got no where else to post this, so here it goes
Game: The Duellist
Gengre: Simulation
Premise: You take on the role of a young hussar in the rightful emperor Napoleon Bonaparte's army. You try to gain rank and reputation by being a good soldier, earning lands and titles, and of course -- by giving foul mouthed knaves a licking they so desperately deserve. The game is split into 3 segments -- war, social, and honor.
War: During war you play initially as a soldier who is put in charge of a small company when your commanding officer is killed and play a small timey turn based tactical match not too dissimilar to ToEE or something of that ilk. As you fight you have the opportunity to raid and loot the areas while you try to accomplish your mission(s) such as burning down an enemy stronghold, killing key enemy targets, defending areas of importance, ambushing trade caravans, etc.
Social: During the social phase you engage in gentlemanly banter with your fellow Christians and try to earn a proper reputation so as to find yourself a virtuous wife. You can engage in acts of diplomacy, politics, art, gambling, sportsmanship, hunting, or socializing. This section is primarily focused on skill checks and careful navigation of dialog trees not too dissimilar to the 'choice of' games -- but you still retain control of your avatar. You also attempt to stay up to date with modern fashion and secure a proper supply of mustache wax. Careful tho, some may not take a liking to your person and may either insult you or create such an excessive circumstance that they deserve to be insulted. Such cases can only be settled with a proper showing of strength and honor.
Honor: During the honor phase you engage in a one-on-one duel with the undignified lout that ever dared to besmirch your good name. Duels take place in person with saber, pistol, saber and pistol, or on horseback with saber. Duels award respect and honor but can also tarnish your reputation by naming you blood thirsty and brutish, depending on many factors such as whether you instigated the fight, fought admirably or cowardly, and how far you take the duel (some deserve death, others deserve mercy, but their holdings are for the victor to take should they fall to the grave).
The game takes place over a period of 50 years whereupon you will age from 20 to 70 and finally die. It is your ultimate goal to afford land, wealth, reputation, and to sire sons and daughters so that your legacy may live on.
As you garner honor you are afforded many gifts such as larger and more elaborate smoking pipes, tastefully decorated coats and mustache jewelry, and of course, and increasing vocabulary of gentlemanly discourse.