The end of that fight, during which the entire lined up single-file to fight me in that room, showed that Cryostasis is a bit flawed in that if you use it on the last enemy standing. Combat is force-ended and if they recover before your start combat cooldown is ended, they will immediately re-initiate combat and get the jump on you. I remember people having similar issues with flashbangs in the past. In my opinion, combat should never be force-ended if enemies remain on the map.