relatively light on CRPG mechanics
I'm still not sure where this idea comes from; I think it beats a great many other games when it comes to cRPG systems, especially more recent ones. I wouldn't say that BG3 comes up lacking when compared to, for example, Wasteland 2/3 or the new Shadowrun games or D:OS, let alone action-oriented stuff like TES games or Fo3/NV/Fo4 or The Outer Worlds.
Part of what made the game's success so exciting for me is that it's demonstrated that the wider public are capable of grasping and really enjoying turn-based cRPGs as long as the mechanics are presented in an intuitive way. It's not even a case of people putting up with gameplay they find unappealing for the sake of the story (eg Dragon Age), I've seen people at work who normally don't play games enthusiastically talking about their ideas for builds and shit.