Yup,ACG is really shit at reviewing games. You can watch its whole review and still don't know what the game is about.
Shaggy hair plus beard, yes.Royal army had TONS of soldier with hipster beards.
And what was hidden under those turbans?
Hipster buns and (as one can guess) other hipster hairstyles
ftfydidn't pay enough for the scores.
Third horror is the dialogue wheel. It suffers from the same thing all them suffered: you choose an option and the avatar is angry and says something else. Who the fuck invented them? If it was Bioware then they have a special place in hell. Next to HhR.
Most reviewers who reviewed Vampyr today would give Bloodlines even lower scores...So the common consensus is that this game - Bloodlines it is not.
By no kill they mean you don't need to kill any of the named NPCs. Everyone knows that people that attack you are not alive or human so killing them does not count>you can do a no kills run
>mandatory fights in the tutorial
C'mon it's not like he couldn't play it since yesterday. On the other hand internet connection in some countries is shit.I put a couple of hours in the game just to spite the local bulgarian pirate.
toro can the keys be remapped?
How is the city map?
So far it looks like a map from Thief 2014: linear, hard to navigate and full of loading screens.
Third horror is the dialogue wheel. It suffers from the same thing all them suffered: you choose an option and the avatar is angry and says something else. Who the fuck invented them? If it was Bioware then they have a special place in hell. Next to HhR.
Homosexual Hot Rod?
cdkeysDOTcom has the game in stock for very tempting EUR 28.69 right now.
these few sentences tell me more things that actually matter than most of the "professional" reviewers did. Thx.I put a couple of hours in the game just to spite the local bulgarian pirate.
The most horrifying thing until now are the controls: the game was designed for a pad ... and KB+mouse are not handled properly. 1st step for whoever wants to play this -> disable mouse sensitivity.
Second most horrifying fact are the loading screens. Too long even with an SSD. While it looks good I think they crippled the engine to fit the consoles cause honestly it feels like a shitty port.
Third horror is the dialogue wheel. It suffers from the same thing all of them suffered: you choose an option and the avatar is angry and says something else. Who the fuck invented them? If it was Bioware then they have a special place in hell. Next to HhR.
Other than this there are stupid things like the fact that our doctor is death incarnate for hundreds of human enemies and vampires but still at the same time he can poetically muse about life and death. It's the same shit as Lara Croft killing thousands of people without remorse.
Also there are small storytelling discrepancies: one moment you don't know about vampires are and the second moment you are describing their subspecies !? I did not play too much but there were a couple of wtf moments like that.
But the story and the atmosphere were decent until now. The quests are nothing special but they do make sense in the game world (which is good) and a couple of them are compelling to say the least.
And I was pleasantly surprised by ... wait for it ... by the combat. It's not Dark Souls but at lvl5 I was able to kill a Skal lvl 14 and some vampire at lvl 16. This is incline in my book cause skill based player will have fun with this shit.
Overall, not great but not bad either. I look forward to play more and see if there are real consequences.