Dogmatic definitely feels more satisfying in general, but there are several points when it feels absolutely ludicrous and stupid, as well, like the scene with the administrator during Jaes personal quest in Act 2.
What was so ridiculous and stupid in this quest? You had to stay in line cause Inside the Imperium proper Rouge Trader is just a noble man, not above Lex Imperialis and whims of Adeptus Terra, other choices sometimes seems to be over the top cruelty but only you if you took it from perspective of current year western privileged liberal for who resources are infinite, take for example burned man whom you meet when you looked for cultist temple you could safe his life but he would live his entire rest of his miserable life in pain and suffering, his role as low level cleric meaning that he would get primitive implants and medicine if any... it was better to spare him this by applying the Emperor's Mercy.
But the Iconoclast... that was one part goody two shooes which had no place in the setting where human lives was the cheapest commodity, total absurd like giving alms to band of chaos corrupted mutants who just robbed and killed your crew member for pair of boots and great way to show you that iconclasm leads to heresy like the case of Governor of Penal colony who started with three dishes a day and ended up as raving lunatic.
You criticized the enforcers for mishandling the cool officer family? give them guns and forgive their ancestors sins? they endup as all filthy traitors, you spare the Xenos? got betrayed and your crew members and those who matter to boot officers and able crewmen butchered and so on so on...
When I got choice of iconoclast which did made sense in setting like giving foreman some day rations for being loyal and to build my image as Saintly guy or allowed shuttle captain to take the surving nobles and guards with me I agreed they both proven their loyalty five minutes alone and would be again asset for your crew but it was like i ended up with 20 iconoclast points that was so stupid.
Heretical? Why to pick it in first place? You are not Kunrad - he was disowned he had reason to go chaos as last desperate gambit, you on over hand won, and won over other candidates who should contest your ascension and look for dirty on you, are watched by Inquisition already, so why to pick the deal? nothing to gain lot too loose.
Only if you were madman or misantrope I guess but I was not Biden who wanted to watch protectorate to burn.
One Caviat I always ended up with Heresy points cause a quest in which you get heretical points for killing bunch of Xenos and someone who fought earlier crying Blood for Emperor, skulls for merchant throne and who behaved like Khorn berserk butchering his own Seneshal in fit of senseless rage and was filled by unnatural vigor, come on Owlcat fix your game, I killed him his son became next Winterscale RM casue I did saved him, I got no Chaos rebelion credits, deleted those points using the mod cause it was bug my char could even confront him about this but was forced by game to just let it slide.