Pack rathound is great for grenadier build, since you will be carrying 100 grenades with ease. I usually carry throwing nets, biogas grenades, MKV frags, some MKV HE, lots of flashbangs/magnesium/caltrops for CC. If you don't play with restock cheats, just make sure to buy TNT/hexogen at every opportunity. And really get that 112 chemistry, since MKV grenades are super duper powerful, if you plan to play dominating you will need it. With critical bonus they can blast through 500-600HP enemies with one grenade. You will also need temporal manipulation school with the future orientation and Limited temporal increment spell. That way you will throw offensive grenade every turn. Coupled with knives for soft targets and you are golden. Remember to craft EMP and have it for robotic encounters, albeit i would stealth these anyway.
ItsChon said:
It's up to you. Hard is really fun and still a decent challenge but I can understand wanting a little more. The issue with Dominating is that the early game is very frustrating, and there are some walls later on. With a throwing knife build, you will have some hard times my friend. Just thinking of Silent Isle, the Psi Beetles, the Ironheads, and all the other challenges you will face makes me shiver. Good luck though!
That's why he need stealth. There's no point fighting goliathuses with throwing build.
The quest with the guy who activates the robots underneath the Tchort institute is pretty absurd. I don't like quests like this that mandate reverting to an earlier save and then stocking up on whatever items you need to complete the quest. The Gray Army base was another one, where you simply could not finish it unless you had enough lockpicking to enter that one door.
Another case of playing smarter. You can use TNT to lure enemies from their guard posts. You can also use turn based mode to sneak past and not cause hostilities.
Jasede said:
Hahaha as if I had spent 10 hours on my first run to Core City running back and forth selling useless loot for a very tiny amount of Charons! Hahaha! Haha...
Yes the game is very good with testing your inner Jew.