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KickStarter Vagrus: The Riven Realms - post-apocalyptic fantasy caravan master RPG - now with Old Acquaintances DLC


Jan 13, 2014
Holy crap the intro is oozing AoD juice :bounce:

I actually almost prefer this setting to AoD's in a lot of ways.
What's the difference between the two?
AoD is more streamlined. If you do a couple of playthroughts and look at the whole story, there really aren't that many story points. Don't get me wrong, what story there is works very well. Where AoD shines is how everything fits together, and especially its use of artifacts to unlock hidden areas and content.

Vagrus has far more branching stories and NPCs, and never really provides you with clear, unambigous answers about why things are as they are. It's like AoD within the city of Sigil. Secrets are also layered. You have to work pretty hard (find rumours and search locations) to find a hidden area. THEN it turns out that if you perform certain actions, more options open up for that area. THEN it turns out that if you follow some breadcrumbs to a particular merchant, go through a chain of purchases and have certain attributes you can get knowledge that opens up more options at that secret location. I've spent 120 hours travelling around and am certain I missed out on a lot. For example, early game it looks like equipment options are limited. It turns out there's tons of unique items; they're just very well hidden.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Hidden shit is always nice. Waving that carrot on a stick to find the deep answers to WHY the world is as it is sounds quite intriguing. I do wonder how many DLCs and patches this game will get before they attempt a VAGRUS 2.


Jan 13, 2014
Hidden shit is always nice. Waving that carrot on a stick to find the deep answers to WHY the world is as it is sounds quite intriguing. I do wonder how many DLCs and patches this game will get before they attempt a VAGRUS 2.

Lost Pilgrims might be thinking they need to be more well known. Best case scenario is that the game picks up steam with DLCs, so that they have a platform for the next game.


Feb 12, 2017
Managed to get going on my third dude, as is tradition, good shit so far. Not very hard once you get to grips with the mechanics/flow, haven't ran into any "total bullshit" situations which is good.
Lots of text but you can just read where it catches your fancy and skim for pertinent info where it doesn't. So far would recommend:M

Lyre Mors

Nov 8, 2007
Sztaszov, sorry if this was answered at some point already, but is it a mid or end-game DLC? And if it's mid, is there a target level it's best suited for?

EDIT: Also noticed the game is on a pretty nice sale for the next 30 hours, for anyone who's been eying it up.

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Lost Pilgrims
Nov 7, 2018
Sztaszov, sorry if this was answered at some point already, but is it a mid or end-game DLC? And if it's mid, is there a target level it's best suited for?
Mid to end-game. (Perhaps a good example would be Zubmariner to Sunless Sea? ) We're still finalizing the exact triggers - so whatever follows is subject to change - but the idea is to make the new region available to most players after ~5 hours of playtime. By that time they typically have multiple companions, some renown, and a few hundred bross. The content is built as such to use the new region as an extension of the vanilla area, benefiting the player going back and forth between those. (Instead of completing the new region in one go.)

Just to confirm: the Expansion can be played with end-game comitati as well continuing one's playthrough. There will be some stop brakes to make that a bit more believable. But, if someone is inclined to start a new playthrough, we do recommend that as the content will be better enjoyed. (I.e.: not steamrolled.)

Having said that there will be very challenging new enemy encounters, so part of the expansion (longer quest line endings) will be seen as pretty high-end.

Lares Hill

Lost Pilgrims
Jan 2, 2020
[Source: Steam Store Page]

Steam Deck and Endless Adventure Bundle
Vagrus Verified on Steam Deck and Featured in the Endless Adventures Bundle

All rejoice for we have excellent news!First of all, Vagrus – the Riven Realms has finally gained verified status on Steam Deck! It’s been a long haul, but we have finally reached our goal. We were originally able to attain the simple playable badge, and then, through continuous testing and grit among certain team members, we created and released a build last week that Valve was able to test and approve for verified status. We’d like to express our gratitude to you, the players, without whom we might not have made it this far. The game is already live on Steam Deck, but if you are familiar with it, you may now notice the presence of a new, shiny verified badge. Naturally, we recommend you give it a go!


These efforts have been part of a general push to get the game to as many platforms as possible, while continuously bringing new quality-of-life features to Vagrus. This includes support for controllers and most small screens, translations into a variety of languages (mostly machine-based), and an overwatch rework to name but a few. Then there’s our forthcoming expansion, the most recent devlog of which you can check out here. All in all, we’ve had our hands quite full.

In other news, we are delighted to inform everyone that we have partnered with the devs over at Worldwalker Games LLC and Trese Brothers to present you with a kickass bundle! Get ready to grab three award-winning games: Vagrus – The Riven Realms, Star Traders: Frontiers, and Wildermyth, all in the Endless Adventures Bundle offering a 10% discount on all three games! It is very important to note that the bundle is here to stay and the 10% can be combined with any other sales discounts, so if you are looking for a good deal, it might be worth checking back during a Steam sale.

Each of these award-winning games offers hundreds of hours of playtime, with a wealth of stories and character-building opportunities, and all in all, a simply stunning amount of content. Let’s look into the details, shall we?


With more than 30 character classes, hundreds of talents and ship components, and nine factions to champion (or use entirely for your own ends), Star Traders: Frontiers presents countless ways to play this sci-fi captain RPG. Discover black markets and smuggle your way to a fortune; rise through the ranks and command a starfighter carrier; brave wild worlds and discover new stories and become the kind of captain you want to be.


Wildermyth is an imaginative fantasy adventure RPG that uses an incredible procedural storytelling system to take your unique heroes on their own journey every playthrough. Tactical combat encounters are rich with options and enemies, and even having a character taken down offers choices that will impact your party’s story. Get new heroes, new enemies, new story events, and new maps every time you play.


Last but not least, Vagrus – The Riven Realms offers a vast, open world to explore, filled with unique locations, strange factions, and a colorful cast of characters in this caravan-based RPG with an immersive and detailed dark-fantasy setting. Recruit a wide variety of companions to aid your ventures, fight cruel and terrifying foes, uncover secrets, and survive challenges that make it immensely satisfying to succeed.

Intrigued? Do check out the bundle and remember: the discount can be combined with any other discount during any Steam sale event! In the meantime, stay tuned, stay safe, and conquer the wasteland!

The Lost Pilgrims Team


Lost Pilgrims
Nov 7, 2018
Vagrus and its extras are available with various discounts during Steam's Strategy Fest


Mar 1, 2021
I tried the demo.

Tell you what, I find it harder and harder to focus on too much text in games. I don't know if my head is getting that much crammed after playing RPGs for 30 years or if it's just that the focus grows thinner with the years, but man, I must salute the developers of this immensely well-written text-based RPG adventure.

Given the predicament above, I would certainly not imagine myself being immersed in reading this much, much less being able to picture everything so vividly as during the school years.

I will definitely try the whole game when the time is right.


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
I wonder if it is the era of this age that even affects the older generation to grow impatient with text? So much TLDR shiz?


Mar 1, 2021
I wonder if it is the era of this age that even affects the older generation to grow impatient with text? So much TLDR shiz?
Indeed, I'd say there are at least several grains of truth to what you say. However, I read a lot in general; guides at work, books, RPGs... so I hope it's mostly just that in my case :-D

RPGs should have a lot of text; I wouldn't dispute that. But I believe there should be a way to go about it: campfire talks, flavor text, investigation into the history of characters or lore, etc. So, why not make only some char or NPC conversations long, but most with punchy lines?
Also, we should often see those 'one or two strangely special sentences' that tickle our instinct of 'this leads to something I want to see as a result' kind of stuff.
I feel that things like P:WoTR with an awesome combat system prior to which you are forced to read who did what for whom and hurt who while talking about them who... for 10 minutes really don't help the cause, hehe.

But I digress. My point was that I had been pleasantly surprised by text-heavy Vagrus feeling as enthralling and original as people had often said.
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Dec 13, 2019
Indeed, I'd say there are at least several grains of truth to what you say. However, I read a lot in general; guides at work, books, RPGs... so I hope it's mostly just that in my case :-D
Disco Elysium solved the problem with text by changing the format:

1) There is less text at one time and letters are bigger, which helps to "deal" with the overall length.
2) There are more interjections/dialogues, rather than monologues that can end being a drag.
3) It also helps when text is interesting/engaging/well written (which is obviously hard to quantify).


May 1, 2018
I wonder if it is the era of this age that even affects the older generation to grow impatient with text? So much TLDR shiz?
Personally, I just find myself skipping paragraphs of text if need be when the quality of writing is average. If it's not something that hooks me in from the start, I'm not interested in word-count vomit.


Feb 12, 2017
I wonder if it is the era of this age that even affects the older generation to grow impatient with text?
Maybe not so much impatient as familiar. The more you've read the harder it will become for something to fully fire up those neurons, it's only natural.


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019
Expansion Release Date Update

It’s been a while since we posted an update on the release of Sunfire and Moonshadow, and given our previous announcement in May on aiming to release the expansion in Q3 2023, it’s only fair that we share a project update.

In the last few months, the whole team has been hard at work to set up and fill the huge new region we picked for our upcoming DLC that slowly grew into an Expansion. It’s been a daunting task given the size of the Bronze Desert and our goal to keep the standards we set in the main game regarding engaging storytelling and activities. We wanted to pick a region that was not tied up by existing in-world historical events too much, so we could be free of those constraints when designing new storylines but that freedom also meant that there were more things to expand upon and work out the finer details of – locations, NPCs, dynamics, and storylines. Overall, it has taken a lot longer to create all the content we set out to but we are finally getting there.

Our progress has been impacted by external factors as well, namely sickness and some changes on the team. Life is turbulent these days with the economic pressure mounting up on firms and individuals alike so it’s natural that such changes occur even if their timing wasn’t ideal.

Another factor that played into delaying the expansion beyond Q3 – as you have surely figured we were gonna share here – was the crowded RPG release schedule of the last two months with Baldur’s Gate 3, Starfield, and a number of smaller titles. Not wanting to be overshadowed by those giant games and their marketing machines, we decided to go further: expand and polish our DLC until we are happier with it, and, of course, find a more suitable release slot. While we have not nailed down the exact date yet, we are still aiming for this year, so just bear with us a little longer.


Thanks for your continued support.
The Lost Pilgrims Team


News Cyborg
Aug 24, 2019
Sunfire and Moonshadow Release Date and Season Pass Announcement

Hey everyone,

It’s been quite the year since we started developing Sunfire and Moonshadow, our first expansion. Those of you who’ve been following us know that it is introducing a new vast region to explore with a swathe of new settlements, new enemies to conquer, new stories to be a part of, a large cast of characters, and new quests to complete through which you can make your mark on the continent of Xeryn. That’s not all, however, as the Bronze Desert introduces a central conflict involving three new factions – the Ahari, the Chimera Legion, and the Handjari. The expansion features content approaching half the size of the core game.

We have already shared many of its numerous teasers and tidbits, and now we have very good news for those who have been looking forward to getting their hands on it. *Drumroll* The release date for Sunfire and Moonshadow is officially the 7th of November! We’ve been looking forward to it for quite a while now and we are eager to share the anticipation with you all. So much love has been poured into its development; we can only hope that when the time comes, you’ll be able to enjoy playing it as much as we have creating it.

Furthermore, we are adding a Season Pass that will allow players to buy both the expansion and a further two upcoming DLCs! This way, we will gauge interest in our unannounced DLCs, one of which will be adding two companions to the core game (planned release in the first half of 2024) while the other will add a new region (expected around the end of 2024). The Season Pass will grant you a small discount on all that is included, and will greatly support future content creation as well.

Until then, stay patient, stay vigilant, and conquer the wasteland!
- The Lost Pilgrims Team


Edgy Vatnik Wumao
Jun 2, 2017
Tctctc another vaporware.....by the release mega chad joe would have declared a war to iran and thus ended the world in nuclear chadcaust!


Aug 24, 2013
How many expansions are planned in total? When can I start playing the gold edition of sorts? With all the addons, expansions and dlcs in?


RPG Codex Boomer
Nov 23, 2016
Well, Wrath of the righteous released a SECOND season pass so who knows if other games will follow that path.


Dec 31, 2017
Canadians are ugly
How many expansions are planned in total? When can I start playing the gold edition of sorts? With all the addons, expansions and dlcs in?
"This way, we will gauge interest in our unannounced DLCs, one of which will be adding two companions to the core game (planned release in the first half of 2024) while the other will add a new region (expected around the end of 2024)."


Oct 21, 2021
Occupied Gallia Celtica
I have been burned too much by greedy devs over the years and I do not let myself easily tempted by season pass and such promises(I only took one in my life I think). But for once I think I will take the risk to take the season pass as I very much liked the game despite its flaws.

I am looking forward to it.

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