dog that is hovering, Wastelands Interactive


I'm still hovering the cursor and r-clicking stuff - this way found a stash with a machine gun that was almost invisible.if you select a character with the perception skill, click LMB on it and there should be a circle around thecharacter, it's a passive skill and the circle shows its range.Guys, how should one use perception? Sometimes I discover things even if my Perception character is not the leader. But there's of course the option to press the number corresponding to the skill to search for something. So, do I need to be pressing this button? Or is this a more passive skill apart from the situations in which a right-click uses it?
BTW, someone has uploaded a collection of custom avatars here: https://imgur.com/a/QYyax#0
Most are crap/tryhard, but I liked some of them.
The biggest gripe I have so far (not too far in the game...) is that once I leave and re-enter Highpool (and I guess it's the same for all maps) after clearing it out from hazards, I have to trudge through the empty terrain to get to up the dam and from there back to the world map. Was kinda hoping there'd be a similiar mechanic to how Fallout handled its map entries there. Not really a biggie though.
Having good fun with the game again after a few months pause from the beta stuff.
There's a shortcut in Highpool that allows you to bypass that empty terrain. It becomes availableafter mayor's elections.
How often does one get the chance to hire nw characters? I have the medic from ag center but already have my own dedicated medic with computer skills, I dont want to reroll again. Also i think I fucked myself I have no ammunition anymore and nobody in the center seems to have some for trading and I have to talk to larson now ...
Lots of NPCs, but dunno what are the requirements are for each. I have 3 in my party and turned down like 3 other and I still didn't get into the ranger citadel.How often does one get the chance to hire nw characters? I have the medic from ag center but already have my own dedicated medic with computer skills, I dont want to reroll again. Also i think I fucked myself I have no ammunition anymore and nobody in the center seems to have some for trading and I have to talk to larson now ...
Fucking THIS! How I hate that it happens so many times.REVOLVERS CAN'T FUCKING JAM. IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
Also, I modified my weapons to get the jam rate down to 2% - and I'll be fucked if it doesn't seem to happen a shit load of the time.
Lots of NPCs, but dunno what are the requirements are for each. I have 3 in my party and turned down like 3 other and I still didn't get into the ranger citadel.How often does one get the chance to hire nw characters? I have the medic from ag center but already have my own dedicated medic with computer skills, I dont want to reroll again. Also i think I fucked myself I have no ammunition anymore and nobody in the center seems to have some for trading and I have to talk to larson now ...
Lol, I have a hobo with a shotgun![]()
I'm still not sure if they all of them always stick around. Some of them trigger events, some have high rogue chance and say weird shitLots of NPCs, but dunno what are the requirements are for each. I have 3 in my party and turned down like 3 other and I still didn't get into the ranger citadel.How often does one get the chance to hire nw characters? I have the medic from ag center but already have my own dedicated medic with computer skills, I dont want to reroll again. Also i think I fucked myself I have no ammunition anymore and nobody in the center seems to have some for trading and I have to talk to larson now ...
Lol, I have a hobo with a shotgun![]()
Good then I can swap the doc later for someone who complements my team. If I live that long
Lots of NPCs, but dunno what are the requirements are for each. I have 3 in my party and turned down like 3 other and I still didn't get into the ranger citadel.How often does one get the chance to hire nw characters? I have the medic from ag center but already have my own dedicated medic with computer skills, I dont want to reroll again. Also i think I fucked myself I have no ammunition anymore and nobody in the center seems to have some for trading and I have to talk to larson now ...
Angela, brawler and melee guy from rail nomads, hobo with a shotgun, some girl in Highpool etc.
I remember I jammed a lot in the beginning, but at char level ~8-10 it's almost not happening. I'm running with 2-4% jam chance, just like at the start - almost all my weapons are unique or something, because I can't install mods.Google says otherwise.REVOLVERS CAN'T FUCKING JAM. IT IS PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE.
Well shit, I stand corrected.
Still happens quite often for something that incredibly rare to happen with revolvers.
Anyway, game is great - though the RNG can make the game frustrating when fighting SIX Honey Badgers. S I X.
Angela Deth jammed, my sniper jammed, and then my main assault jammed - all on the first round. Fucking reload.
Also, Dr. Rose is a fucking psycho. Hahaha, too bad she just isn't an awesome psycho like Angela.
This game is the perfect proof that unbalanced party mixes, trash skills and dump stats are the real fun in CRPGs.
Most members of my team are nearly dead, I have no money left and only two healing kits - I love every second of the game so far![]()
HiddenX said:Obsidian should take notice!
I know, it's been asked many times but..
What's the list of sidequest that i have to do, to complete voting for the next mayor in Highpool ?
"Also, I modified my weapons to get the jam rate down to 2% - and I'll be fucked if it doesn't seem to happen a shit load of the time."
Low luck maybe? Of course, dice rolls are suually screwed up in any game always tilting high or low.