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Warhammer Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector - Space Marines vs Tyranids turn-based strategy


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Sanctus Reach is basically the older version of Battlesector. It has fewer factions at this point, though.


Jun 7, 2008
I have TW Warhammer 1 and 2 because they were cheap and had a lot of stuff. I will learn and play them, maybe after I finish POE1. Glad I held off on TW:WH3.

Should I learn on TW Medieval 2 first? I have a habit of buying TW games and never playing them.

Hobo Elf

Feb 17, 2009
Platypus Planet
Sanctus Reach is basically the older version of Battlesector. It has fewer factions at this point, though.
Its campaigns are much better, though, and it has several of them. Even the random ones are better acutally.
I'd say the mechanics are a lot better, too. All Battlesector had was nicer and more polished graphics, but everything else it did worse. Still, it could've served as a nice platform for good DLC. Unfortunately that hasn't happened and after nearly 3 years I doubt it will.


Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Why is that?

It's an old ass engine that is incredibly moddable. The engine gives modder access to pretty much everything including making custom campaign map, hence it became THE TW games to make mods and play mods in.

Medieval 2 base is decent game on its own but with the dozen good mods it has, you pretty much can play whatever Total War games you want, even Warhammer!


Apr 5, 2009
I'm a Banana
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity
Sanctus Reach is basically the older version of Battlesector. It has fewer factions at this point, though.
Uh no it's not.

(Edit: snipped paragraphs: I was wrong lol)

You also have free reign over what units you include. These units include anything from babby Assault Marines (Bloodclaw) to Tactical Marine that can specialize in something like a flamer or just use a bolter (Grey Hunter) to Devastators (Longfang) to Terminators (Wolfguard) to Dreadnoughts to Land Speeder Squadrons to Biker Squads (Swiftclaws) to Librarians (Rune Priests) to Force Commander.

It's like tabletop 40k before the advent of Formations and Detachments.

Here are some screens from when I recorded the first few missions. And these recordings were 1 hr to 1.5 hrs long each.

Third mission. Force selection.. is 3000 points:

Now this is a two pronged attack against I guess ~3000 pts of Orks. (Except you don't know at start that there is more than one. Because fog of war):


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Apr 5, 2009
I'm a Banana
Divinity: Original Sin Project: Eternity
Oh, and that was 11 turns.. in 1 hour 15 minutes.

In other words, be ready to spend at least 5 minutes per turn. Outside of the thinking part... Even though you don't need to roll dice, you have a shitload of miniatures to move and you can't shove them all at once with your arm.

Battlesector isn't even as complicated as Chaos Gate '98. It's babby.

Edit: Actually I forgot.. You can mount up in multiple units in Rhinos since you kinda run around with MSU (40k slang for multiple small unit, as Space Marines in 40k rules can split full 10-man squads into 2 fireteams). So there's actually reason to use them.

And it's still being updated. That's why I've still been holding back on doing a real full campaign.


Aug 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Or an actually good "procedural" one, something like Dawn of War.

I mean the Planetary Supermacy is basically that, but yeah would be better with all the factions in.

But what the game is lacking is an actual structured mission with different battle condition. As currently is even with better "planetary campaign" like DoW, the actual meat of the game, the combat, is incredibly bland and repetitive as it is the equivalent of youi and enemy standing in front each other and start firing like it was American Civil War


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
T'au are out, I guess, for the couple of you who care -

T’au are ready to fight in Battlesector!

The young and technologically-advanced race is the latest playable faction in Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector. Fourteen new units are available to extend the Greater Good to all the species of the galaxy.

Assault Teams

Pathfinders scout to prepare the battlefield for the Fire Warrior Strike and the Fire Warrior Breacher Teams. Their sophisticated target-painting technology allows them to hit even the most agile of targets. Those Teams are led into war by the Cadre Fireblade, whose presence amongst their ranks inspires them to fight even harder.

Jet-boost Elites

The XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team is an armored elite who is ready to take down anyone who stands in their path, thanks to their wide range of weapons. Nobody is safe from the sneaky assault of the XV25 Stealth Battlesuits, ready to eliminate the targets with the burst cannon or the fusion blaster.
These tough and well-armed suits boast jet-assisted speed that allows them to cross the
battlefield in bounding leaps.

A Battlesuits Army

Advanced targeting systems in the T’au Battlesuits allow them to continue operating ranged
weapons effectively, even when engaged in melee combat.
The XV88 Broadside Battlesuit has a high-tech sensor that constantly analyzes enemies on the battlefield, providing the pilot with a myriad of weak spots to exploit.
Enemies don’t have the time to react when the XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuit approaches them with the Camouflage Field activated.
It’s almost impossible to take the XV104 Riptide Battlesuit down. Its Shield Generator improves its survivability on the battlefield.

Vehicles made for war

The TX4 Piranha is armed with a Piranha Burst Cannon or a Piranha Fusion, while the Hammerhead Gunship is equipped with a Railgun or Ion Cannon.
These Machines of war are often a double-edged sword; powerful when pointed towards your
opponent, but dangerous when they themselves are destroyed. Due to the presence of
powerful anti-gravitic thrusters and jet engines, this unit is prone to exploding when it has
lost all of its health, damaging adjacent units indiscriminately.

A life to the pursuit of the Greater Good

The Ethereal is a member of the fifth caste of the T'au species, forming a ruling elite. The Sense of Stone, giving him a nigh-supernatural resilience, and the Zephyr’s Grace, allowing him to swiftly and silently move across the battlefield, make the Ethereal a resilient and inspiring leader.

Strategic and aggressive, the T’au Commander can pilot a hulking heavily armored Enforcer Battlesuit, or a highly maneuverable Coldstar Battlesuit. Equipped with Burst Cannon (Enforcer) or High-output Burst Cannon (Coldstar) and the T’au Flamer. T’au Commanders are the heroes of the T’au Empire and its most effective leaders. As masters of the strategic arts T’au Commanders direct the forces under their command with great skill, allowing them to inflict maximum damage on the enemy.

Every unit features distinctive, finely crafted models and unique special abilities. In addition, access brand new HQ abilities that benefit the entire faction: Seeker Missile Strike, Manta Strike and Orbital Ion Beam.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Slitherine to take on the future development of Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector

Slitherine is pleased to announce that it will now lead the development of all future content for
Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector. The leading strategy publisher has acquired the rights to the game’s engine and will work collaboratively with other developers to produce DLC broader in scope than anything released before.

Black Lab Games originally developed the game and the first six faction DLCs, as well as a wealth of new features and game modes between 2021 and 2024. The studio’s relationship with Slitherine dates back to 2015, with the release ofStar Hammer: the Vanguard Prophecy on PC. Moving forward, Black Lab Games will work on new projects that are still to be announced.

Marco Minoli, Director of Publishing at Slitherine, said:
“With Battlesector, Black Lab Games created one of the most tactically rich and comprehensive strategy games within the Warhammer 40,000 universe, which is still enjoyed by thousands of players today.
We’d like to express our deepest gratitude to Black Lab Games for its hard work and unwavering dedication to the project over the last few years."

“Looking to the future, Battlesector will remain a key title within Slitherine’s portfolio, and we’re excited to expand upon the game in new and exciting ways that players have yet to experience. We’d encourage fans to keep an eye out on the Battlesector Steam page and our social media channels for the very latest developments”.

Paul Turbett, CEO and Creative Director at Black Lab Games, said:

“Having the opportunity to develop a game set in the iconic Warhammer 40,000 universe has been an amazing experience. We at Black Lab Games are grateful to Games Workshop for letting us play in their universe, to the players who have joined us on the journey so far, and to Slitherine for making it all possible. I can't wait to see where the game goes from here, and I'm confident it's in safe hands and has a bright future”.
Jul 8, 2006
Slitherine to take on the future development of Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector

Slitherine is pleased to announce that it will now lead the development of all future content for
Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector. The leading strategy publisher has acquired the rights to the game’s engine and will work collaboratively with other developers to produce DLC broader in scope than anything released before.

Black Lab Games originally developed the game and the first six faction DLCs, as well as a wealth of new features and game modes between 2021 and 2024. The studio’s relationship with Slitherine dates back to 2015, with the release ofStar Hammer: the Vanguard Prophecy on PC. Moving forward, Black Lab Games will work on new projects that are still to be announced.

Marco Minoli, Director of Publishing at Slitherine, said:
“With Battlesector, Black Lab Games created one of the most tactically rich and comprehensive strategy games within the Warhammer 40,000 universe, which is still enjoyed by thousands of players today.
We’d like to express our deepest gratitude to Black Lab Games for its hard work and unwavering dedication to the project over the last few years."

“Looking to the future, Battlesector will remain a key title within Slitherine’s portfolio, and we’re excited to expand upon the game in new and exciting ways that players have yet to experience. We’d encourage fans to keep an eye out on the Battlesector Steam page and our social media channels for the very latest developments”.

Paul Turbett, CEO and Creative Director at Black Lab Games, said:

“Having the opportunity to develop a game set in the iconic Warhammer 40,000 universe has been an amazing experience. We at Black Lab Games are grateful to Games Workshop for letting us play in their universe, to the players who have joined us on the journey so far, and to Slitherine for making it all possible. I can't wait to see where the game goes from here, and I'm confident it's in safe hands and has a bright future”.
hopefully they will make some actual single player campaigns with all the new factions etc...would be nice if the mop up at the end of the battles did not take so long as well. I am not that optimistic they will do something good, but at least there is a chance now it seems instead of endless PvP faction DLC's. I have zero interest playing some zoomer on the internet in a head to head 'skirmish'.


Sep 23, 2015
Pathfinder: Wrath
Oh, and they are going to "reimagine" Planetary Supremacy mode too and they are adding 3 free units -
Royal Warden, Pyrovore and Biovore

First up is the Necron Royal Warden.

These loyal lieutenants of the Necron forces ensure that their Lord’s will is carried out. They wield a potent Relic Gauss Blaster and possess enough initiative to use Adaptive Strategies to increase the effectiveness of nearby forces. They also have the power to activate Engrammatic Logic systems in other Necron troops.

And then, for the Tyranids, are the Pyrovore and the Biovore.

The Pyrovore is a hulking mobile flamethrower and digestive bioform. Their dorsal mounted weapon can engulf entire squads of prey and the Burning Spray can melt away some of the strongest armour!
Contrastingly, the Biovore is a piece of living artillery that the swarm has evolved into a very different battlefield role. Carrying a brood of spore mines within its body, the Biovore hurls them across the battlefield to explode amidst their foes.

Game modes

We need and want to update our Multiplayer system. Firstly, we want to increase our tournament formats. Recently, we have tested our very first knock-out tournament. Secondly, we’re planning to keep growing the number of maps available as Battlefields. Also, there’s some fantastic custom multiplayer maps that our users have uploaded which really mix things up. Our plan is to add official rankings within Battlesector. We’d like to give our community the possibility to play both in public matches for fun and in ranked games for a more focussed challenge.

Planetary Supremacy
The Planetary Supremacy game mode was added to Battlesector ahead of Skulls in 2022. We’ve continued to tweak and improve this mode, including adding the ability to add custom maps from the Map Builder, but we know that you guys want and deserve so much more. So, a big part of our roadmap for Battlesector is to not just tweak Planetary Supremacy but to reimagine what it is and what it can be. We really want to give you something to get your teeth into.

We know that all of our players have a lot of love for the Age of Crimson Dawn campaign that comes included with the base game of Battlesector. Whilst the custom campaign creator has enabled the community to create some cool adventures, we also know that lots of you would like to see more narrative campaigns from us. Whilst we can’t say exactly what these will be right now, we can say that they’re coming, and we really look forward to telling some amazing new stories with Battlesector!


Jan 1, 2016
Nice, Imperial Guard and narrative campaigns. Came here to post about it too. Glad to see it isn't abandoned. Hopefully the new campaigns will introduce a new environment, such as a forest or ice planet, so that it isn't always just a red landscape. Custom planets would help vary 'Planetary Supremacy' into a pretty comprehensive mode, possibly better than Gladius if it had as many factions.

More green please, devs:


I could imagine them adding the Ultramarines easily, and extending the 'Devestation of Baal' campaign back in time, showing the Blood Angels defence, then the arrival of the Indomitus Crusade. I would prefer some completely different environment, enemy, and story however. I.E. "2nd War for Armageddon", "3rd War for Armageddon", "13th Black Crusade", "Battle of Biel-Tan", "Plague Wars", or "Octarius War" (latter ones especially if they wanna stick close to current events).

Factions now present, or coming soon:
  • - Space Marines (Blood Angels)
  • - Sisters of Battle
  • - Imperial Guard
  • - Orks
  • - Tyranids
  • - Necrons
  • - Tau
  • - Chaos Demons (Khorne)
(Total = 7. By comparison, Gladius - Relics of War has 13, and Dawn of War - Soulstorm has 9.)

That is starting to look quite good, hopefully one day like Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War. What potential future stuff they could they add, by process of elimination, considering that they seem to break down factions into subfactions? Khorne Demons seemed so random, as an update. It's unlikely we will see these, but that leaves...

Space Marine Chapters:
  • - Space Marines (Ultramarines)
  • - Space Marines (Dark Angels)
  • - Space Marines (Imperial Fists)
  • - Space Marines (Crimson Fists)
  • - Space Marines (Black Templars)
  • - Space Marines (Space Wolves)
  • - Space Marines (Salamanders)
  • - Space Marines (White Scars)
  • etc
Other Imperium factions:
  • - Adeptus Mechanicus
  • - Adeptus Custodes
Abhuman factions:
  • - Squats
Xenos factions:
  • - Eldar
  • - Dark Eldar
  • - Eldar Harlequins
  • - Eldar Exodites
  • - Genestealer Cults
Chaos Space Marine factions:
  • - Chaos Space Marines (Black Legion)
  • - Chaos Space Marines (Iron Warriors)
  • - Chaos Space Marines (Word Bearers)
  • - Chaos Space Marines (World Eaters)
  • - Chaos Space Marines (Emperor's Children)
  • - Chaos Space Marines (Thousand Sons)
  • - Chaos Space Marines (Death Guard)
  • etc
Chaos Demons factions:
  • - Chaos Demons (Slaanesh)
  • - Chaos Demons (Tzeentch)
  • - Chaos Demons (Nurgle)
Assuming they ever get around to any of this stuff, and the game isn't abandoned, it could unexpectedly become something pretty good like Gladius. It's got less narrative updates than they did for Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock.
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