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- Nov 5, 2013
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Isn't x in smart ass the only way to solve Rail Nomad problems the best way?
a "hidden" keyword is required.
Isn't x in smart ass the only way to solve Rail Nomad problems the best way?
Don't think there are more 30-06. guns than the ones we mentioned - you're supposed to switch to .308 and .50 in LA.
You can type a certain word into the chat window at the bottom (like in Fallout) during the peace negotations at the very end if you meet some prerequisites. It lets you finish the quest with no conversation skills (and without Brute Force)Heh? The hell you talking bout.
Don't think there are more 30-06. guns than the ones we mentioned - you're supposed to switch to .308 and .50 in LA.
There's a unique 7,62mm sniper rifle hanging from a crane in our LA outpost, but it has a bad damage spread - like 20-180 or something.
So what is the problem? They are not strictly needed to advance the main story, but you get extra loot and a few quest options if you have them. This I agree with.In my rangers-only SJ run I am amazed at how useless most skills are.
Animal Whisperes? Don't need it. Repair? Don't need it. Lockpick? Don't truly need it. Safecrack? Don't need it. XXX Ass? Don't fucking need it. Brute Force? Don't need it. Outdoorsman? Nope.
The only skills I needed are Weaponsmithing, weapon skills, Perception, Demolitions (which you could theoretically skip, but it'd slow you down a lot), Medic, Surgeon. And I do have Lockpick & Outdoorsman, strictly for convenience, but you could do without them. All you truly need are weapon skills and healing, I think.
(This isn't a complaint. They are rewarding skills in that they unlock different ways to do quests, or make certain quests possible.)
What's wrong with VA?
That... is... so... logical!Mechanical Repair can be used to fix stuff (locks, etc) that you break with a critical failure. (A anti-savescumming skill?)
About half of them sound like people from the inExile offices.
About half of them sound like people from the inExile offices.
I got to Highpool last night and one of the first radio voices is blatantly Chris Keenan, the Lead Designer.
I just got to LA; I would gess Matthias is an inExiler, as well as the crazy killer robot faction guy. The black guy is a real VA, and would guess the leader of the Mannerites is too although I could be wrong. Did Avellone write the Mannerites? Not only are they similar to you-know-who from NV, the quality of the dialogue is much snappier than the rest and stands out.
Hmn. Is that the guy yelling for help?
Hmn. Is that the guy yelling for help?
Nah when you first enter the area there's a guy yelling for help, and then there's a guy who responds on the radio and says "he can't hit shit" or something like that - that's Chris Keenan.
The John Henry song was funny.