Playing Diablo 1 for the first time. Played the shit out of Diablo 2 back in the day, but never got around to playing the original. Rectifying this.
I went ahead and installed the
HD Mod. It's actually a very cool mod, lots of work was put into it, it adds a lot of improvements that make the game much less of a chore, such as auto attack, item highlighting, hold shift to hold your position, completely redone barter interface, trade stash a la Torchlight, high resolution/widescreen support with zooming in and out with the mouse wheel, etc. Seriously impressive.
I tried the warrior at first, but he's just eating damage with his face and you can't get very far without stocking up on potions and chugging them all the time. But the rogue with her bow? ... fuck, it's just easy mode all the way. I hold shift, press down the left mouse button, make some passes across the room, and everyone's dead without me taking any damage. This is a very badly balanced game.
Also, maybe it's the mod, but uniques are dropping like it's Christmas, and I'm leveling up all the time. I've only cleared 3 floors of the dungeon, but I'm already level 8 with some good gear.
The game's main problems so far are the awfully slow moving speed (basically you can't run, who the hell thought this would be a good idea for an action RPG) and the inventory size. You pick up 4 axes or armor suits and you're full, cast the town portal scroll, go sell your shit to at least 2 merchants (blacksmith buys armor/weapons while the witch buys potions/scrolls/staves/etc). And don't forget to run up by Deckard Cain first to identify everything. Argh. Feels like I'm spending at least 50% time peddling vendor trash. But eh, I've already got 10k in my name.
It's actually a very small and primitive game, despite the fact that it started a genre. It's just one town with one dungeon. You get to choose between 3 classes (warrior/mage/rogue), but apart from their sprite they all behave mostly the same, just with different attribute caps. Your sprite also never changes, no matter what armor you equip. There are no skills, but you get spell books to learn spells (so basically anyone can be a mage, as long as they put enough points in Magic to use the books and have enough mana to cast spells).
It's kinda charming in that old 90's game way, so I guess I'll play some more, haven't got to the Butcher yet, maybe it picks up later.