I've just finished Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut, which I backed on KS back in the day. Well, it was a little underwhelming, especially compared to other arcade flight "sims".
On the plus side, it is very intense, action packed, and the strike suit mechanic (you can transform into a mech) is fun and works well. The soundtrack (made by the composer of Homeworld) is nicely done. My biggest gripe is that the difficulty is all about the AI throwing dozens and dozens of ships at you. The last fight stages you against 200!!!!!! fighters, a dozen capital ships and lots of torpedos. It is exciting, but monotonous at the same time. Targeting subsystems is present, but are barely working, you can't cycle between the diffrent subsystem, you have to face the exact turret, and hit target. Hitting the next target button sometimes selects a subsystem, sometimes not, it is totally unreliable.
What made me a little angry is that a very important thing was not explained in the campaign at all. Meaning that if you target specific parts of the capital ships, they go down faster. But this was only explained in the DLC missions, which I only tried after beating the main campaign.
Overall, it was fun for the 7 hours it lasted, but I won't go back to it ever.