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you take heavy weapons for mortars and rockets not machine guns
Is it possible to make non-combat character with pumped Charisma and Intelligence and keeping him on leash (out of combat)? Just out of curiosity.
Is it possible to make non-combat character with pumped Charisma and Intelligence and keeping him on leash (out of combat)? Just out of curiosity.
Anyone mention that potato translation is utterly garbage? If not, now you know.
What's worse - translators of D:OS who didn't finished or WL2 where it sucks? And both of them are old veterans in term of translations :mindblow:
There's no need to keep him out of combat - in easy fights, he doesn't matter and he doesn't really risk, in hard fights, he can lob grenades and shoot rockets like everyone else. With the explosives in this game being so powerful, there are no non-combat characters.
Why did you reminded me about these grenades....
You can even make everyones Int at least 8 for a really good party. 4 skill points per level really helps.
Is it possible to make non-combat character with pumped Charisma and Intelligence and keeping him on leash (out of combat)? Just out of curiosity.
I made one of my characters 10 INT 10 CHA and 4 coordination, gave him a sniper rifle and he's not even much less useful in combat than the rest combat focused team members. Go for it, imo it was a very good idea to do so.Is it possible to make non-combat character with pumped Charisma and Intelligence and keeping him on leash (out of combat)? Just out of curiosity.
It's shit is what it is. Don't leave coord at uneven numbers. Should have gone with 6 and put that extra into speed.
Also, are safecracking and toaster reapir woth it? The loot seems to be completly random and I'm not investing 12SP to get some clothes and broken toys...
Does anyone have any hard data or experience on Unarmed vs Blunt vs Melee? Are any of these even worth picking up? I was using an Unarmed strength girl in my squad who was pretty tank-like and usually picked up a kill while soaking up some hits. She seemed decent, but as the enemies started using more long-range weapons I felt like she was becoming more and more irrelevant.
Something Awful likes Wasteland 2:
I Wish I Had Known These Wasteland 2 Tips
Wasteland 2 is the sort of enormous, complex PC RPG that you can lose yourself in for weeks. You will smell bad. You will forget to eat, and hurriedly make up for it with poor dining decisions. It's fantastic.
It's also intimidating. Being confronted with the party creation screen feels like landing a space shuttle that has its buttons and readouts printed in dwarven runes. There are a ton of opaque choices to be made, and you don't have enough information to make most of them.
What follows are a few things I wish I had known when I began playing the game for review. For the record, this isn't one of those facetious articles that completely abandons the premise after a few lines. These are real tips.
Character Creation
- No matter how you decide to spread out your attribute points, you will want each character to have at least a 12 in the Combat Initiative derived stat. Anything less and enemies will frequently get their turn before you. They will use their turns to shoot you in the face. This is bad.
- How many skills do you want to focus on with a given character? With average Intelligence you can handle three or maybe four skills, just like real life. If you want five skills you'll have to stretch and invest in more Int. The breakpoints are 4 Intelligence for 3 skill points per level, 8 Int for 4 points per level, and 10 Int for 5 per level.
- If you want to free up attribute points, you can drop Luck to 1 without suffering consequences like stepping on rakes or having post-apocalypse psychos find out your cool spikey armor is made of pleather. If you don't care about recruiting NPCs, feel free to do the same with Charisma. Normal quest-solving dialog checks are handled by dialog skills, which are wholly independent of Charisma.
- Speaking of Charisma, when the game checks the stat it looks at the average of your entire party. This means that using Cha as a dump stat with three characters and having one super charismatic guy/girl with really great hair is effectively the same as having a party with fairly low Charisma. It's sort of an all-or-nothing proposition where your entire party must give up a bit of combat effectiveness and/or access to other skills. You'll have to decide if the tradeoffs are worth it.
- Take the Perception skill. It spots alarms and traps. There are a lot of these things because making lethal traps is apparently the national pastime in blown-up America. Disabling them grants a significant amount of XP which really adds up. I'd suggest putting the Demolitions skill (which disables traps) on your main character, to save yourself the hassle of constantly switching between characters.
- Most of the outfits (and, let's face it, character models) are pretty ugly. Don't worry, you'll spend most of the game with the camera pulled way out, and will find all sorts of cosmetic items as loot. Unfortunately, I have yet to come across the hockey mask that defines my trademark style in real life.
- Energy weapons are incredible against armored enemies, but otherwise fairly weak. You might want to pair them with a backup like SMGs or shotguns, which are both inherently strong against opponents with low armor. I shouldn't have to tell this to you if you spent any time in the Boy or Girl Scouts.
2-1-2-2-1-10-10 leader, if you're curious)
2-1-2-2-1-10-10 leader, if you're curious)
Why the 10 CHA?
- lotsa people recommend dumping coordination, luck, charisma or awareness and maxing INT; it's up to you but I wouldn't do that; if you dump COO and AW, your AP and initiative will suffer and relying on Speed only is not good enough
- Speed is tricky you'll get +1 AP at lvl2 and then another one at lvl6, personally I wouldn't go that far, 3 or 4 is probably enough, except for melee chars, those should go all the way to 6
- INT is the most important attribute but I don't think you have to max it, I'd say 5 is absolute minimum (that gives you +1 AP and +1 SP/lvl). Anything higher is obviously nice but not absolutely necessary. The chars level up very quickly and if you go with full party and read up on meta beforehand you don't need ALL DA SKILLZ POINTZ!!1!!; there are books, shrines and trinkets that will raise your skills too so don't fret about it too much
- I wouldn't completely dump charisma either, the bonus XP is not huge but it adds up over time (right now the difference between my CHA 6 guy and CHA 1 guy is 3 levels, at the beginning of California, that means 9 more skillpoints); plus a toon with high CHA and Leadership is a VERY nice addition to your team; plus some of the cooler companions you'll meet are Charisma locked (counted across your whole team) so if you make all toons with CHA 1, you'll be able to recruit only chumps
I could've sworn Scotchmo had lockpicking and safecracking, and he's really easy to get early.- great skills to have and level up from the get go are lockpicking, field medic and safecracking (afaik you won't find any companions with those)