Resident Evil - Revelations
The good:
- Decent (very good by Capcom standards) PC port: graphics are nice, no glitches, mouse controls are good. But you need the latest
crack version for that (September 2014), since older have micro-stuttering (weird slowdowns when turning the camera around).
- Gameplay is acceptable / good. Shooting is fun, aiming with mouse is perfect, you can strafe while aiming. Fucking revolutionary achievement for Capcom. What RE4 should've been, IMO: popamole shooter in RE universe, done right.
- Gun variety (5 different types) and customization options (parts) are nice.
- No fucking QTEs. But there are some shit "mash buttan" mechanics - see below.
- Almost no timed events, which I fucking hate. Almost! (see below).
- Most levels / missions are well designed - sometimes you survive with almost no ammo and healing items. If you fucked up, it's 99% your fault. Sign of good design and a lot of testing.
- Raid mode is p. good. I rarely bother with such modes in RE games, but I liked it here, probably due to good mechanics.
- Plenty of unlockables (weapons, parts, skins, missions, difficulties)
- DAT ASS(es).
The bad:
- The "mash buttan" mechanic is unnecessary (too primitive) and badly done (I can understand mashing "action" button, but waving the mouse around? WTF?).
- Rachel is "Nemesis done wrong": hard to kill, highly irritating, appears way too often, but defeating her gives weak prizes (parts) and no sense of achievement (whatever, she will be back in next mission).
- There are only 2 timed sections (thank God), but both of them are shit, esp. the 1st one, when you face BOTH Rachel and the big fatty midboss, of course during the final part of the mission, so you have to repeat it over and over to memorize enemy layout / spawn points. Fuck this shit.
- "Shooting gallery" sections (Chris hurting his leg, gunning down the huge monster) are meh. Who needs this shit, TBH?
- Same with the "escort some fag to safety, while using only a gun" sections. Especially the final one (Terragrigia) is BSB / irritating - see below.
- The game suffers from HUGE quality drop in final missions (4?): shooting gallery, "escort" mission with fast enemies and scarce ammo (the only mission with this problem - why the fuck did they put such shit late in game?), underwater mission without weapons but with enemies who can one-shot you (previous missions with partially flooded sections were 100 times better), boring boss battle. Too fucking bad, since early game was good / very good.
The ugly:
- Autosave system + plenty & long messages (HEY! LISTEN! this game uses autosave feature! HEY! LISTEN! The game just saved! HEY! LISTEN! Some shit just got unlocked! etc). Jebus fucking christ, it saves to a SSD drive, not a memory card of a console, speed it up niggers!
- GUI is a bit cumbersome, esp. weapon customization.
- Your partner is useless, but at least immortal (?) and has his/her own ammo, so it's not that bad. Except the final Terragrigia mission, where you have to use the pistol most of the time, Jessica is equipped with a MG and does jack shit to prevent Hunters from ripping off your balls. I mean staring at her ass is nice, but can't she actually kill something once in a while?
- Writing is initially good (Jessica hitting on Chris, nigger + geek duo), but devolves in later parts (as the rest of the game).
- The plot is usual RE nonsense, which can scare some people off (Suddenly there are two ships! What a tweest! Wait, there are three of them actually!).
- Boss battles are kinda meh: fags have plenty of HP, mostly weak attacks, but can also one-shot you, their patterns / AI are simplistic. Fighting huge mobs of regulars is more fun.
- FOV is dogshit, thank God you can increase it with Widescreen Fixer.
- Episodic character (cliffhangers, sudden interruptions, character switching) can get on some people's nerves.
(and a half)
Most fun I had with RE game since RE0. Looking forward to RER2, though knowing Capcom, it will most certainly be shit.