Demon, Vampire, Wraith, Hunter and Mummy all fit together just fine. Mage can be slotted in quite easily. Changeling can be explained away with the parts of paradise that were severed from the rest when God delivered His almight bitchslap against reality (and Glamour seems like a specialized type of Faith). Werewolf has claims that Gaia is an aspect of Ziana, the mightiest of the angels of the wild, and that the Garou and their ilk are the descendants of the Malhim, bestial warrior angels of yore. But a good chunk of the rest of the lore, like the Triat and all the various Umbral Realms, are a bit more tricky.
Yeah, I pointed out that WtA says the Christian God is actually just a moderately powerful spirit called "The Patriarch" (real creative!) that serves the cosmic spider triat.
This "fractured cosmos" even has
a wiki page. As I said, one of the ToJ books outright states that these don't actually take place in the same universe but in a multiverse. DTF says this too, but phrases it as "reality existing on multiple layers of understanding" to reconcile modern science with biblical literalism. For that matter, in DTF all the fallen refer to God with exclusively female pronouns just to fuck with Christian readers.
These settings don't fit together. The books literally say so. So any attempt to make them fit is doomed to failure.
Chaos Factor tried and got retconned away. Not that this has stopped both fans and writers alike from trying anyway, nor stopped Paradox from making their "one world of darkness" by retconning away everything they don't like.
Also, a lot of fans at the time hated DTF for trying to force everything into a pseudo-Christian theological framework using nonsensical magical explanations. A lot of them still do. It completely goes against the in-character beliefs/observations of werewolves, fairies and most mages, who would probably be very angry to hear it too.
It is extremely inconsistent. A good example of this is the clusterfuck that is how the books handle India. One of the old vampire books claims that Hindu myth was inspired by some really old feuding vamps. DTF says that Hindu gods are actually all ancient demons bound to reliquaries who were summoned by people Lucifer shared their true names with. The Indian mages, shifters and fairies don't believe that, obviously.
I don't mind if it doesn't make sense. But I don't get fans' obsession with trying to rationalize it when it's clearly a clusterfuck of contradictory motivations by dozens of writers over around a decade of development. Like the endless lore arguments about Cain's backstory and whereabouts, I feel that's a distraction from actually important issues like WW's game design being shit for three decades straight, the generally atrocious pretentious writing in these books, the nonsense jargon (e.g. the Lestat type is called bullfighter in gratuitous Spanish, the Lost Boy type is called a witch in gratuitous Spanish), or Activision's blatant false advertising by focusing excessively on Jeanette when she only appears for a relatively short time before her subplot is exhausted.