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Vapourware Unknown Realm: The Siege Perilous - an 8-bit RPG for PC and Commodore 64


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Shhhh...... no talkie talkie about ghosts.


Mar 29, 2020
I think this is my biggest loss of money on kickstarter and i want to thank you guys for bugging these snake oil salesmen.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016

Hey Bandersnatch! You have the wrong fucking avatar you furry lovin mother fucker! You look like a rat and probably scream like one. And we know I LOVE KILLING RATS! Bet you bleed really good.


Your choice.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Rentry.org eh?

Some bits of interest:

Laura points out that contributing to the project does not guarantee that you will get something in return.

The so called "feelies" are merchandise styled to fit the game. These items were heavily marketed and are basically promotional items made by seperate companies where you have to send in an design/image. Most of them were bundled with the kickstarter pledges. This strategy was

Items marked with an ❌ haven't been seen or talked about since mentioned in the campaign.
Items marked with an ✔️ have either been released as planned or sold on their website.
Items marked with an ➖ See comment

Adventurer’s Guide❌-
Bestiary Art Book➖Mini version was released
Cloth Map➖Mini version was released
Commemorative Bookmark✔️Sent to backers
Engraved Wooden Keyboard Overlay (C64/C128)➖Prototype was shown
Engraved Wooden Keyboard Overlay (PC)❌-
Game Soundtrack CD❌-
Hint Book❌-
Keyboard Overlay (PC)❌-
Keyboard Overlays (C64/C128)➖Prototype was shown
Limited Edition Pug Companion Figurine❌-
Lute String✔️Joke item; a piece of string. Sent to backers
Making-of-Book➖Will have an own section below
Mandlebrot’s Cipher (Metal)❌-
Parchment Paper Map❌-
Players Reference Card➖Prototype was shown
Quest Cards➖Prototype was shown
Quest Journal➖Prototype was shown
Realm Stone➖Prototype was shown
Signed Certificate of Authenticity❌-
Stirring Dragon Games Royal Signet Ring❌-
Wooden Tavern Dice➖Prototype was shown

A piece of string? I got the bookmark from a xmas raffle. Most of that shit looks to not exist.

Didn't know there were some stalkersites about this. It does give one pause when investing into a KS with physical media/product. I'm hoping the Shadowgate on KS goes flawlessly and shows these two scammers what a successful KS is like. (Unless it falls flat.. fingers crossed).


Gourd vibes only
Mar 22, 2013
Rentry.org eh?

Some bits of interest:

Laura points out that contributing to the project does not guarantee that you will get something in return.

The so called "feelies" are merchandise styled to fit the game. These items were heavily marketed and are basically promotional items made by seperate companies where you have to send in an design/image. Most of them were bundled with the kickstarter pledges. This strategy was

Items marked with an ❌ haven't been seen or talked about since mentioned in the campaign.
Items marked with an ✔️ have either been released as planned or sold on their website.
Items marked with an ➖ See comment

Adventurer’s Guide❌-
Bestiary Art Book➖Mini version was released
Cloth Map➖Mini version was released
Commemorative Bookmark✔️Sent to backers
Engraved Wooden Keyboard Overlay (C64/C128)➖Prototype was shown
Engraved Wooden Keyboard Overlay (PC)❌-
Game Soundtrack CD❌-
Hint Book❌-
Keyboard Overlay (PC)❌-
Keyboard Overlays (C64/C128)➖Prototype was shown
Limited Edition Pug Companion Figurine❌-
Lute String✔️Joke item; a piece of string. Sent to backers
Making-of-Book➖Will have an own section below
Mandlebrot’s Cipher (Metal)❌-
Parchment Paper Map❌-
Players Reference Card➖Prototype was shown
Quest Cards➖Prototype was shown
Quest Journal➖Prototype was shown
Realm Stone➖Prototype was shown
Signed Certificate of Authenticity❌-
Stirring Dragon Games Royal Signet Ring❌-
Wooden Tavern Dice➖Prototype was shown

A piece of string? I got the bookmark from a xmas raffle. Most of that shit looks to not exist.

Didn't know there were some stalkersites about this. It does give one pause when investing into a KS with physical media/product. I'm hoping the Shadowgate on KS goes flawlessly and shows these two scammers what a successful KS is like. (Unless it falls flat.. fingers crossed).

The crazy thing is that there were projects like this that started in a similar time frame, with box and stuff and all and they finished, and these bozos still have the gall to show old screenshots once per year and whine how hard game dev is


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
That's why this turdbox should only be opened maybe once a year or less. They just want attention now and more idiots to buy into what they offer. Still running the scam.

Even if it miracuously releases in some form; it will only get a passing meh. This ain't some genre game-breaking miracle from the gaming gods of 80s past.

I'm talking to a few guys new to programming and I bet their game gets released before this. (Because this will NEVER EVER SEE RELEASE).


Mar 20, 2022
A piece of string? I got the bookmark from a xmas raffle. Most of that shit looks to not exist.

Didn't know there were some stalkersites about this. It does give one pause when investing into a KS with physical media/product. I'm hoping the Shadowgate on KS goes flawlessly and shows these two scammers what a successful KS is like. (Unless it falls flat.. fingers crossed).

Guess it's this one: https://twitter.com/MickMertens/status/1608861542132649984?cxt=HHwWgMDU-YzD6dMsAAAA

Money well spent :D


Dec 22, 2019
The crazy thing is that there were projects like this that started in a similar time frame, with box and stuff and all and they finished, and these bozos still have the gall to show old screenshots once per year and whine how hard game dev is

The highlights are how Bruce and Laura pepper in details that prove themselves to be liars about their campaign bragging, thus ensuring that this is going to be the one and only shitshow they're going to be able to run by those who are capable of comparing a few details. They are quite aware that those still stupid enough to continually pay them for UR in the world's most intellectually-challenged Patreon will probably have a re-think if another game shows up. Then again, some of the morons grinding Shroud of the Avatar still believe that Richard Garriott's NFT MMO will bring health to Shroud despite being dead in communications since last year. That's how fucking stupid some of them are, that they'll not pick up immediately on details that go counter to the entire thing:


Developed natively on the C64.
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RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Dude blocked me but I don't care. Guy is a fucking loser as far as a game dev goes. My neighbors kids are better programmers.


Dec 22, 2019
Note how "finish the game" isn't even an option
It never was.

1. Without updates this is all but confirmed at this point.
2. You can put JollyDisk and all the other Stalling Duo Goldbricking exercises into it!
3. C64 source code, right? :lol:
4. LOL, again?

Dude just can't stop biting the hand that feeds:


You owe those communities a game, remember? They aren't there to coddle and swaddle your entitled ass after having already paid you a bunch of money to do the thing you said you were going to do. That was the deal, and you fucked it up. Time to learn from the L. Stop complaining that nobody likes "your" way of not delivering that which you owe.

NOBODY agreed to crowd-source your programming education.
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RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
I really doubt other programners are telling him to fuck off unless he's pissing in their face first. What a whiny bitch.


Apr 5, 2019
Marysville, WA
My first thought on seeing this poll was "Oh, there's Bruce trying to weed out all the false followers again."

However, now I am leaning into thinking this is legitimate. For two reasons:
  1. He posted a link to the poll on the Kickstarter. Which of course he got blasted for, since he should be using the update system, but he complained they had no poll tools.
  2. When someone asked how much source code there was, he gave a fairly detailed response, probably more information that any backer has received in 5 years.
Presuming he IS finally giving up on the project, Option B is what I suspect they'd do. Because it fulfills the letter of the law as far as KS is concerned (they delivered SOMETHING).

Option C, anyone who took source would likely be obligated to deliver a product for the KS backers. This wouldn't be the first Kickstarter that was finished and delivered by another party.

Option D, that's one I'm surprised they didn't do years ago. (I presume they wanted to use their "guild" system over Patreon.) That being said, at this point I doubt they'd get enough patrons to make it a viable option.

On the post about getting the cold shoulder from the C64 hacker community, can anyone actually FIND anything? I suppose all the conversations occurred over private channels, but I went looking at multiple C64 forums and could find nothing.

EDIT: After consideration, it's probably just a cry for attention.
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Mar 20, 2022

So, translated:

A.) Don't deliver the game
B.) Don't deliver the game
C.) Don't deliver the game*
D.) Hahaha, yeah sure :D

*: It is absolutely unfeasible to have someone pick up the work he refused/can't do, since:

So yeah, he knows it. So that option is irrelevant anyways.

But wait, why isn't there an option for actually continue to work on the game? Easy!


Is he really THAT stupid? Nobody ever requested that he finish the game? That's really baffling.

Shoutout to Kroc for that comment, it actually made me laugh :D


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
You know, this sort of shit happened with Sword of Fargoal 2. Guess what, someone leaked the code and put out a pirate version.


I don't even see the fan remake. Ios has the old touch fargoal for a sub service. I could probably find offline game links eventually since steam bought fargoal.

If this is the version I think it is... it was fucking free at one point. Yeesh.

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