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KickStarter Vagrus: The Riven Realms - post-apocalyptic fantasy caravan master RPG - now with Old Acquaintances DLC


Jun 17, 2012
There was an update: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/909660/view/3020218154025530715

Hey Everyone,

Let us begin by thanking you all again for all the constructive feedback as well as the positive reception of the release of Vagrus! Of course, as most releases go with complex games, we managed to slip some glithces past testing before hitting 1.0, so today we're releasing a hotfix for these as well as adding more variety to character creation for the open world campaign.

Important Note
: There is a small chance that we broke something with the update. Please assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuild reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.

Now let's jump into the details:

Patch 1.001 - Codename: No Rest for the Wicked

New/Updated Features

  • Three new leader races (Dark Elf, Demonkin, and Kalani human)
  • Leader races and backgrounds received a major overhaul
  • Additional leader portrait variations


Bug Fixes

  • The confusion-causing Prowess tooltip is fixed (the right one appears from now on)
  • Gear tutorial bug circumvented (equipping the talisman on Morwen is optional)
  • 'Delayed' achievement triggering prematurely is now fixed
  • Smaller Event script fixes based on player feedback, including reduced Insight rewards for some story stages (they used to be quite outlandish)

Known Issues:
  • The later part of the Wealth victory path / Outpost building is not yet in
  • Some NPC portraits are missing in Garrick's personal storyline
  • Some performance issues (including longer initial loading time)

Coming Up Next
  • The rest of the outpost building and Wealth victory path
  • Faction leaders for the two crime syndicates
  • Smaller user interface fixes/improvements
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Jun 17, 2012

Has there been any discussion on the dev team about losing stuff on defense combats when you completely destroy (as in it pops up "destroyed" and all enemies are dead) the other side? I found it incredibly unfun and illogical to have the enemy "steal" entire beasts of burden, cargo, or lots of stuff when you literally kill all of them and there is no one left to "take it away". I get that defense is supposed to abstract a raiding type of scenario where you're triaging and can't save everything and some loss is just part of the design, but I feel like if the whole enemy is destroyed you shouldn't lose anything. Or at the very least, some of those enemies should be shown escaping/fleeing to allow such a thing.
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Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
I honestly don't remember offhand, but go looking in the various places in city that sell stuff (not the main market, the events). There's guys who sell it, slimegrass, and also will make it from slimegrass if you have it. HOWEVER, if you're just doing this for the Yrg crystal thing, you can buy one of those every few days at Deven from the garden dudes. If you want to go and do the Yrg event to experience it you'll still want dampsmoke (or kill them I guess), but if you just want the crystal you can buy it.
Nah need it for the loyalty stat of the dark elf. Make sure you have a stack of that shit to boost him,because he take only this as a gift. Also it is done by the alchemist,you learn about him from the lumen city. But don't know from where to get slimeweed since it is not a cargo thing,must be an item thingy.

It's a balancing thing. You can counteract this in a lot of ways. For example, if you always do the most guarded option (which you should, obviously, even without crowded camps, but especially with crowded camps) you always get +1 morale every day, and crowded camps is only a chance, so it will override it in the long term by far unless you have another malus like overmarching a lot. That's the tradeoff and choice. Without crowded camps/big crew you can march all day every day with the most guarded option and basically never have to worry about march mechanics. There's also a boost option that raises morale with resourcefulness at camp.

Final note, obviously not recommended for daily use but if you enter a morale spiral due to events, you can temporarily alleviate and get rid of debuffs like lack of workforce by 2x pay or 150%/200% supplies to get extra morale.
LoL that is obvious dude,i am running around with double supply and max guard,but still get a hit and every few days i have to spam double pay,which is annoying as fuck. It is just retarded busy work,at least if there was a lock on the double pay so i don't care about that shit.

There should be a way to upgrade your camp,also it doesn't make sense. How the fuck can you be crowded in the middle of the fucking desert. It is pointless debuff. They should have just put a hard restriction on the amount of people in the your caravan and then made you buy that thingy that lets you have more warriors.


Jun 17, 2012
I don't know how you're losing morale if you use full guard. The only time I ever lose morale is getting spammed by combat or special event debuffs like that Velarias corpse cargo. Even paying double should be very rare.
Mar 3, 2010
i see we have the dev here.
if he can keep the promise of working on the game like trese brothers do, i'm going to buy this right away. because it looks promising, but damn it still needs a lot of work.


Jun 17, 2012
If anyone else is wondering about how to easily get Dampsmoke, the Oghre in Sun Rock sells it in stacks of 3 without having to bother with converting it from slimegrass.

Feyd Rautha

Apr 17, 2009
Nestled atop the cliffs
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
I'm playing the prologue and I have a noob problem understanding how to find stuff on the map. For example I can stand on the exact node that is indicated by the worldmap to hold a abolitionist camp but the only thing I can do at that node is rest or scout. How do I find the camp that's supposed to be there?
Run around ,it should be vague are and not exact place on the map. The locations are in circle,the circle dots on the map that are not filled are unvisited places.
So I should just travel back and forth between the same nodes until something pops up? Can I increase my chances at finding these camps and bounties somehow?


Love fool
Feb 7, 2013
Smyrna - Scalanouva
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Men, I'm loving this one. Stumbled upon it by thanks to our news section.
As usual this game reminded me how bad I'm at trade and trusting everyone (especially in an apocalyptic wasteland setting...) is foolish.


Jun 17, 2012
I'm playing the prologue and I have a noob problem understanding how to find stuff on the map. For example I can stand on the exact node that is indicated by the worldmap to hold a abolitionist camp but the only thing I can do at that node is rest or scout. How do I find the camp that's supposed to be there?
Run around ,it should be vague are and not exact place on the map. The locations are in circle,the circle dots on the map that are not filled are unvisited places.
So I should just travel back and forth between the same nodes until something pops up? Can I increase my chances at finding these camps and bounties somehow?

The game autosaves every new day in wasteland so you can just savescum if you want once you're in the node radius. If that's too cheesy for you though you can scout with 4-6~ scouts and cover every direction. The node with the mission will be 100% blue scroll thing (100% "event").


Jun 17, 2012
Men, I'm loving this one. Stumbled upon it by thanks to our news section.
As usual this game reminded me how bad I'm at trade and trusting everyone (especially in an apocalyptic wasteland setting...) is foolish.

There's a really funny moment in the dragon girl's questline if you try to let her have her way and be a goody two-shoes
where she ends up full of arrows and the game unceremoniously drops her corpse on the ground
. Usually I'm thinking they really let it be up to player choice whether to be cruel or not, but every once in a while the setting smacks you down and reminds you what it is.


Lost Pilgrims
Nov 7, 2018
The fig-campaign seems to be ongoing. But who in their right mind would back on fig when the game is available in stores?

One can buy Steam/GOG keys through Fig but the late pledges are mostly for the physical rewards now that cannot be purchased through those platforms.


To Everyone who posted about bugs here,
Sadly, my tele-healing abilities have faded since becoming an indiedev. Guess that's the result of the magical media wars between the entertainment factions. Due to that, lately, I had to resort to looking at debug logs, loading up player saves, and 'trying to reproduce the issue'. To save me from having to admit to that mournful decline, sending in bug reports via the inbuild reporting tool (pressing F1) is greatly appreciated. :salute:
We are swamped but getting through it (eventually).
Thanks, cheers!

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
So I have about 16 hours in the game so far, including the prologue. I'm going to hold out awhile longer before posting any solid impressions, but I will say it's addictive as fuck. Sat down the past couple nights after work intending to play for only an hour or two, only to look at the clock and find 5 hours have slipped by without realizing it.

As for vague impressions: it's very good on many levels, and clearly a labor of great love.
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Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Kotrar is really annoying place since it is luck based when the shamans are in the city. It is really retarded since it seems that you have to get all four blessings at once and then go talk to the leaders. So you end up losing a lot of time in the region just waiting. Or maybe the whole quest is bugged because i can't finish it.


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Ok the circles stopped getting filled in when you move pass them. Now i can't fucking find the places i have been to when searching an area. Any ideas about fixing this ???


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Also dead reavers quest is bugged,i believe that it was also bugged in the early access and there was a bunch of bug reports about it.

Ahh found the place after an hour of wasted time. Here is a pic for you fagz.


And yeah,it is a bug.
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Proud owner of BG 3: Day of Swen's Tentacle
Nov 23, 2014
At large
PC RPG Website of the Year, 2015 Make the Codex Great Again! Grab the Codex by the pussy Insert Title Here RPG Wokedex Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag. Pathfinder: Wrath
After playing the demo, it must have stuck in my memory that I own the game. To my surprise yesterday, I didn't, so I bought it on Steam. On one hand I want to be part of the fun of playing while stil no one is very familiar with it, on the other I'm still mowing through Chapter 3 of WotR, and I see there are bugs to be fixed here as well...
Mar 3, 2010
the prologue felt sooooooo baaaaaaad, i remorselessly skipped it after reaching the first city.
any tips on a solid trade route? i'm trapped between the starting cities, hoping for a decent streak of faction jobs, mainly to lumen, i can usually take 3-5 transport jobs there but still i just barely float. tying companions levels to their quests is so damn dumb, i understand why it's like that but it's still dumb in the end, i can't advance without taking big losses but if i keep taking these big losses i can't advance.


Aug 24, 2018
When is Knowledge coming ? i know Wealth is supposed to come in month or so
but is Knowledge like 3 months 6 months ?

Also whats the crystal protection gear and where i do get it ? i got the anti blindness one and i still die so i suspect its two part gear and i only got one piece.
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Jun 16, 2010
A Beautifully Desolate Campaign
any tips on a solid trade route? i'm trapped between the starting cities, hoping for a decent streak of faction jobs, mainly to lumen, i can usually take 3-5 transport jobs there but still i just barely float. tying companions levels to their quests is so damn dumb, i understand why it's like that but it's still dumb in the end, i can't advance without taking big losses but if i keep taking these big losses i can't advance.
The problem with Lumen is that its only good one-way. You lose most of your profit when going back, as the margin on crystals is very small. Ferrying Mushrooms/Mushroom Wine to the Dragonlord cities in the east (Crimson Gate and the one two to the north of it), stocking up on salt either through prospecting or by buying it from one of the multiple cities there, ferrying half of it to Dreven, stocking up on Wine again, going to Arkhen, selling some more salt and wine, and bringing marble+salt back to the Shelter seemed like a decent route. You can pick up a few quests on the way, add 1 or 2 more companions and build some reputation with the trading houses and reptilians.

Haven't really had the time to try out more than that, Ash/Crystal seemed like a waste of resources so far, and my companion-combat isn't strong enough yet (couldn't free the darkelf in Dreven so far). Margin on Marble and Salt seemed really good, it might be better to stock up completely on supplies in the shelter as it sells an unlimited amount and its only 250 coins per stack, compared to most other cities where its twice that.

Remember to downsize your caravan anytime you're planning on doing a 5+ day travel with most of your cargo unfilled. I.e. I decided to run around for 10+ days with 3-4 beasts of burden and no cargo that was worth hauling, and it quickly eats into your wage and supply cost. Just selling off some Slaves, Mounts and Beasts and rebuying them when you actually need them, will be cheaper long-term. This is the only way that Lumen is worth it as well, as you could pack your caravan as full as possible with 5-7 contracts, then sell the beasts in Lumen and travel back with the smallest size possible, and rebuying everything as you get back to the Shelter.

Having a great time so far though, slowly exploring and wandering away from the starting area more and more to gather more information on what might be worth selling/buying, and potentially finding new quests or companions. Avoiding combat as much as I can, as it seems cheaper to just pay off marauders than trying to fend them off. Overextended myself quite a few times already, but thankfully you don't have to re-read most of the CYOA sections unless they provide important intel.

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