I'm not sure if somebody said something about that (probably yes), but what with writing? I'm not asking about lore schticks, a bit more about overall quality and quantity. I was turned by their last game, WoT, and countless pages of childish, teen-giggling, occasionally simply boring writing. No matter if you are dwarf, humar, assimar or a vampire, nearly nobody acknowledges this.. Also, I cannot not to mention about Anevia-Irabeth questline.
I know it's from the original campaign, but still, Owlcat, and all this knee-pandering, made this impenetrable for me. I know that for Codexers writing is not important, personally I also don't respect gaming writers graphomania (with exceptions), but, no matter if we like this or not, that is a big part of modern RPG.
So, how it looks in this game? Did escape from Paizo contracts made Owlcat writing any better?