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KickStarter Vagrus: The Riven Realms - post-apocalyptic fantasy caravan master RPG - now with Old Acquaintances DLC


Sep 18, 2021
Does the game have a normal campaign/plot with a main quest that you can follow or is it some sort of sand-box game? Or something in between, like the X games for example, where you can do the main missions while also having the freedom to do whatever you want in the world.


Aug 10, 2017
I played the prologue last night and really enjoyed the experience. I like the writing and the setting. Not so the combat, especially because the player doesn't have his own character to use.

Curious to know, as of May 2022, how others have fared with the main game.
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Head Codexian Weeb
Nov 14, 2020
Strap Yourselves In
It's pretty interesting, but they've made a major fuckup repeatedly which cheapens the whole experience. They've stuffed their page and even the start of the game with these stupid disclaimers about the nature of their game.


It just screams lack of confidence in what you've made when you're constantly worried about warning normie gamers.


Aug 10, 2017
It's pretty interesting, but they've made a major fuckup repeatedly which cheapens the whole experience. They've stuffed their page and even the start of the game with these stupid disclaimers about the nature of their game.
Adding a disclaimer is a "major fuckup?"


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019
A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.15 - Codename: Notas Et Effectus
This patch brings new features and changes to existing mechanics

Hey everyone,

As usual, we’ve been working on fixing issues and adding new features as well as improvements. The most significant additions include our new name generator, along with the custom journal and chart notes features. As for improvements, besides smaller optimizations across various parts of the game, we have made the Companion Combat AI significantly faster while the initial loading time has been shortened as well.

Now let's jump into the patch details!

Important Note
: Considering the extent of the improvements, there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuilt reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.

Patch 1.1.15 - Codename: Notas Et Effectus

New/Updated Content
  • Four new random events

New/Updated Features

  • You can add custom notes to your Journal
  • You can add a maximum of five custom notes to each point of interest on the Chart
  • Vagrus creation random name generator has been added (with lore-friendly names)


Gameplay Improvements

  • Additional Codex tagging has been added to existing entries
  • Companion Combat performance has been improved
  • The Black Rot condition has been fixed - it now affects crew and companions

User Interface Improvements

  • The Character UI has new parchment frames
  • Enchanted/Impervious color changed from purple to turquoise
  • Some character portraits have been adjusted to better fit their frames
  • Scrollbar corrections on the UI so that it is more streamlined


Bug Fixes

  • Enemy portraits on an opened Character sheet during combat now face the intended direction
  • Companion Combat action-related crashes fixed (Nedir's Famulus and Assassin's Battle Narcotics Skills were the culprits)
  • Skornar's Defender Perk bonus is now granted on the same turn when someone is moving next to him
  • The maximum available Codex entries are now properly shown in each game type
  • Fixed a Camp UI-related soft lock (there might be more!)
  • Fixed the Deputy tutorial related soft-lock if Morwen is severely wounded
  • Frame misalignment is fixed in Companion Combat
  • Combat Traits have been reworked, so upgrading more levels at once is now possible if other requirements are met
  • Initiative order icons now only appear after the fight has begun
  • A Burrow Skill related bug has been fixed
  • Fixed the bug causing the frame of the Companion who got placed the last to disappear on the combat field
  • A proficiency point exploit has been fixed
  • A vagrus creation exploit has been fixed
  • Crew change is now visible on the Camp UI on the first day
  • Several tooltips that lacked color coding are now fixed
  • The hotkey for Empower and Inspiration are now fixed (they are no longer inverted)
  • Item and Gear lists, as well as the Passenger scroll bar disappearing, are now fixed
  • Waiting multiple days in Events now works properly


Coming Up Next
  • Map movement and Scouting changes
  • Knowledge Ambition (a Codex-related victory path) and related quests

Known Issues:
  • Escort Task-related anomalies
  • Crew combat chance percentages are sometimes shown in reverse

Stay tuned and conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team


Resident Zoomer
Jul 1, 2018
Steve gets a Kidney but I don't even get a tag.
Someone please tag me as soon as the game is properly updated with enough content and (mostly) bug free.


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019
Hello All,

Back in October, when we published the game, we opened up a pinned discussion on our Steam Community Hub where our players were encouraged to post improvement ideas. The topic received 82 posts containing hundreds of ideas. We’ve been monitoring them but between managing a steady supply of ad hoc issues, hiring new Pilgrims, and creating and publishing the Vorax DLC, we didn’t have much time to give the matter the attention it deserves – until recently!

After combing through these posts, we then further consolidated repeated requests and related ones, eventually arriving at the list of 48 suggestions shown below. From there, we were able to discuss, debate, and eventually categorize everything to a point where we could move forward with development for those features.


After examining and considering various suggestions, it quickly became clear that the most talked-about improvements were pertaining to map movement, camping, and scouting. As a result, we ended up focusing on the first two of these, and we will be releasing a new build with a variety of additional features that correspond to the requests made in the near future. In this post, we would like to discuss a few of those features.

New Features
Automarch and Quick Camp

Quick Camp and Automarch will make exploring the Wasteland easier and more efficient. While they will be turned off by default, you will be able to turn them on in the Options menu under Game Settings.

Toggling Automarch on will make it so that when you choose to travel beyond your normal Movement Points (MP) limit, your comitatus will proceed forward and expend March Points automatically. With this feature toggled off, you will instead automatically stop moving when you run out of MPs.

Multiple quality of life changes have been made to camping, too. First off, you will no longer need to go to a node before deciding to camp, you may now also simply click the normal camp icon at your destination node, and when you get there, the camp UI will pop up automatically.

Quick Camp, on the other hand, is an entirely new feature. When toggled on through Game Settings, it will give you an additional option from the radial menu when you travel, which allows you to instantly camp, ending the day without the usual camp UI popping up. Quick Camp will use all the settings you have locked in from your previous regular camp, such as how much you wish to pay your crew or how many rations you want to give them.

The below image shows exactly how these features will look: the top left tent icon will make your camp UI pop up when you reach that destination, while the colored tent icon is for Quick Camp.


Daytime Supply Acquisition

As an alternative to acquiring supplies when you camp and end the day, you will be able to also acquire supplies during the day! This can often be useful, as the node you choose to hunt or forage on may have a significant impact on the results.

In almost all cases, this will cost 2 Movement Points (MP). If you do not have any remaining MP, it will instead cost 1 Vigor. You can send out multiple hunting and foraging expeditions during a day, though these will face increasing penalties depending on the outcome of previous attempts.


Supply Auto-acquisition settings

You might also notice that we have renamed the whole process to ‘Acquire Supplies’, partly because of another new feature we will be integrating, namely, ‘Auto-acquire Supplies’. This feature functions just how it sounds: it allows the player to set predetermined conditions that will automatically get your workers, scouts, and slaves to the task of hunting and foraging, provided that the node you occupy meets those conditions.

In the example below you can see the new feature in action; the top slider below each category represents the minimum chance of success for that action to be triggered when you next strike camp. Here, the auto-action requires an average base chance of success of 48% for hunting and 30% for foraging, respectively. Below that, we can see another slider that represents the minimum average supply yield from a node, which can function as an independent condition or together with the above slider, simply by toggling the two buttons that sit between them.


That’s all for today. We will be releasing our new build shortly (probably next week), and are currently developing a large piece of free DLC content: The Sunken Tower. A teaser about the Tower and its associated knowledge victory questline is coming very soon.

Until then – as always – stay safe and conquer the wasteland!
The Lost Pilgrims Team


Jun 26, 2020
Did they add the loremaster victory or something like that, that was promised but cut on release from EA?


Jul 9, 2018
The upcoming free dlc that they are talking is the lore victory and the new location that's coming with it is part of it


Oct 21, 2021
Occupied Gallia Celtica
A futur lore victory ? Excellent.
As an alternative to acquiring supplies when you camp and end the day, you will be able to also acquire supplies during the day! This can often be useful, as the node you choose to hunt or forage on may have a significant impact on the results.

In almost all cases, this will cost 2 Movement Points (MP). If you do not have any remaining MP, it will instead cost 1 Vigor. You can send out multiple hunting and foraging expeditions during a day, though these will face increasing penalties depending on the outcome of previous attempts.
*happy ranger noise*

Glad they listen. If this continue we might even see our main char' fights directly one day.
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The Wall

Dumbfuck Zionist Agent
Jul 19, 2017

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.20 - Codename: Roamers of the Wasteland
This patch brings new features and changes to existing mechanics

Hello all,
The team has been hard at work on a variety of impactful changes; this build is the culmination of those changes in the lead-up to our upcoming free content: The Sunken Tower (DLC). A teaser about the Tower and its associated knowledge victory questline is coming soon.

The build itself introduces several quality of life improvements to general gameplay, including Quick Camp, automarch, daytime hunting and foraging, and automatic supply acquisition. The goal of these changes is to streamline core gameplay loops and minimize micromanagement for players who enjoy those less while still leaving the same options open for others. For more information about specifics regarding these changes you can view our recent devlog post, which covers each change in detail and check out our summary video below:


Important Note: Considering the extent of the improvements, there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuilt reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.
Patch 1.1.20 - Codename: Roamers of the Wasteland

New Features
Daytime Supply Acquisition (aka Hunting and Foraging)
Set up Auto Supply Acquisition rules during camp
Automarch option
Quick camp option

Bug Fixes
Slice and Dice animation sped up
Overwatch skills now break move+attack skills
Conduit now has its proper POW animation
Various smaller fixes/polish

Coming up next

Scouting design changes
Glossary (beta)
Sunken Tower free DLC
Knowledge Ambition (a Codex-related victory path) and related quests

Stay tuned and conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team


Found your egg, Robinett, you sneaky bastard
Jul 22, 2019
Insert Title Here Pathfinder: Wrath
Looks like For the King for grown-ups. I’ll try it.

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
Source https://steamcommunity.com/games/909660/announcements/detail/3404176020724051241

A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.21 - Codename: Spectacular
This patch brings new features and changes to existing mechanics

Hey everyone,
Originally, we haven’t scheduled a patch before the next DLC, but since that is still in progress and you’ve reported a few larger bugs – which is always much appreciated – we decided to release one anyway. The new major scouting features are still being tested, however, we squeezed in a few smaller changes into this build, so it’s more than just a simple hotfix. Event image panning is a new effect you may have heard of already, while House Venari and the Carpenters’ Guild becoming one another’s associates is a meaningful change in the life of the comitati roaming Terra Supra.

Furthermore, we have turned on ‘Cloudsaves’. It’s supposed to be easy-peasy but getting the config and cross-platforms sync right took longer than we initially anticipated. Nevertheless, we managed to crack it eventually! Please give us a shout if it works or not. Thank you!
Important for macOS users: if you cannot find your save files, please refer to this post about the possible folders they may be located in.

Now let's jump into the patch details.

Important Note: Considering the extent of the improvements, there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuilt reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.

Patch 1.1.21 - Codename: Spectacular
Content update

  • Carpenters Guild and House Venari are each other's associates from now on
  • Some crew stats (mostly Reptile beasts’) have been slightly tweaked
User Interface Improvements

  • Event and Settlement image panning added
  • Closing enlarged settlement picture with ESC now works
  • Finndurarth's Fly II skill will not change skill slots
Bug Fixes

  • Deploy max number of characters is working properly again (no more exploits here, sorry)
  • Dead Weight related crash fixed
  • Bladedance layering fixed
  • Taunted AI improved
What’s Coming Up Next
  • Scouting Changes
  • Glossary (beta)
  • Knowledge Ambition (Codex-related victory)
  • Sunken Tower free DLC
Currently Known Issues:
  • Escort tasks-related anomalies
  • Crew combat chance percentages are sometimes shown in reverse
Stay tuned and conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019
Devlog#62 | Scouting Rework: Manual and Auto-scouting
Hello All,

As it has become standard since the release of Vagrus, the team has been hard at work on another much-requested update – this time it’s scouting we’re addressing. Players have been expressing their concerns about the state of scouting for some time now, and we’re happy to announce that we think we have managed to bring it to a place where it offers a great deal to those who are willing to make use of its more niche qualities while incorporating enough concrete drawbacks that it does not become a default or even mandatory choice for vagri out traversing the wasteland.

The end goal of these changes is indeed quite similar to our aims with the recent hunting, foraging, and marching changes – adding player agency. We consider agency to be a central design philosophy at the core of all these changes and we intend to continue iterating on both present and future updates with this in mind.

Manual Scouting

So, let’s delve into the specifics of manual scouting first. Previously, players had to choose which nodes they wanted to check, allocating scouts appropriately. Now, manual scouting instead uses your general surrounding area, which can be expanded greatly if you have enough scouts at your disposal. Covering the same amount of surrounding terrain will inherently cost more if you have a smaller number of scouts, and less if you have more scouts. Let’s illustrate with a few examples. In the image below, the player is about to scout the surrounding area.


In the next example (below), the player has many more scouts to utilize, and thus, not only is the movement cost reduced, but the distance available is far, far greater.


Examining these two examples, the question quickly becomes “well, how much is it possible to cover?” And the answer is: a lot. It will cost you dearly – in more ways than one – but covering a large area can be a great way to find specific things you really need or want; for example, great hunting and foraging nodes, or combat encounters if you play an aggressive comitatus. Here is an example of a much larger area covered, shown near the outskirts of Deven.


It is also important to note that the more distance covered, the lower the chance of success becomes in general. Another large change we’ve made to manual scouting relates to the use of Resourcefulness. Vagri may now use Resourcefulness to guarantee success in one of the four categories shown above, which can be especially useful if you absolutely need to know specific results, regardless of actually failing or succeeding.

Manual Scouting Results

When you receive your scouting results, each node will be flagged by a small banner that corresponds to an item on the scouting result list.

Below is an example of this flagging, in an instance where a large number of scouts were sent out to explore many nodes surrounding the comitatus, and where Resourcefulness was used to guarantee the success of finding Events. Looking closely, both failure and success can be seen at different nodes, but because the search for Events was bolstered, those results show even on the nodes where that failure occurred, or, specifically, nodes 54 and 59.


Additionally, from now on, when scouting in general, the results shall remain for three in-game days (or turns, gameplay-wise) on the campaign map. This allows players to plan their trips around areas that they had already scouted, consequently maximizing their returns on scouting endeavors. Simply mouse over the previously scouted nodes before the three days expire, and you can check those results again, as shown below:


Having now covered the overhaul to manual scouting, let’s do a deep dive into our newest feature: Auto-scouting.


Auto-scouting allows you to scout ahead of your comitatus without spending movement points. The main trade-off of doing so is that your chances of success are significantly reduced when compared to manual scouting, which also means that you may lose scouts more frequently while doing so.

There are also two modes you can switch between – one where you simply scout the terrain directly in front of your comitatus’s current trajectory, and one where you cover adjacent nodes, too. The former is represented by the highlighted rightward arrow shown below on the UI, while the latter is depicted by the three multiple arrows which branch outward:


In this situation, the comitatus is set to scout everything on its path, and to stop automatically when a node has a base hunting and foraging chance of 45% or higher, along with an average yield of 245 Supplies. Other conditions can be set, too, one merely needs to toggle between the other options here: the axe represents conditions set for Crew Combat encounters, while the scroll represents conditions that can be set to stop in the case of Events or Mercenary Tasks scouted.

Auto-Scouting Results

While out traversing the wasteland with Auto-scouting on, you are not prompted by results in the same way you are when you initiate manual scouting. Results that can be moused over will show on the campaign map, but to get a full overview, you will need to click the emblem in the top left corner. Results will then be shown in a list as below:


The path scouted is also represented to the left of the list, displayed as an orange line on the campaign map. The results of each node and its corresponding number (shown as 11-15 here) remain visible for three in-game days (or turns, gameplay-wise), which means that charting your return journey from a settlement can prove to be a very fruitful endeavor indeed.

Now let’s look at a few more examples, this time using the second mode of auto-scouting through which your comitatus scouts the surrounding terrain. In the below example, ‘Ventures’ (meaning Events and Tasks) are the conditions through which the caravan stops automatically, set at a minimum of 15% on nearby scouted nodes:


Two things become apparent from this example – firstly, your chance of success drops dramatically when scouting both forward and adjacent nodes, and secondly, when you set conditions such as these your comitatus will stop less frequently because of auto-scouting. This is because it is generally harder to scout for Events than nodes that are ripe for hunting and foraging. Let’s take a look at the results in this instance:


In this final example, we can see both the nodes already scouted (denoted by the orange coloring) and an Event that was scouted and is now shown by the emblem with ‘89’ next to it. As it turns out, this node has a 100% chance to trigger an Event – this is because it is a fixed Event. What’s most important, however, is that Auto-scouting allowed the vagrus to see the Event before moving forward onto it, thus giving them a moment to consider how they might prepare for such a situation.

Along with Manual scouting, which is great for feeling out a larger area all around the comitatus as well as looking for something specific in a given region, Auto-scouting, which is great for finding opportunities along a journey, is the final piece of the puzzle that reworks campaign map movement and scouting into a newer, sleeker system. We are looking forward to hearing from our community about both Manual and Auto-scouting and hope that it opens new avenues to exciting gameplay.

That’s all for today, so for now – stay tuned, stay safe, and conquer the wasteland!
The Lost Pilgrims Team

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