Ah, so, somewhere between 40-50 depending on random encounters and a few other factors. Thanks.
Ah, so, somewhere between 40-50 depending on random encounters and a few other factors. Thanks.
Nope. Think Vargas makes is crystal clear before you head out that you won't be able to.Can you return to Arizona after you leave for LA? I missed stuff like Gamma Ray Blaster, and all the statues.
Geesh, you must have fucked your builds even worst than me or indeed playing on harder difficultyjesus fucking christ the final battle is intense!
What gives? Who are these people that have no fucking ammo? Am I just lucky, or are they just terrible?
ok, sorry one more question/problem.Steam doesn't "install" games, it downloads them in compressed form in many tiny pieces (so if there's an error it can re-download one piece quickly) and extracts once downloaded.okay thanks, I see the portraits, but where are all the rest of the install files? There is only portraits and saved games and character files, I can't find the main install files etc..
If you're trying to back up your game you can just zip up the steamapps/common/Wasteland 2 folder.
yes, I have for a couple months, waiting for 'icewind dale enhanced' which should be out any day I heard..Also, does anyone else have a sudden urge to play Icewind Dale?
Question. In the final game stages:
Is there any way to stop your cybernetic squad mates from turning hostile? I am kind of fucked getting out of the basement because Rose is my computer techie and she goes rogue. Same for Lex QQ