I wouldn't take that bet myself. Now out before Crimson Twilight? That's a more interesting thought.At the rate things are going it might come out before SKALD.
For me personally the game is burned. If it ever releases I won't be touching it with a pole. I would get vietnam like flashbacks to the times he was a dickhead.
Stirring Dragon Games Creator 14 days ago
Hi everyone!
Screenshot tweets! If you’re on Twitter, make sure you’re following @UnknownRealmSDG for more.
Rats in sewers
Help screen:
8-bit crash bugs
Character creation sneak peek - girl avatar
And a bonus silly video of our parakeet Lord Birdish rocking out to ABBA
Hope you’re having a great summer. More to come!
IN the toilet would be an improvement from where they're asking their kids to reach, after having bent over at their community, repeatedly asking for any repeat-takers even there on their own websiteI’m helping fund 3 game Kickstarters atm:
Beyond Shadowgate
The Fallen Crown
I’ll probably help fund Vampire Syndicate: Gangs of Moonfall but I have a feeling it might not get enough funds.
I’ll laugh if all of these and their promises release including physical releases while Unknown Realm sits in the toilet.
lol if anyone was gonna drop mosquitos over florida it wouldnt be in the middle of the afternoon, out of some tiny little 2 seat helicopter> be a backer of Bruce
> wanting to check how the game development is going, checks his twitter
> damn Bill Gates at it again