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KickStarter Vagrus: The Riven Realms - post-apocalyptic fantasy caravan master RPG - now with Old Acquaintances DLC


May 25, 2016
Thanks. Unfortunately the discount ended a few days ago and the devs raised the price immediately after that so now it's nearly twice more expensive.

The current price is very steep in my opinion and I will not be getting the game in the foreseeable future.
Last edited:

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020


So what’s new on that public beta branch? Basically, everything we have added for hand-held porting and controller support, as well as screen optimization and accessibility features. A more detailed rundown of these can be found in our previous devlog here.

As a small surprise, the Patronage Pack DLC now includes two additional wallpapers, one for each of our free DLCs: Vorax & The Seekers of Knowledge. Enjoy!

Now let's jump into the patch details:

Important Note: Considering the extent of the improvements, there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuilt reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.



Content changes

  • Knowledge victory questline: Increased the drop rate for Pristine Crystals in the Crystal Archives
  • Slightly better price for Spice in Larnak, should you bring some from Tectum Carvos
New/Updated User Interface Features

  • Revamped Bug reporting screen (and backend integration on our side)
  • A new, Full UI Zoom feature can be activated in the Video Settings. It makes the game’s content easier to read and manage on smaller screens.
  • Tutorial windows are resized and repositioned when the UI zoom is active.
  • Players can zoom into an active UI window using the UI Zone Zooming feature also found in the Video Settings. UI Zone Zooming has 3 modes: Pinch, Double Tap, and Direct Button.
  • A button has been added to check the location info of newly acquired Rumors.
Bug Fixes

  • The game no longer freezes on the Throw-out pane after a Mount-up + Dismount outrider combo
  • Fixed a bug where Movement Points were not refreshed on a new day after inventory overflow
  • A number of tooltips that were disappearing are now fixed
  • Predicted Authority can no longer go over 6
  • Fixed a bug where Event texts were chopped off on resolutions higher than 1080p (Full HD)
  • Fixed a bug where the Heat Shielding Crystal was not working in some cases
  • Some UI inconsistencies in ‘Pilgrims of the Wasteland’ were fixed
  • Reenabled shadow effect on Load Game/Save Game screens
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain Companion Combat preparation animation phases to be missing
  • Fixed a bug where the decals of DOT Skills were missing
  • The name field of the description in Companion Combat is now empty when there’s no character to show the description of
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the combat background was black if Companion Combat was triggered in a settlement
  • Finndurarth’s missing Skill SFX was added
Known Issues:

  • There are still some inconsistencies with UI zooming and the new tutorial windows
  • Sometimes escort/rescue Tasks do not work correctly
  • The character sheet pictures are sometimes not correct in Companion Combat
  • Sometimes Gear is shown to be still used by a Companion who has already left the comitatus
Coming Up Next

  • Controller support 'beta' refinements (e.g.: campaign map movement)
  • option at the end of Crew CombatDeal with the slaves
  • Obstacles in Companion Combat
  • Stay tuned and conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019
A New Build is OUT - Patch 1.1.30 - Codename: Magnificatus est Controls
Hey everyone,

Today we are releasing a large patch with features that we’ve been talking about for some time, most of which are a reiteration from the post we released about a public Beta weeks ago. With that Beta now over, you can now scroll down to see all of the details regarding our implementation of full controller support, UI and text zooming, improved initial game loading times, and much, much more. Alongside these, we have also implemented a new pop-up window for players to see what’s new when they load up the game, and a DLC catalog, which lets you see what content you already own, as shown below.


Indie Cup Celebration 2023

As part of our recent participation in the 2023 Indie Cup and this patch’s release, we will be offering a 28% discount on Vagrus - The Riven Realms between the 22nd and 27th of February. So, if you have a friend who has been waiting to buy the game at a discount, now is the time!


Hand-held Porting, Screen Optimization, and Accessibility

We’re proud to finally release what our best and brightest pilgrims have been working on here at Lost Pilgrims Studio. The first major change is porting.


Included under porting is the optimization of Vagrus for all mobile devices, tablets, and, of course, the recently released Steam Deck. Naturally, the main goal of these projects has been to bring the game to a larger audience; an audience that can play on the move, which certainly suits turn-based games such as our own.

Another key aspect it has allowed us to address is accessibility. Players have, at times, expressed concerns about the font size in Vagrus, and with us focusing on porting, we have also been able to implement a zoom feature for the PC client. We are still in the process of fine-tuning and fully integrating the feature, but we are confident that in doing so we will improve user experiences across the board.

First, we optimized the formatting of the text to be legible on handheld devices. But is it possible to read all the wonderful prose that players have come to expect from the Riven Realms on a small screen, you ask? Absolutely! Just use the new double-tap to zoom in, as shown below.


We’ve also included another screenshot of a closer view – after the player has used the double-tap feature, of course! Check it out below.


Because we want to make sure that players’ user experience does not suffer even slightly while using a small screen, players will also be able to scroll or swipe to navigate the UI, as captured below with the Journal.


Here’s the subsequent result of the player swiping left…


Multi-platform Controller Support

We have now implemented full controller support for standard X-box controllers and Switch gamepad layouts. Although everything should work on most other controllers, assuring that is our future goal and the feature needs to be adequately tested before we can ensure flawless functionality. We have created a modern navigation system on the UI and for all functions from scratch, specifically for controllers. In other words, it isn’t simply the existing cursor-based system repurposed for controllers.

Direct buttons have been assigned for specific functions to make things easier.


Selecting and switching between UI elements during gameplay is also comfortable.


What about analog stick use? We’ve come up with a radial menu to best tackle that.


We have also implemented an easy drag & drop system to be used at various points of gameplay.

We have simplified Perk selection and trading functions in settlements, too.


After a long time in development, we are ecstatic to finally release these new features, and hope that they will improve player experiences across all platforms.

Now let's jump into the patch details:

Important Note: Considering the extent of the improvements, there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuilt reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server[discord.gg].


Patch notes v1.1.300221S - Codename: Magnificatus est Controls

Content Changes
  • Knowledge victory questline:
  • Slightly better price for Spice in Larnak,

New/Updated Features :shiny:
  • Controller Support! Now you can also use your controller to conquer the wasteland.
  • DLC status can be checked on the updated Extras screen.
  • A new pop-up window has been added so you can see what’s new in Vagrus.
  • Dissonance mode has become a little easier.

User Interface Improvements :pencil:
  • Revamped Bug reporting screen (and backend integration on our side).
  • A new, Full UI Zoom feature can be activated in the Video Settings. It makes the game’s texts easier to read and manage on smaller screens.
  • Tutorial windows have been resized and repositioned while UI zoom is active.
  • Players can zoom in on an active UI window using the UI Zone Zooming feature also found in the Video Settings. UI Zone Zooming has 3 modes: Pinch, Double Tap, and Direct Button.
  • A button has been added to check the location info of newly acquired Rumors.
  • We replaced the “Hold Space” text with a button which you can use to go to the next step of the tutorial. You can still hold space as before.

Bug Fixes :bug:
  • The game no longer freezes on the Throw-out pane after a Mount-up + Dismount Outrider combo
  • Fixed a bug where Movement Points were not refreshed on a new day after inventory overflow
  • A number of tooltips that were disappearing have been fixed
  • Predicted Authority can no longer exceed 6
  • Fixed a bug where Event texts were chopped off on resolutions higher than 1080p (Full HD)
  • Fixed a bug where the Heat Shielding Crystal was not working in some cases
  • Some UI inconsistencies in ‘Pilgrims of the Wasteland’ have been fixed
  • Reenabled shadow effect on Load Game/Save Game screens
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain Companion Combat preparation animation phases to be missing
  • Fixed a bug where the decals of DOT Skills were missing
  • The name field of the description in Companion Combat is now empty when there’s no character to show the description of
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the combat background was black if Companion Combat was triggered in a settlement
  • Finndurarth’s missing Skill SFX has been added
  • Fixed a visual bug where the positions of the frames in the key bindings menu were off
  • Fixed the issues with the Autoscout feature’s chance to find Events and/or fights

Known Issues:
  • There are still some inconsistencies with UI zooming and the new tutorial windows
  • Sometimes escort/rescue Tasks do not work correctly
  • The character sheet pictures are sometimes not correct in Companion Combat
  • Sometimes Gear is shown to be still used by a Companion who has already left the comitatus

Coming Up Next
  • Controller support /Beta/ refinements
  • Obstacles in Companion Combat

Stay tuned and conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[source: Steam post]

As you may know, terra supra, the northern part of Xeryn, is dotted with perilous and deadly places most people tend to avoid. Now, we are going to take a look at these, focusing on the ruined cities of yore. Embark with us upon a dread journey into the most dangerous ruins in the Riven Realms. Be warned, though, they are not for the faint of heart!

Arx Mortis

The Desert of Black Sands is a terrible place where no living thing can exist for more than a few hours due to its life-draining curse. At night, a strange bluish-white, sickly glow can be seen on the horizon: the dread mirage of Arx Mortis, the City of the Dead, and the source of all evil in the region. The place used to be Calderum, and it was the capital of the Sanvorati province. Known as the City of Light, Calderum was turned into its most horrible caricature by the Calamity. These days it is a dead city filled with eerie moaning and groans, cast in perpetual twilight, and beset by bone-chilling cold and a pale, warmthless light emanating from the faded rocks that are almost all that remain from its beautiful buildings and walls. The curse affected the surroundings of the city as well and thus the Desert of Black Sands was born, bereft of life and joy, and light forever.



Rhadamantis lies in the ancient valley of the River Lethe. It is known far and wide on the continent that touching the river’s waters will almost certainly erase one’s memory. Constant change storms rise from the valley and strike out north and west. Furthermore, the cursed ruins of the city itself are rumored to change people in even more despicable ways. Everything in the region is considered accursed, and it is said that people exiled from their tribe often wandered up the valley to meet their doom. Still, most travelers maintain that no sane person has any reason whatsoever to venture even close to Rhadamantis, so this region is largely abandoned. Unfathomable dangers lurk in these lands and the shattered city, the gray, broken ruins of which spread out on both sides of the Lethe for miles under strange skies. Is the doom that reached ancient Rhadamantis, oldest of cities, the same as the creeping blight that took over Agathon to the southeast?



The strange desert called the Plains of Bone used to be a place of rolling flats and gentle hills, but now it is a rocky desert region of gray and beige sands, as well as large piles of bones. In its heart, travelers can find the ruins of the once beautiful Madrigos, an Imperial city famous for its wealth, hospitality, and snow-white marble walls. Today it is a forsaken ruin that has become the capital of the Scortaur, a race of scorpion-men who hunt all other races mercilessly and uncompromisingly on and around the Plains of Bone. They call their city Scorponar, and very few can tell the tale of seeing its shattered buildings and crumbling walls. Those who did see it talk about bone scaffolding and fortifications – from ivory taken from the surrounding plains –, flayed bodies hanging from battlements, and banners crafted crudely from the skin of the Scortaurs’ victims. Scorponar is a place of horror and despair, with the old white stone of Madrigos peeking out from under the colorless sands like broken teeth or shattered bones. Much like a dreadful nest of poisonous wasps, Scorponar belches forth vermin when kicked, which has happened whenever someone decided to put an end to the Scortaur threat by attacking the ruins – and failed spectacularly every single time.



Vaelenesthil is a great Elven ruin in the region of hills on the southern edge of the Bronze Desert. Before the Calamity, the place was a city-state of Elves that was loosely associated with the elder race’s realm of Dor Anthelas. Its inhabitants were famous for creating a magnificent garden in the otherwise arid regions of the northwest, although these Eldin (or ‘Green Elves’) were disinclined to contact and educate humans – though they were not hostile either. They traded with the Imperials and the Bandul locals but remained diplomatically detached from them.

The Calamity devastated the tranquil hills and great forests south of the city, turning them into cragged, arid rock desert and into the Dead Forest, respectively. Vaelenesthil's Elves did not survive the magical cataclysm and no account of their fate exists. Today, the city's ruins are half-buried under rocks and sand at the center of maze-like ravines and valleys that make them very difficult to approach. The few travelers who dare enter speak of cracked marble towers and domes, heralds of a faded beauty, but not much else. No gardens or riches remain, except perhaps deep below the ruins, though none have lived to tell the tale after delving below. There is talk of strange noises, voices, eerie lights – even odd scents during nights that make people avoid Vaelenesthil altogether. However, in truth, most ruins on the continent have such phenomena attributed to them.

Some whisper of the great ruins being haunted, fearing in equal measure the terrifying, azure apparitions that lurk in the night and at its tenebrous crannies and nooks. Such accounts are few and far between in the Fourth Age of Xeryn, though one such story does exist – a story we wrote of a comitatus that dared venture forth into its depths, facing down Yrg and the even more horrifying denizens that reside there.

If you fancy a read, you can find that story here. Sadly, as of yet the story remains unfinished, but we don’t want to give everything away now, do we?


Carravon, the Howling City

Carravhon, called the Howling City, is one of the most prominent ruins of the middle regions of Xeryn. It is of Elven origin, and it is said that the ancient magic of those fey people made the winds around its silver towers go mad. For that reason, no living soul has been able to enter Carravhon since its fall during the Calamity.

Carravhon was an independent Elven city-state on the edge of the Empire’s arboreal middle provinces. It seceded from Dor Anthelas - the Elven kingdom of the continent - many thousands of years ago when the Elven Queen Orowen aen Muír Dramwúa took her people over the continent and settled at the foot of the Sepis Mountains. There the Elves built a city of wonderful white marble and clear silver, and were foremost among those that taught the humans, thus aiding in their rise to dominance. Cultured and learned, Carravhon’s Elves were the masters of music. Orowen’s singing voice was said to be able to make people weep in joy, and her magic worked wonders through that voice. When the Calamity burned and destroyed everything, Carravhon was not spared either: the magnificent city shook and collapsed, its residents and music falling silent forever. Now situated at the far end of the Singing Winds, Carravhon is a haunted place.

The ruins look pristine from afar. The city was built of white marble with Elven decorations of silver and gold running in floral patterns along its slender towers and clean walls. Golden domes were rising above gardens and parks. Now only desiccated trees remain but the shining metal decoration and white marble can be seen even from afar, drawing many treasure hunters close who then fail to return. People speak in hushed tones of the voice of Queen Orowen being carried on the melodious winds of the desert but anyone going close to the ruins themselves tell tales of a horrid, deafening cacophony coming from there on the brutal gales and tornadoes.

Quite recently, the city has seen a lot of activity. A series of earthquakes and terrible, screaming winds burst out of the ruins northward, opening up the earth in giant, snake-like chasms. Ever since, the wind does not relent, burning the mind of anyone who ventures too close.


The Dread City of Agathon

Once a marvel of culture, creativity, art, tradition, and learning, Agathon stood as a symbol of prosperity long before the Calamity struck. Nestled in the ancestral lands of ancient Daromar southeast of the River Lethe, the great city fell into ruin in the wake of the Calamity’s decimation, and it is said that it has now been entirely consumed by a fleshy, membranous mass of interwoven organic matter, infused with an entropy that corrupts everything it touches. The dreadful corruption is said to have originated from the nearby source of River Lethe to the northwest, from whence it spread, enveloping and consuming everything in its path.

During the Restoration Period in the Fourth Age, legionnaires and settlers attempted to retake the city, only to perish against the tide of otherworldly corruption that the strange organic growth brought with it – a growth, which, according to some accounts, ails its victims with a sickness not dissimilar from the Taint or as is sometimes the case in the area, through Change Storms. For these reasons, the Imperials soon learned that survival in or near the confines of the Dread City was an impossibility, though their losses were already manifold. They named the accursed region the Plains of Agony and forsook their attempts for good. To this day, the reasons for the city’s surrounding corruption and deadly effects remain an enigma, for few dare to approach its dreadful, looming presence, and even fewer have returned to tell the tale in the thousand years that have passed since its thaumaturgical downfall.


As you can see, the Calamity has caused great damage to the once-great cities of the Empire but even worse - it cursed them so that they now cling onto a bleak, terrifying existence, waylaying travelers and corrupting whole regions around their sad remains. However, if you like reading about these kinds of things, we might return with another round of perilous ruins from the wasteland.

Until then, stay safe, stay sane, and conquer the wasteland!

-The Lost Pilgrims Team


Apr 20, 2019
Really is a fantastic game. Such a shame that it has been so overlooked by the Codex.

I've overlooked it because all the marketing made it seem like one of these CYOA novel "games". I see now that impression was mistaken.


Aug 24, 2013
I ve been waiting for two years now I think for this to have all the intended features, some sort of gold edition and they are still tweaking it and adding stuff.


Lost Pilgrims
Nov 7, 2018
I ve been waiting for two years now I think for this to have all the intended features, some sort of gold edition and they are still tweaking it and adding stuff.
Not really. As it stands, until there's demand for it, we would like to keep adding new content/improve stuff. :| Not sure when are gonna have to give up on Vagrus but we're not there yet.


±¼ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 16, 2012
Divinity: Original Sin Divinity: Original Sin 2
if you have a hit on your hands, don't let go.

Battle Brothers devs started making content again after they were "done" with the game.
Stellaris is still milked to this day.
Last edited:


Lost Pilgrims
Nov 7, 2018
if you have a hit on your hands, don't let go.

Battle Brothers devs started making content again after they were "done" with the game.
Stellaris is still milked to this day.
Or just be stubborn like us, and don't let go, even if you do not have a hit. :retarded: Tbh, at this point, we would settle for not being in the red. :roll: Hopefully, we can do that with porting and DLC(s). :shittydog:


Mar 6, 2017
if you have a hit on your hands, don't let go.

Battle Brothers devs started making content again after they were "done" with the game.
Stellaris is still milked to this day.
Or just be stubborn like us, and don't let go, even if you do not have a hit. :retarded: Tbh, at this point, we would settle for not being in the red. :roll: Hopefully, we can do that with porting and DLC(s). :shittydog:
Sorry bro, I bought Vagrus and advertised it to friends who might like it, but these narrative-heavy games have a hard time breaching the market unless they receive a heavy-handed does of shilling (Disco)

Wish you and the lads the best

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[source: Steam post]

Announcing Steam Community Items
Project Update about the progress of the development of indie game Vagrus - The Riven Realms.

Hello everyone,

Are you ready for our Community Items?
Many of you might be familiar with Steam Trading Cards and other community items. Essentially, you can collect cards for playing games for which the feature is available. Complete sets of cards can be crafted into game badges that appear on your profile, earning you marketable items, such as profile backgrounds, emoticons, and coupons. They contribute to your Steam Level and are a fun way to show your love and dedication to the games you love.


Since we most definitely love Vagrus, we wanted to provide you with yet another way to engage with it and so we proudly present our very own community items. By playing the game, you are able to collect Steam Trading Cards, which you can turn into backgrounds, emoticons, and coupons. Players already owning the game should retroactively receive a number of cards corresponding to the amount of time they have spent playing Vagrus (capped at 6, half the maximum available by Steam default).


Our trading cards feature companions, backgrounds are beautiful displays of (mostly) location art, while badges and emotes consist of a set of coins and fun icons from the game, respectively.


The full list of all the neat little goodies to collect is as follows:
  • Badges (6)
  • Trading Cards (12)
  • Profile Backgrounds (9)
  • Emotes (10)
  • Animated Profile Backgrounds (3)
  • Animated Avatars (3)
  • Animated Avatar Frames (3)
  • Stickers (2)
You may find some of these in the Steam Points Shop.

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam post]

New Public Beta Build

Hey everyone,

For those of you who have been brave enough to venture on our Public Beta Branch, we have just deployed a new build for you. Check it out and let us know how you find these changes.

P.s.: the work on additional content is still going on full steam, don’t get worried by the slim Public Beta build.

Public Beta Patch 1.1.340419T
New/Updated Features

  • Implemented a new diagonal Push/Pull feature that opens up more strategic opportunities and challenges for Companion Combat.
  • Redesigned Overwatch mechanics.
  • The Main Menu background can be changed now with the corresponding button on the bottom-right of the screen.
  • We have added a wider range of available resolutions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the enemy Flee chance increased with actions that give additional Chase.
  • Implemented an array of controller and Steam Deck specific improvements.
  • The tooltip of Explore is now fixed on the node radial menu.
  • We have made some fixes related to the Settlement UI.
  • Fixed a bug where there was no sound the first time a new game was started.
  • Fixed a rare crash at the beginning of PotW.

Known Issues:
  • Escort Tasks and related anomalies.

Coming Up Next
  • Controller support /Beta/ refinements.
  • Obstacles in Companion Combat.

Stay tuned and conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team


I post news
Staff Member
Jan 28, 2011
Codex Year of the Donut Serpent in the Staglands Dead State Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity Torment: Tides of Numenera Wasteland 2 Shadorwun: Hong Kong Divinity: Original Sin 2 A Beautifully Desolate Campaign Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire Pathfinder: Kingmaker Pathfinder: Wrath I'm very into cock and ball torture I helped put crap in Monomyth


Expansion Announcement: Sunfire and Moonshadow

The time has finally come to announce our upcoming expansion for Vagrus and go into a little detail about what we’ve been working on for the past seven months. It’s been a long, hard road, and while we’re slowly making our way to the finish line, we still have a great deal of testing to do, plus numerous final touches to iterate upon. It’s a terribly exciting time at Lost Pilgrims Studio, and it’s time to share at least some of it with those who made it possible: you, the players. The expansion’s store page is available for viewing and is ready to be wishlisted here on Steam.

Those of you who watched
may have already seen our short teaser, but rest assured, we’ve embedded it in this post for your perusal (and speculation!). First, we want to answer the most pressing question, however – what exactly is this expansion about? We’ve put together some of the key details below, as well as the trailer beneath it:

Occupying the northwestern corner of the continent of Xeryn, a desert older than the Calamity lies between the Brown Mountains and the River Lethe: the Bronze Desert. It is a realm torn by war in more than one way. The Empire rallies its immense legions here, sending them north toward the Green Continent to lay waste to its lush lands while the elite Chimera Legion remains behind to oversee this arid staging ground. Deep in the desert, however, lurks a different threat – that of the Ahari. Birthed by the native Bandul and tempered by their unwillingness to yield in the face of Imperial oppression, the Ahari seek to win back their sacred oases and holy sites, fighting an impossible campaign of terror. Amidst it all are the Handjari, sworn allies of the Empire and stewards of the greatest city in all the Bronze Desert – Kabur, the Jewel of the North.

The stage is set, the stakes are high. Who will you, a mere vagrus, align yourself with? The mysterious Ahari and their Sun God or the cruel Chimera Legion and their ruthlessly pragmatic leader, the Legate? Your decisions will shape the fate of the region writ large, paving the way for a new, uncertain future throughout the Realms.

Sunfire and Moonshadow
offers a new, vast region to explore complete with a swathe of new settlements, new enemies to conquer, new stories to be a part of, a large cast of characters, and new quests to complete through which your vagrus may make their mark on Xeryn. With all this, as well as the introduction of a central conflict involving three new core factions – the Ahari, the Chimera Legion, and the Handjari – the expansion features content roughly one-third the size of the core game.

We hope you’re as excited as we are to return to the Riven Realms and explore and exploit an entirely new region. We’ll keep updating you on the exact date of the release as we know more, but for now, rest assured – the expansion will drop sometime in Q3 of 2023. Until next time, stay vigilant, stay awesome, and conquer the wasteland!

Oh, lest we forget: we have also deployed our latest Public Beta built to the default branch here on Steam. Enjoy!

Important Note
: Considering the extent of the improvements, there is little to no chance that we broke nothing in the process. Assume that we did not want to make anyone's life harder. If you see something amiss, please flag it to us using the usual channels, like the inbuilt reporting tool (F1 button), forums, and our Discord server.


Patch notes v1.1.340510E

User Interface Improvements

  • Removed the option to show the current version number in the upper right corner. It is still visible in the main menu under the “Currently Known Issues” section.

New/Updated Features

  • Redesigned Overwatch mechanics.
  • Implemented a new diagonal Push/Pull feature that opens up more strategic opportunities and challenges for Companion Combat.
  • The Main Menu background can be changed now with the corresponding button on the bottom-right of the screen.
  • We have added a wider range of available resolutions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the enemy Flee chance increased with actions that give additional Chase.
  • Implemented an array of controller improvements.
  • The tooltip of Explore is now fixed on the node radial menu.
  • We have made some fixes related to the Settlement UI.
  • Fixed a bug where there was no sound the first time a new game was started.
  • Fixed a rare crash at the beginning of PotW.
  • Fixed a bug where the quantity of remaining goods were displayed incorrectly when a stack was bought by dragging.
  • Some faction related UI issues were fixed.
  • Fixed crashes caused by gears in the deploy.
  • Fixed a crash related to scouting.
  • Longer tooltips can no longer go out of the screen.

Known Issues:
  • Escort Tasks and related anomalies.
  • The Event UI can act funny in 21:9
  • Blank Equipment icons if the throwout UI is triggered from a Settlement (they refresh later)

Coming Up Next
  • Obstacles in Companion Combat.
  • Outpost UI

Stay tuned and conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team

If you like Vagrus, please consider sharing our pages and posts with your friends through your favorite social media channel(s). It is much appreciated!

Monstrous Bat

Dec 30, 2011
Meh. I think they ought to stop developing Vagrus already and start to work on a sequel or something. The problem with Vagrus isn't that it doesn't have enough content, but that it forces you to play the economy game throughout the entire game. I was briefly tempted to start a new playthrough when the DLC comes out, but then I remembered I would have to grind faction errands for another 30 hours before I'm allowed to experience the actually enjoyable parts of the game, and my interest just died completely. A real shame. One of the best examples of an otherwise great game ruined by the creator's desire to make the game longer.

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