Cis-Het Oppressor
This hasn't been discussed a great deal, but Underrail's music is fucking great.
Since the Free Drones questline is bugged and won't trigger for me, is there a way to work for the Protectorate instead without
I'm probably boned until next playthrough, but I figure it's worth asking.having solved the Lost Train quest in their favor?
This hasn't been discussed a great deal, but Underrail's music is fucking great.
Since when is the inconvenience of having to walk (instead of running) back and forth the same dozen screens again and again something praiseworthy? It's not like only showing the player the interesting parts of town would diminish the sense of scope if you do it right (add flavor text during map transitions telling the player about the rest of the place, design the parts you show in a believable way, etc).In terms of world building, it makes sense to me that not every station has its entrance set three inches away from the metro for the player's convenience. To me, that feels more organic and genuine. Likewise, not every station has a compact and convenient layout. Foundry and Core City are huge and sprawling, while SGS is the epitome of convenience. Foundry and Core City also have a lot of little cubbyholes, rat's nests, and alleyways to explore, and I feel the inconvenience of backtracking through them later is worth the tradeoff for the feeling of immensity and exploration potential they initially offer.
Top tier imbecility. I don't know how you can defend time wasting bullshit with a straight face. Do you cry when your pnp groups timeskip too?"I wish I could sprint everywhere... I wish there were a map... I wish there were more fast travel options...."
Don't worry, you'll be able to get back to AAA action McRPGs soon enough and travel virtually anywhere at the click of a button, wondering why they don't make 'em like they used to as you follow GPS markers directly to quest objectives.
They don't make 'em like they used to because they've eliminated frustrations, inconveniences, and anything potentially confusing or too challenging in order to make RPGs "accessible" for the average person.
So why doesn't it say on the tooltip like with tabi boots?Excidium II You are wrong, sprint works outside combat.
regarding the deep caverns
I got to the Faceless Outpost, and the faceless leader sez 'hm, youre not my enemy but youre not my friend either. Fuck off'. Is there any way of making him more amiable? I could really use some answers/help/supplies down here. Is it a result of previous quests? I didnt let them kill Buzz, but apart from that I dont recall ever having interfered with them.
the one for whatshisname in Rail Crossing has you walk back and forth between rail crossing and the protectorate embassy twelve hundred times
regarding the deep caverns
I got to the Faceless Outpost, and the faceless leader sez 'hm, youre not my enemy but youre not my friend either. Fuck off'. Is there any way of making him more amiable? I could really use some answers/help/supplies down here. Is it a result of previous quests? I didnt let them kill Buzz, but apart from that I dont recall ever having interfered with them.
Need to persuade them to leave/let them kill Buzzer, inform the ones in Foundry about the location of the cube and save the Faceless Tunneler operator. I think you also need to avoid killing them at the elevator in Tchort Institute.
regarding the deep caverns
I got to the Faceless Outpost, and the faceless leader sez 'hm, youre not my enemy but youre not my friend either. Fuck off'. Is there any way of making him more amiable? I could really use some answers/help/supplies down here. Is it a result of previous quests? I didnt let them kill Buzz, but apart from that I dont recall ever having interfered with them.
Need to persuade them to leave/let them kill Buzzer, inform the ones in Foundry about the location of the cube and save the Faceless Tunneler operator. I think you also need to avoid killing them at the elevator in Tchort Institute.There's a known bug where if you persuade them to not kill Buzzer, it counts as if you killed them at his shop. Should be fixed fairly soon though.
Thank you Styg for giving access to beta only to bootlickers like Blaine. The game is much better thanks to it .Although some of the oddly-sized map segments may be vestiges of the game's development, I've never really noticed them one way or another and, upon reflection, feel that they add variety. (...)
No, having a lot of pointless transition areas isn't good design. There is no excuse for it. People play games to have fun, and - even though this experience is very subjective - do you really think you can find someone who will say: hey, I enjoy watching my character walk and walk, and walk through Underrail's empty maps? This is the one feature that almost universally bores and annoy people, including yourself. So what if there is logic behind it? Exploration is the main theme of the game, and by designing your world in a way that makes exploring a chore you are literally shooting yourself in the foot as a designer.Yes, backtracking through cavernous areas can be boring and annoying, but again, it's a tradeoff. I feel it's worth it.
Wow, Deep Caverns are so shitty that I'm considering changing my positive (Steam) review to negative. Many areas in UR were way worse than Arcanum mines but Deep Caverns brings it to another level. I can't believe that no beta testers have pointed out how crappy this area is (but then again it's no surprise when beta testers were such toadies like Blaine and the like). You need to scavenge every nook and cranny to advance and open almost every container.
I'm finishing up here in a few - getting ready to do the final fight.Yes, beta was available only to bootlickers like me, the leader of an elite group consisting exclusively of anyone with a spare $10. If you mean the DC testing, well, true bootlickers didn't actually play it, instead saving it to enjoy in our first 1.0 playthrough.
I've criticized many things about Underrail, but the walking speed, font, and stations that don't have quest-givers and merchants crowded into one small MMO hub aren't among them.
Actual criticisms include (but are not limited to):
Crafting is far too powerful, especially with the addition of Super Steel. All looted and shop-bought gear is shitty rags compared to what can ultimately be crafted. Crafted infused leather and Super Steel heavy armor are twice or thrice as good as what can be looted or purchased. Looted and shop-bought energy shields even late in the game seem to top out around 300 capacity with mediocre resistances, while with crafting you can create 1200 or 1600 capacity (depending on the Power Management feat) shields with fantastic resistances.
We're not talking 50% or better, or even 100% better: Crafted gear is several times better than anything else available. Styg knows this, and apparently it's what he wants. I strongly disagree with this design decision.
Perplexingly, Riot Gear is total crap. Even at very high quality, the shield doesn't block melee attacks nearly often enough (or prevent enough damage when it does) to justify the armor type being otherwise weaker than Tac Vests in every way.
Pistols were nerfed across the board because Styg thought energy weapons were too strong, and now they suck, as has been amply demonstrated in this thread (an SMG that deals more damage per bullet than a .44 pistol, for less AP, with a larger magazine, and both of the same quality and caliber, for example). Meanwhile, ARs and SMGs still shred the entire building and leave only wooden splinters and pulped organic material in the aftermath.
Crossbows didn't receive the promised "love" and are still wanting. Notably, an entire skill is dedicated only to crossbows, while with the Guns skill you can use all sorts of guns effectively even if you make very specialized feat choices.
The grammatical errors and typos range from slight to a complete mess, and this has barely changed since a year and a half ago. I plan to personally help Styg clean it up at some point when I settle on a viable method of efficiently parsing all the dialogue, descriptive text, etc.
There are many little things that need to be improved, especially things that have actually worsened since Early Access, such as Charons being prioritized when trading with SGS merchants, unreachable containers and switches, patrolling guards getting stuck on scenery, etc. Also, why the fuck can't I type in a quantity when dividing stacks?
Excidium II Mental Breakdown not only doubles the effect of the next Thought Control ability used on the victim, but it also incapacitates them for three turns without tripping the Aphobia (anti-fear) or Second Wind debuffs. It's worth noting that any damage dealt to them will snap them out of it, though, which the description doesn't mention.