Is it just me or do non-combat options almost always seem to yield less XP than combat? There's no incentive to bypass enemies or use skills to disable/calm them when you get a fraction of the XP.
FINALLY home and begun playing. I like everything I see and can forgive a lot of the stuff that is lacking (like no traits/perks), but combat is really weird with the complete lack of options. I will probably just toy around with it for now and put together my final(tm) party after the first patch.
combat is really weird with the complete lack of options
You're supposed to go back and slaughter them for the kill xp like the degenerate you are.Is it just me or do non-combat options almost always seem to yield less XP than combat? There's no incentive to bypass enemies or use skills to disable/calm them when you get a fraction of the XP.
Can you specify? Which options are you missing from WL2's combat?
oh no you didn'tSRR is more involved than this.
Can you specify? Which options are you missing from WL2's combat?
Anything, really. Combat maneuvers, hit locations, special abilities. Anything offering tactical variety beyond move/shoot. SRR is more involved than this.
oh no you didn't
The Hardcorps
This shit is in the bag!
Where is that picture of Popamole from? It's hilarious.
The tactical options usually lie in the placement of your rangers.
Well in my case using animal whisperer to avoid combat with animals is a good way to conserve ammo, and medkits which are kinda scarce in the beginning. Even if I get less XP whan for fighting, I prefer it over combat.Is it just me or do non-combat options almost always seem to yield less XP than combat? There's no incentive to bypass enemies or use skills to disable/calm them when you get a fraction of the XP.
Except that this isn't really the case at all, back when the skills were complete trash nobody used them and they were fixed to be more useful. From the beta til now most have become more viable. As the skills have been balanced so have the opinions of the skill system become positive. And this game has had thread upon thread dedicated to charisma being balanced, which led to it being how it is in the final game.This game is the perfect proof that unbalanced party mixes, trash skills and dump stats are the real fun in CRPGs.
Most members of my team are nearly dead, I have no money left and only two healing kits - I love every second of the game so far
Obsidian should take notice!
Still couldn't match D:OS's record high or even break 20,000, so pretty good.Roguey how do you feel about W2's steam charts now?
Ok, QA time. Dat damn turtle.
I helped it out and out of curiosity start following it. But I got distracted and lost it. And now my bud is telling me she leads me to a secret spot. Was running around the whole Nomad map but can't find it. So where's it?
Worked for me.the Suture Kit (surgeon 1) is bugged. The log says the chracther uses the kit but no animation and nothing happens
I dunno about you Anthony Davis but personally I kinda like it when an RPG does that. Makes me rethink my characters a good way in and restart. Most of the classic RPGs I did not finish on first playthrough. That might just be me though, but for me it's part of the experience.
That said you could probably make your party work if you want to. Just grind some random encounters, find some lower-level areas, use gunsmithing and scrounging to get some more scrap.
Also nothing wrong with giving someone else surgeon skill as a backup! Certainly once the team reaches 7.
Ok, QA time. Dat damn turtle.
I helped it out and out of curiosity start following it. But I got distracted and lost it. And now my bud is telling me she leads me to a secret spot. Was running around the whole Nomad map but can't find it. So where's it?It disappears (digs itself into the ground I think?) when it reaches the spot, so you kinda have to follow it, though I believe you can find the spot without him as well